• Four Things to Consider When Vacationing with an Infant for the First Time!

    Despite popular belief, having a new bundle of joy does not mean that you have to give up the joys of a good vacation. It’s easy to get paralyzed by fear when it comes to traveling with a little one. There are tons of potential “what-if’s” that may make new mothers second-guess their decision to go on a vacation. Here’s the deal: you do have to take special care when it comes to your destination and travel arrangements. Keep the following four considerations in the back of your mind regardless of your vacation plans. Keep Your Plans Wide Open Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of traveling with an infant…

  • Week 1

    It’s already been one week on the Channel 10 Half Year Challenge. I got on the scale this morning weighing 1.5 pounds less! YEA ME!! It was surprising since in this last week we’ve had a family BBQ celebrating DH & my birthdays. The Del Mar Fair trip and really can you go to the Del Mar Fair and not have a cinnamon roll or (HEY! I said OR and not AND!) the caramel apple tower. Anyway a pound and half makes me HAPPY! Tonight after work I walked at the mall…. okay so it’s really called window shopping (but I like for you to think I’m just always exercising!…

  • Stair lift

    4 Ways to Care for Aging Family Members at Home

    Getting older is a part of life. Helping aging family members that are living with you can be a challenge. The Social Security Administration states one out of every four 65-year-olds will live to be age 90. It’s essential to think of things you can do that allow your home to be easier to maneuver through and live in each day.  Here are some ways you can accomplish this goal. Purchasing a stair lift If you have a home that has more than one floor, this can get increasingly hard for seniors to get up and down with ease. It’s a great idea know How to Choose a Stair Lift that can accommodate the…