• Body under moving boxes

    Happy Friday!

    In theory having 8 …. 9 months or more to pack your house for a move is great.  IN THEORY. In reality I can’t stay focused!! Today I managed to pack 4 boxes in between my binge watching Breaking Bad and drinking coffee. I’ve managed to pack a lot. I’ve managed to binge watch several shows too.  One of which is Ozark. Oh man, when does that come back?!  I highly recommend that one. Vegas is another good one. Except the fact it was a 2012 show that was never renewed. Dang it!! I really liked that show.  Now I’ll never know how the… well; never mind .. I don’t…

  • March’s $50 Your Way Giveaway!

    Hello my little Peanuts!! My Whine Report is pretty much same as February! Man that went fast!! It’s now been 2 months since my Mom passed away. Same as last month, good days – bad days.  Every once and awhile I think of something and start to get up to go tell Mom; so I pretty much just say it out loud instead because I truly believe she is right here watching over me. The packing is going steady with a minor kink; Alice got sick and missed two weeks of school. Let me tell you what; 6-year-old’s DO NOT enjoy packing. 6-year-old’s DO NOT enjoy watching adults pack either.…