• The Environment and Your Car: Protect the Environment While Driving

    Electric cars have finally hit the market. While it may seem like you can’t help sustain the environment unless you have an electric car, there are actually plenty of things you can do to be mindful of the earth, even if you still drive a gas-powered car. A few simple adjustments can get you closer to an environmentally friendly mode of transportation, and some of these options may even save you money. They may take a bit of adjustment to your daily life, but the financial savings and earth protection may be worth the adjustment. Here are a few things to consider when striving to protect the earth through your…

  • exercise yoga

    I Don’t Want To Exercise!!

    I don’t WANT to exercise! Seriously, does anyone? Okay, I take that back, people like my daughter, she LOVES to exercise. Run, jog, go to the gym, workout, all of it. She even loves to run in marathons, me? I’ll run if a man with a hatchet is behind me but that’s the ONLY reason that I will run!  Wait, that’s not true, I do run after 2-year-old Alice most days.  THAT TOTALLY COUNTS!!!  I do LOVE running after her and it IS cardio!! That kid can run! If you’ve been around my blog for a while, you’ve heard me say the ONLY exercise that I do enjoy is Yoga. I love everything about…

  • French for Kids: Allons Danser! (Let's Dance!)

    French for Kids: Allons Danser! (Let’s Dance!)

    I’m in the car, a LOT. I’m in the car with Alice almost daily. I like to introduce her to new music as much a possible. I want Alice to have an appreciation for all sorts of music. Country, Rock, Disco, Oldies, Opera, Foreign Language. I play it all!! Okay, that’s not quite true, I draw the line at rap. Uncle Zac will have to teach her that one. We have a couple of CD’s and DVD’s from Whistlefritz and we just added Allons Danser CD to our collection. This is a FUN upbeat CD. Allons Danser! (Let’s Dance) is so fun I find myself listening to this one when I’m…

  • Personalized Gifts Tolalu

    Personalized Gifts With Kids In Mind!! From Tolalu

    Disclosure: I received Tolalu products in exchange for a post about the personalized gifts for kids. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I have the cutest review for you today and YES! there are pictures of my three Grandbabies included!!  Tolalu has the best personalized gifts with kids in mind!!! Tolalu products are beautifully designed and high quality. I made placemats for my three Grandbabies and they came out 100% perfect!! Completely adorable!!  I couldn’t be more pleased!!  Ordering was super easy!! Deciding which pictures to use was the only hard part.  First add the name to your placemat, then the photo’s.  I did placemats with two photo’s each. Bonus! You…

  • Pimsleur Spanish I

    Learning Spanish With Pimsleur!!

    Since I live in Southern California, learning Spanish isn’t just a desire, it’s a necessity!! I was so excited when my Pimsleur Spanish Level 1 CD’s arrived! I couldn’t wait to get started.  Since I am in the car for at least 45 minutes everyday, Pimsleur is PERFECT!! (Don’t forget to start at Rakuten for extra savings!) I have to admit I’ve tried several different methods to learn Spanish. One of the methods I tried, required me to sit in front of a computer. I don’t know about you, but 30 minutes uninterrupted in front of a computer NEVER happens! I’ve tried, but for me, nothing has worked!! Pimsleur is a…

  • CAMPING Beach and Yosemite

    Yosemite Bound!!!

    I’m starting to get antsy, our yearly camping adventure in Yosemite National Park, is getting ever closer.  So, I was starting my list of must have essentials, I thought I would share some with you. I’ve learned a lot from the last two camping trips. First, I learned my family likes to hike. A LOT. We hike everywhere, all day, every day. For. A. Week.  Second, I learned you can NOT hike in jeans. Yes, the first year I did TRY! I was miserable. I’ve learned the MOST important thing in hiking is that, you NEED comfortable hiking BOOTS.  Two years in a row I have lost BOTH of my…

  • Dead Sea Mud Shampoo

    Dead Sea Mud Shampoo!

    Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. I have to admit, I have never used a brown shampoo before. I have never used a MUD shampoo either!! I love my Dead Sea Mud mask and body scrub, but a mud shampoo was a new one for me! Dead Sea Mud has been used for centuries for it’s healing properties! People travel from all over the world to experience it’s effects at the Dead Sea. Someday, I want to experience it in person too. First, the scent. I can’t quite put my finger on the perfume that it reminds me of, but it smells so good!! I want it…

  • Chartreuse Elephant Accent Pillow

    Chartreuse Elephant Accent Pillow Review!

    Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. For the most part, I love my little house. It’s the first house I ever owned. It’s the house my kids grew up in. Besides, I have wayyyyyy too much stuff to even contemplate moving. There aren’t enough moving vans in Vista to move all this junk stuff!! Oh, I still drool over the new homes. I dream of a huge bathroom with a huge tub. I dream of a bright colorful livingroom, especially in the summer!! I want a new off white couch, I want to paint the walls WHITE, I want the whole livingroom to be bright, sunny…