Happy 4th of July!!
What would the 4th of July be without a BBQ?!?! Uhhhh it would be my kind of 4th I guess. Everyone in the family had different plans so DH (dear hubby) and I decided to go to the movies. Today’s movie made up for yesterdays. Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds in The Proposal. I must own that movie when it comes to DVD. (Can I have the suit that Sandra Bullock wears in the beginning?? Please?!?!) I think you loose weight when you laugh right?? That is an added bonus to this movie! 2 thumbs WAY up!! I also opted for a small popcorn vs my usual LARGE popcorn. (look…
Four Ways To Take Care Of Your Family’s Hair!!
If you are looking to keep up appearances, taking care of your family’s hair is a great place to start. Your hair is one of the first things that people notice about you. If it is unkempt, greasy, or poorly styled, it will appear as though you do not take pride in your appearance. However, if your family is lucky enough to have shiny and thick hair, it will send the message that you are all happy and healthy individuals. Don’t just leave this down to luck. Take control of the situation and follow these simple tips. Find the right style for you The way that you wear your hair…
Long lazy weekend!
What is it about a long weekend that makes me so lazy?!?! Up at the regular time but am I doing anything productive? Nooooooooo hubby and I are watching maybe the worst Steven Seagal movie I’ve ever seen! But it’s like a train wreck and I can’t stop watching! BUT on a positive note I’m not watching and eating. THAT is what we call progress! (okay now I’m hungry. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that out loud) After the movie I’m planning on putting on my head phones and boogie thru the housework. That is the extent of the sweating I plan to do today. (and no there is not…
MixMart 2.0MP USB Digital Microscope with Advanced CMOS Sensor!
With 36 more days of summer vacation I found a very FUN AND educational device for the entire FAMILY!! This is a USB digital microscope from MixMart. This is a 3 in 1 multi-functional microscope. Not only can we use this as a conventional microscope that magnifies up to 200 times, I can also use it as an endoscope! Do you know how cool (or gross depending on your perspective) it is to see up a kids (okay, okay fine……. or adult. I COULDN’T HELP myself!! I’ve always wondered what the doctor sees when they look there. Now I know!!) nose or in their or your ears? So cool!! The third way…
Happy Sunday!
Does anyone else think this week went WAY TOO FAST?!?!? Seriously!! Wasn’t it just WEDNESDAY!?!?
AMINY Wireless Earphone Set! Comfy & Secure!!
The Husband has Multiple Sclerosis which means shaky hands among other things. So finding him a headset that he can use comfortably and easily get in his ear is not always an easy task. These wireless earphones from AMINY fit the bill perfectly. They fit firmly inside the ear and hold comfortably around the top. With the battery resting behind your ears. This is also very good for sharing music! Especially with 6-year-old Alice, her little ears never hold the tiny ear buds. These rest easily around her ear. Starting with the range, you can be 33 FEET away from the device and still hear crisp, clean sound. Charging time…
Off and running…. okay so off and walking actually
Started the day off with my usual walk. My friend Kaki and I have been walking every weekday morning for the last 10 years. (We are actually pretty famous in the neighborhood. Okay so maybe the famous part is all in my head, but we do get stopped every now and again by people that tell us they admire our dedication) Lately though the walk isn’t enough. I’ve hit that plateau that just won’t budge. I have a set of ankle weights that I should dust off and start using a couple times a week. I’ll keep you up to date on that. I did pretty good food wise today.…
Interactive Fetch-N-Treat Dog Toy!!
Our Fur Baby Gracie is one smart and I might add spoiled little girl. Gracie is a 100 pound Yellow Lab. She is The Husbands constant companion. When The Husband is home Gracie is practically glued to his side. They are inseparable. With all the attention Miss Gracie receives has become one very smart cookie, she helps take out the trash; by dragging the bags to the back door. All we do is tie the sack and set it outside the office, bedroom, and bathroom doors. She gives ONE deep bark when the UPS man arrives. Of course, if the water delivery man goes in the backyard we get a…