• Missy Mila Twisted Tales GIVEAWAY

    Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. HOLY MOLY!! Alice has officially hit the ‘WHY’ stage. HOLY MOLY I had forgotten what it was like to hear “what’s that?” “why is this….” 4356 questions per hour!! (Okay, fine maybe not that many, but it sure felt like MORE!!) The morning had made me wishing this kid had a mute button!!  I wasn’t looking forward to a long car ride with Miss Curious! But, I put in Missy Mila Twisted Tales Volume 1. The entire car ride Alice giggled and laughed!! When she wasn’t laughing she sat mesmerized!!  Mesmerized and QUIET!!! I LOVE THIS DVD!!! I want to…

  • Nutrient Rich Orange Power Masque Color Therapy!

    It’s no secret that I think Painted Earth Skin Care line is exceptional. Product after product that I’ve reviewed is better than the last!! This one is one of my top favorites!! Color Therapy masque is a dry powder, only activated after you mix it with a liquid of your choice. I mixed my Color Therapy with vitamin C serum. Color Therapy is made with beet powder, turmeric powder, and vitamins B & C, this masque is well-rounded and mild for all skin types. It can be especially useful for dry, mature, sun-damaged skin. That would be me!! Now, as far as how it works! I love that I mix this…

  • Unstoppable Movie Jacket

    Unstoppable GIVEAWAY!!!!

    Kirk Cameron makes the story of the Bible, life, loss, LOVE and Faith 100% captivating!! Unstoppable had me thoroughly engrossed through the entire movie!! I’m never that engrossed in a movie, I’m always multi-tasking. Usually typing away on my laptop, Unstoppable drew me in so entirely I was mesmerized. The style of filming is beautiful! The music is amazing!! Kirk Cameron is so beautiful to watch, powerful to listen to. Kirk makes the Bible sound like a modern day thriller!  I want MORE!! I want the story telling to continue!! Unstoppable left me feeling refreshed, hopeful and well, happy!! ABOUT UNSTOPPABLE Inspired by the death of Cameron’s close friend who succumbed…

  • Tips and Tricks for Planning a Vacation!

    The anticipation of a vacation is often what can keep us going through a rough season at work. It’s good to have something to look forward to in order to endure the stress of everyday life. That’s why it’s important to create a well-formed plan so your experience is as stress-free as possible. Ensuring a detailed checklist is a part of this, including your passport, boarding pass, and even any extra important documents such as an e-ticket from http://dominicanrepubliceticket.org/ if you’re travelling to the Dominican Republic as your chosen destination. Having the correct travel documents available when you arrive at the airport is crucial for a relaxed travel experience. Vacations…

  • Time For School!!

    I’m one very lucky girl!! I get to spend my days with the CUTEST 2 year old on the planet!! My Granddaughter Alice. This kid is a crack up!! Yesterday I said something that made her laugh, so I said “See? NaNa’s a FUNNY GIRL!!” With a deadpan straight face she turned to me and said “You are??”  Ohhhhkayyyy fine!! I THINK I’m a funny girl! Funny NaNa or not, I’m really amazed at how much this kid absorbs everyday!! She has a stack of site words that she KNOWS without hesitation. She can count to twenty. She knows her ABC’s. She knows all of her letters and numbers by…

  • Labato iPhone 5 & 5s

    I sound like a broken record here, but, I am addicted to cases!! I truly do want one case for my phone in every single color and every single style. Then again for my iPad, yes, every single color and every single style. I have to admit that my Labato cases are a favorite. The quality and workmanship are outstanding! Today my review is about the iPhone 5 Leather Case. This case is stunning. Made of leather inside and outside. The inside cover is a super soft microfiber lining with “Labato” written on the lining very faintly. This case is slim and very light weight. It adds absolutely no weight to the…