• Young Living Oils

    Young Living Seed to Seal!!

    Coffee. My life blood. So much so, that my 6 and 10 year old daughters know how to make it for me. They like watching the crispy white  filter with fresh coffee grounds blooming and the steam that rises above it. I can very honestly say that it is one of my favorite times of the day, like.. I go to bed knowing that my self allotted coffee credits will be reset once I open my eyes… Now imagine, hurrying out of the house to go on about your day and coming home to a soggy brown coffee filter, cold grounds, and that coffee ring around the pot that screams…

  • Escential oils

    What Are Your Favorite Smells?!

    Think for a second. What are your favorite smells?!  Have you ever walked into a space and were instantly transported somewhere else? A time in your childhood? Something that made you smile? Or something that would tug at your heart-strings? Scent Memory. It is real, and it is powerful. Quite often, it can elicit a physiological response in our body. So says the smell of a certain inexpensive liquor and a dorm room hangover circa 1999. Or the cologne (read: axe body spray) of that guy you thought was meant for you and were going to marry. Until 20 years later you realized you never actually knew his middle name? …

  • Escential oils

    Happy New Year From Jamie From Dragonfly and Spruce

    Oh my gosh! Happy new year to you all. I know that we all say it, but it feels like the years are just flying by at top speed anymore.  Please tell me that I am not the only one that feels that way. I had to actually pull out my calculator the other day because I seriously was second guessing my age. I have lost track. Sorry I digress……. I will be hanging out here at PB&W quite a bit this week. Actually, I will be popping in every day. Because it is the first day of the new year, right? Resolutions are set!!! It’s going to be a good…