THAT! Was Painful!

WOW this last few weeks have been painful, And NOT just my back!

If you’ve been around Peanut Butter and Whine for a while, you know that I am a self-proclaimed HOARDER!! I come from a very long line of Hoarders. My Grandpa; BIG TIME hoarder. My Dad blew him outta the water! With 480 acres in Yoder Colorado, my Dad tried his hardest to fill that place UP!!  See?? I didn’t stand a chance; hoarding is in my blood.

My Idea Of Hoarding

Now, we aren’t talking about magazines, newspapers, and trash. I promise I’m not ready to be on an episode of A&E’s Hoarders. (BUT, let’s not ask my children, just to be on the safe side).  I’m mostly talking about craft supplies. SOOOOOOO technically that’s not hoarding that’s considered a hobby?? Right??

My BFF Marilee came up to The Mountain to craft with me two weeks ago. My room was so disorganized, so FULL of STUFF that I spent a large amount of time LOOKING FOR THINGS that I KNEW I HAD!! It was so frustrating. So, when Marilee left, I went on a terror.

That Was STUPID!

I emptied 5 BIG cupboards (24″ deep and 36″ wide) and I dumped them ALL out into the middle of the floor.  Well, THAT WAS STUPID!! I spent the next 8 days organizing, cleaning, GROUPING like crafts with like crafts (SERIOUSLY!??! Why wasn’t this done before?? Then I tackled the OTHER 12 cupboards. Except I did them WAY, WAY, WAY smarter. I did one cupboard at a time. I actually finished today. I am so happy.

My painful mess

Just looking at this picture gives me anxiety!

I feel calm, organized and HAPPY!! I am SORE as all get out, but HAPPY.  Seriously, my back hurts, my shoulders hurt! At the end of the day, I was so thankful for my arnica cream and my pain relief roll on.  That was the only way I could sleep, I hurt that much. Up and down the step stool. Taking trash bag after trash bag to the garage. BOXES of things to go to the Goodwill.

Did I Need To MOVE This?

Y’all remember when I was homeschooling Alice? That was seven years ago. WHY am I still holding on to this stuff? Crafts for little 4/5-year-olds? Goodwill, it goes.  I filled the back of The Husbands truck with trash for the dump. THEN a second load of TREASURES (wink wink) to the Goodwill. I was ruthless. Okay, as ruthless as I could be without giving myself a heart attack.

AND now……. my beautiful room.  Now……… time to relax…….. ahhhhhhhh *#&$& bring me my arnica cream. The Husband wants to cut more firewood. My job is carrying and stacking.  I’m so glad I bought two bottles of pain relief roll-on and a LARGE tube of arnica cream.


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