• Happiness A-Z Book

    Happiness A-Z Book Review & GIVEAWAY

    Y’all know I don’t do a lot of book reviews; I am already fighting with not enough time in my life and sitting down to read a book is almost impossible. Unless of course it’s written in HUGE print in a rhyming kind of sing-song voice; y’know the kind of books a three-year old enjoys. I made an exception for Louise Baxter Harmon’s Happiness A to Z The Gleeful Guide to Finding and Following Your Bliss. I am SO VERY glad I did!! Happiness A-Z is the perfect collection of powerful thoughts and insightful quotes that expresses some of the best ways to “get happy.” From exploring the excitement of…

  • PURGGO Car Eco-Purifier

    PURGGO Car Eco-Purifier Review

    Since I’m yappin’ and complaining about the inside of my car I may as well continue my tirade with smell. Or actually now lack of SMELL as in bad smells from fruit; cheese, french fries and other items that the 3 grandkids have managed to get UNDER the their car seats. Okay, side note here; the car seats are FIRMLY planted on the seats HOW do I have food, crumbs and trash UNDER them?! I guess it shows how talented my grandbabies are doesn’t it?! Back to scents. I was thrilled to be given the opportunity to review PURGGO a beautifully designed car air eco-purifier & freshener, made with 100%…

  • Auto Console Organizer

    Auto Console Organizer Review

    Y’all know 3-year-old Alice and I are in the car A LOT!! How is it possible that a 3-year-old has a better social calendar than I DO?!?! Anyone that travels with a child of ANY AGE knows they bring a lot STUFF and a lot of trash. From Alice and her constant “NaNa I want to bring just ONE thing” Yeah kid… well, NaNa’s car is filled with a months worth of JUST ONE THING!! Okay, so I blame the kids a lot the STUFF in the car but truth is that I also like to have JUST 10 THINGS with me all the time. Since Alice is in a…