• The Identical Movie Review! Elvis Lives!

    Okay, so SOME of you may roll your eyes at me….. BUT, I am one of THOSE people that believes that Elvis is still alive! Yeah yeah… mock me if you will! BUT YOU DO NOT SPELL THE KING’S NAME WRONG on a headstone!!! It ISN’T DONE!!! Unless, you are a superstitious Elvis!! When they fix the headstone I will mourn!! Stop rolling your eyes!! Elvis LIVES! I was of course giddy to be able to watch a new movie called “The Identical” This movie has the Elvis vibe in it from the opening scene! I will not be giving any spoilers in this review. We start with twin boys…

  • Harvest Snaps

    Harvest Snaps Lunchspiration! Snapea Crisps!

    If you have never tried Harvest Snaps, stop reading this post and go get some! Since the first time I tried Snapea Crisps in Caesar flavor I was addicted!! I will choose these over potato chips any day!! AND I could LIVE on potato chips!! So, that’s saying something. You can NOT eat just one!! Now? OHMYGOODNESS there are new flavors!! Oh MY GOODNESS these are DEEELICIOUS!! DH and I enjoyed every last little crumb! SO GOOD!! I told DH “Theses are for a REVIEW don’t touch!!” I agree it was mean, but, I wouldn’t have gotten ANY otherwise!!! Snapea Crisps are crispy, baked, gluten free, GUILT free, highly addictive snack.…

  • ItsLAUT iPad Air Case

    ItsLAUT iPad Air Case Review

    Check Out My New iPad Air Case!! If you’ve been around Peanut Butter and Whine awhile you know I have addictions. Not drugs, booze or ummm well, that’s all. I’m talking about an addiction to purses, jewelry, electronics and electronic cases, especially iPad cases!! My goal is to have an iPad case in every shade under the rainbow! Every design available. Every material available! Now, I’m certain that I must have every single color of Laut’s iPad Cover! Check out this cover! This is is the R-EVOLVE for iPad Air. This has to be the smartest, coolest, MOST convenient iPad cover I’ve owned! First, this case is slim. I mean…