• Packing Check List For Las Vegas CES Convention!!

    I am so excited!! In January I will be speaking at the Zmodo Smart Home Exhibit!! Ackkkk!!! I know that it’s a little early to start worrying about my packing list but, since I don’t travel all that often I am THE worst at remember things. On previous trips I’ve gotten to my hotel room and forgotten a toothbrush, oh I had toothpaste, mouthwash, floss and my white strips but not a toothbrush to be found! One trip it was underwear. Seriously?! WHO FORGETS to pack UNDERWEAR?!?!  Since that trip I have kept a check off sheet in my suitcase. I am determined to learn from my mistakes!! I also…

  • Woman showing off t-shirt

    GlobeIn Review! & December Spoilers!! AND A COUPON!!

    I’ve been lucky enough to write reviews for GlobeIn in the past; it’s such a wonderful program that supports artisans from all walks of life. All items are handmade and Fair Trade Items!!! I have to shout! I LOVE MY JOB!!  Starting with packaging. A beautiful teal colored box with matching tissue paper really drives home that this is a wonderful gift!!  The Threads Box is my favorite to date. The Vicky Tee from Kenya Tassel Bag Charm from Honduras Foldover Clutch from India $50 Credit at The Root Collective Palm Leaf Basket OR Spotted Bandana On top of the tissue paper is a postcard that says Clothes aren’t going to change the…

  • Mom and children playing on iPad

    The One Tool NO Parent Should Be Without!!

      I can’t believe I’m about to say this. Aunt Shelly, if you’re reading, stop now! … My Aunt Shelly reminds me of an iPad. (Are you laughing? ‘Cause I’m not. Well, maybe a little bit, but hear me out…) My Aunt Shelly is well-intentioned, and very helpful. Any time I need help with the kids, she’s more than eager to jump on in and lend a helping hand. She seems to know something about everything, and can make everyone laugh at the drop of a dime. But the problem is this: I’ll drop the kids off for a playdate, and she’ll feed them candy instead of healthy snacks. She…