• Twin girls

    Two-of-A-Kind: Perfect Gifts for Twins!!

    Any parent of twins (or indeed just two small children of similar ages) will know that once they discover jealousy and begin to snatch at whatever the other has, your days of buying one of anything for the next decade are gone. Children seem to have an instinctive aversion to sharing, and sibling rivalry intensifies this to explosive levels. To ease the stresses of gifting, we’ve put together this list to lend a helping hand to parents or friends and family of identical tykes. Read on if you just want to give gifts that inspire peaceful playtime, so you can enjoy a relaxing birthday/Christmas/occasion, minus tears and tantrums over who…

  • Apple and Peanut Butter

    Tips for Maintaining a Happy, Healthy Family on a Budget

    You care about your family and you care about their health, so why not do something about it? As a parent, you have the full control to impact the lives of your entire family. Whether it is about losing weight or just staying healthy and ensuring your family stays well, it is important to take care of your family in that way. As the years go by, it’s easy to lose sight of what we are feeding our family and how many activities we are actually doing with them. Not to mention, the flu season comes around every year, and the more we forget to help improve our family’s health,…

  • Asbestos Claims in the UK – Everything You Need to Know!

    For three centuries, the world considered asbestos a wonder material. Tough, durable, and heat-resistant, this versatile material dominated the building industry. But in the last eight decades before the UK ban in 1999, asbestos dominated the news for its negative health effects. Asbestos exposure claims hit the courts as victims sought compensation. As a victim, here’s everything you need to know about these claims. The History of Asbestos When it first came into use in the early 1700s, the Industrial Revolution was at its peak. Back then, the manufacturing and building industries were searching for a strong, durable, and – more importantly – a fire-resistant material. After they found these…