• cat funny clip art

    Happy Sunday!

    My day is planned out…… gonna bury myself in Pinterest and then pretend I will do all the things that I pin! Drink wine. Eat M&M’s Watch my friend use the birthing ball.  Someone has to be sure she’s exercising. Wait until The Walking Dead Starts returns for Season 8!!!  

  • Change Your Career, Change Your Life!

    We might work to earn money to live, but our careers are much more than that. When you spend such a large part of your life working, your career becomes part of you, it’s how others define you. It’s why one of the first questions people ask when they meet is ‘what do you do for a living?’ Are you satisfied with yours? Are you on a path to achieving your goals, or have you ended up in a bit of a rut? Perhaps you took a job as a stop gap but years later you’re still there. Maybe your passions have changed, or there’s no (or no more) career…

  • Tips for Ridesharing with Kids!

    If you live in a big city, you may be a pro at ridesharing using Uber or Lyft with your kids, but for those of us who don’t, it can be a bit of a foreign concept. When you’re traveling, you may need to use a ridesharing app, whether it’s to or from the airport, or across town, and if you’re on your own, that’s more than easy. You can estimate your fare using an online calculator, request a driver and you’re on your way. What happens if you have your kids with you, particularly young kids, though? Can you still make it work, and what are the logistics like?…