• Skin QR Organics, NuElle Triple Action Anti Cellulite Concentrate, Review

    I have to start right off with it WORKS! NuElle Triple Action Anti Cellulite Concentrate really WORKS!!! I also have to start right off with I only did one ARM so I could see if there was a difference. WHAT was I thinking?!?!? So from now on only look at my left side. DO NOT look at my right side……. at least for the next 2 weeks, then I’ll be even again. With 20+ well known botanical cellulite fighting ingredients, Skin QR Organics, NuElle Triple Action Anti Cellulite Concentrate WORKS!! This is a diuretic cream that improves circulation all the while reducing the appearance of cellulite!! This lotion firms and detoxifies.…

  • LED Ultra High Power Panel Digital Camera Light Review

    Anyone that knows me, knows I LOVE my camera. I love, love, love IT!! Course, you can probably tell just from the blog; I take so many pictures. ALL. OF. THE. TIME. I love taking pictures of my 3 favorite subjects, Emma, Eli and Alice. Since I spend my days with Alice, you see a lot more of her. That baby in her 3 years has probably had more pictures taken of her than most people have in their entire lifetime. As you can tell with some of my photo’s I don’t always have the best lighting. I was GIDDY to be chosen to review this 160 LED CI-160 Dimmable…

  • Zim’s Advanced Cold Sore Treatment Review!

    I’m getting so antsy for the Hawaii vacation that’s coming up on October 4th. A girls only vacation. I can’t wait!! I’ve started to pack already!! I can’t wait to be sitting on the beach, feet in the sand, book in one hand and a fancy drink with little umbrella in the other. Ahhhhhh so relaxing, I started visualizing and almost forgot I was writing a blog post. I know it’s early, but I have already started packing, swimsuits, sunscreen LOTS of sunscreen! I will NOT be the vacationer locked in her room because she got fried on the first day! As soon I get too much sun I get…