Well Now……….
Y’all know I have my trail cams in different areas around the outside of the house. I have gotten so many amazing shots. Deer, turkeys, bears. I love my wildlife photos. Well Now……….
Well, with the work on the deck and the new roof being put on, I had a BRILLIANT idea. I will move the trail cams farther away from the house where the animals will most likely show up. Smart? Right?? Then I can still get my wildlife pictures. It’s a win-win right??
Ummmmmmmmmmmm. Yeah. So smart. Until I realized I don’t remember where I put the cameras.
Bear and I hiked around for 2.5 hours. I found one. BARELY!! Seriously, these camera’s camouflage color and harder than HECK to spot.
I can’t find the 2nd camera. It is seriously hidden. Somewhere. Good news is it’s only a 10 acre lot. (bang head here)
So, I am heading out yet again to hunt for the camera.
OHHHHHHHHHHH wait, let’s add insult to injury here. The camera I DID find??! Ran out of batteries and has zip, zero, NADDA photos.
So somewhere down there, is a trail cam hopefully capturing photo’s of the bear cub that the roofers spotted yesterday.
So, wish me luck. Finding the camera AND it having a shot of a bear cub!!

I hate when you can’t find a camera in time!! There have been many shots I have missed!
Dana Rodriguez
How frustrating! I hope you found it!
Crystal K
Oh boy. I’m sorry that this sounds a little frustrating for you but take comfort in knowing that you made me feel less alone as I had a very scatterbrained day today! Sending you good memory vibes and hoping to see a bear cub photo soon!
Michele Soyer
What gorgeous property you have…have to get the pic of those bear cubs….
Tamra Phelps
Just a thought, but try looking at some of the photos you got from the other camera. Maybe you’ll recognize a tree or something and know where it is.
Nancy C
Wow, that’s wild. Too bad your camera’s battery wore out. I bet some good pics were on there! Hope you get some of the bear cub!
Oh no, I sure hope you find it!! I feel bad for you, but why am I chuckling… I think you could have a Lucy Ball of Sandpoint program! All the (mis)adventures!
Kate Sarsfield
Could you put some kind of tracker device on them? Or a drone, you need a drone!
“George, I’ve just had this amazing idea”!!!
Barbara Barr
On Miss Connie, lol…good luck! I know you, you WILL find it and there WILL be photos of bear cubs, love Barb?
Connie Gruning
Miss Barbara, OHHH I WILL find it!! I am determined.