• Restful Sleep Logo

    Restful Sleep Review

    Restful Sleep, isn’t that what we all want? As a kid I use to fall into blissful sleep so easily! I would watch my Grandmother barely sleep 8 hours. The woman was up before the sun, up in the middle of the night.  NOW I understand. Sleep. I would love to be able to fall on the bed and fall blissfully to sleep; greedy girl that I am I also want to sleep all night long!! However, that is not the case, I need help. Restful Sleep is perfect for me. From the name all the way to the fact that it’s made with natural botanical ingredients. Restful Sleep helps me to…

  • NuYou Labs Garcinia Cambogia Liquid Drops Review

    The older I get the less motivated I am to lose weight. It’s harder now than when I was in my 20’s. Heck, it’s harder to stay motivated today versus yesterday! All that whining aside, I KNOW that if I want to be around for these wonderful Grandkids of mine I have to get my butt back in shape (btw ROUND is NOT the shape I have in mind!). One of my favorite supplements is Garcinia Cambogia. It’s a great natural appetite supplement. It’s one that I count on for that extra kick of energy and to help curb my appetite. I know that taking pills or capsules isn’t for…