• Farm Fresh To YOU!!! Review

    It’s been way too long since I’ve reminded you about Farm Fresh to You.  I have to say, the quality and freshness remains the same; year after year!! OUTSTANDING!! Totally and completely O-U-T-S-T-A-N-D-I-N-G! Each shipment gives you REALLY fresh fruits and vegetables!! Fruits and vegetables that YOU can pick and choose from! Carrots and cabbage for The Husband.  The avocado for ME! (no! I didn’t share and I don’t feel the least bit guilty either! It was delicious!!) We enjoyed a huge salad that was absolutely amazing! Lettuce, carrots, bell pepper, green onions. Apples and kiwi. Just like Santa Claus, Farm Fresh to You delivers while you are sleeping! To…

  • May 2017 Beauty Box 5 Review #BeautyBox5

    Unfortunately, Beauty Box 5 is no longer around. In July of 2017 Hurricane Henry hit Texas, Beauty Box 5 was one of the businesses that suffered. That makes me so sad. I know that you are going to get tired of hearing this but I KNOW these guys have a mole in my house! I don’t know who ….. or how……… but every single month something arrives in the BB5 box that I have added to my shopping list. Case in point! In my email today was a teaser video about the five mistakes that can make you look older than you are. Well, y’all know I had to click…

  • Best Vacation Spots for the Winter!!

    A lot of people plan to take vacations in the summer because the weather is nice in most locations and because kids are out of school. No matter where you go, you are bound to see huge crowds during the months between May and August. Even if you go around April or September, you’re likely to see larger crowds than usual since the weather is still nice. Going on a vacation in the winter isn’t first on most people’s minds, but it can actually be the best time of year to take a trip. You are likely to encounter far fewer crowds, which means that you can enjoy the sights…