• Amazing 3D Mascara GIVEAWAY!!!

    Are you ready for the MOST amazing set of eyelashes EVER!??!! YOUR own lashes!! Not fake lashes!! 3D Fiber Lashes doesn’t take any glue! There is no mess, you just have full, thick, STUNNING lashes!! 3D Fiber Lashes is amazing stuff!!  I am thoroughly and completely in LOVE with this stuff!! Y’all know I am a sucker for packaging! Younique does not disappoint!! The 3D Fiber Lashes arrive in a black, hard clam shell case. Younique etched on the top in silver with a little flower. As soon as I saw the case I knew 3D Fiber Lashes was something special! 3D Fiber Lashes only adds a few seconds more…

  • Whiplash Eyelash Curler!!

    Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. I have the best eye lash curler EVER to share with you today!! Meet the Whiplash Eyelash Curler!!  So, you’re probably wondering what is so different about the Whiplash Eyelash Curler over other curlers?? Well, lots actually! First and most importantly, my lashes stayed curled all day!! Not only all day, but, I noticed that when I was washing my make off at night, my lashes were still curled!!! Another major feature is the advanced top bar design that fits all eye shapes and sizes, with absolutely no lashes left behind!! I haven’t lost a single lash!! Next up is the…

  • Be Prepared For The Unexpected!!

    If you are already a pet owner, you know that, just as with children and adults, an emergency situation can occur or a specific medical issue can arise that makes it necessary for you to seek professional help. If you are contemplating adding a pet to your life, it’s important to consider what is involved in being a good caregiver for your pet. Knowing where to obtain immediate help for your pet, should they need it, can save your pet’s life. It can give you peace of mind even if you never need the services of an animal emergency clinic or specialty practice. One of the first things you should…