• Which Is Better? Condo or House?

    What are you plans for today?  My plans are the dreaded YARD WORK!!  We bought this house back in 1985. I was so excited! My very first house. Not my parents house, not a rental. MINE!! Well, mine and the bank (okay, fine… and DH’s too. Gesh!! Everyone wants a part of MY HOUSE!! Anyway, I finally had a house that I could paint the walls any color I wanted! A yard I could grow flowers in! I could have a veggie garden! Yard work was a cinch with the five us pitching in and getting it done. Then the kids grew up and moved out. Hummm, now DH and…

  • Eagle, Constitution, American Flag Women's Shirt

    Patriotic MADE in the USA Shirts!

    There are certain times of the year I MUST wear a patriotic t-shirt. The most important day, for me is and always will be on September 11th. This year I have an awesome shirt to wear!! I am GIDDY that I found a site that not only has patriotic shirts but, has FUN! Bright! WELL MADE shirts too!!  This is the Eagle, Constitution, American Flag Women’s Shirt from The Flagshirt.Com. This is the COOLEST patriotic shirt for women that I’ve seen. E-V-E-R!! FINALLY a shirt made for women! I don’t want to wear a man’s patriotic shirt. I want a feminine one. This one is IT!!!!!! I LOVE THIS SHIRT!!!…

  • Diamond candle

    September’s Diamond Candle, Thank YOU! Giveaway!

    I have the best followers E-V-E-R!! Y’all are so loyal! I wish I could give each and everyone of you a Diamond Candle of your own. Maybe when I get all those lotto numbers right? For now though, I can only do one a month! Since you guys aren’t tired of this giveaway yet I’ll do another one!! Win your choice of a Diamond Candle or $25 PayPal! Your choice. August’s Winner is: Sarah L she choose $25 Paypal. Check your Paypal Sarah, the $$ has been sent. The PayPal part of this Diamond Candle Giveaway is open World Wide. The candle will have to be a USA winner. As…