• Fathers Day Gift Ideas

    Father’s Day Gift Idea!!

    Are you having trouble deciding what to do for Dad for Fathers Day?!  He’s the best guy in the world, but he’s impossible to buy for. What about finding or making a unique gift with our curated picks like “Necktie Quilts Revisited” or “Convergence Quilts!” Get 20% off your cart with the coupon code DAD20 through 6/22!

  • Venta Airwasher

    Venta Airwasher Review

    Even if you don’t live in California I’m sure you’ve heard that we are in a serious drought. California is not green ANYWHERE. It’s brown. Lot’s and lot’s of brown; making it worse we are only allowed to water our yards twice a week. Two very short watering sessions at that! Needless to say my house is now situated in the middle of a dust bowl that I call a yard. Of course, that means that my house is dusty. V-E-R-Y dusty. Top it off my allergies are going nuts! My nose is dry, my eyes are itchy. It’s going to be a very miserable summer! You have no idea…

  • Key Ring App

    Key Ring App Review $50 iTunes Or Google Play GIVEAWAY!!

    Two questions for you today. How many loyalty cards do you own? I don’t know about you but my key chain alone has way too many loyalty cards on it. I have all of 4 keys but 12 loyalty cards!!?? These loyalty cards are peeling and looking pretty darn tattered after years of use. Then there are the cards that don’t have key fobs. My wallet is packed! Second question for you; how many times do you leave the house without your cell phone? Me? NEVER! How many times do I leave a room without my cell phone? About the same! Okay, fine maybe I’m not that bad… maybe. Wait…