• Alice in the pool

    The Advantage of Age!

    Getting older has it’s advantages and of course it’s disadvantages as well. The advantage of age far out weigh the disadvantages. I mean, hello the alternative is well….. I’d like to hold off please. I find that I’m starting to care less and less what other people think of me. Really, my husband loves me. My kids love me. Alice adores me (she really belongs first on the list, I mean hello…… she is the cutest Grandkid a NaNa could ever have!!). You guys are here for me with friendship and support. Everyone else? Well, ehhhhh, I’m finding it easier and easier not to care.   Another perk is that…

  • Bras

    Living In Two Houses!

    Y’all remember how I’ve had so many months to pack for this move? Well, I’ve learned a lot. Number one. I am a HORRIBLE packer. I am 100% the shining example of what NOT to do! So basically we are living in two houses. Neither house has enough to really ‘live in’. Boxes in both house piled high. Marked “kitchen” “master bedroom” blah blah blah……. trust me WRITE every little item down on the box or you WILL be digging in boxes.  Pots and pans?  Yeah…. who knows!! All I am sure of is that they are in one of those dozens of boxes marked ‘kitchen’ is my favorite coffee cup. …

  • 4 Things Every Couple Should Discuss Before Marriage

    Improving Your Communication Skills Can Help You Have A Healthier Relationship

    Better communication is the key to a lot of positive things in life and understanding how to improve your skills can really benefit you and helping you to have a healthier relationship with others. Talk about your feelings. When talking about sensitive topics with your partner, it is easy for them to feel like you are blaming them for whatever went wrong. One way to get around this problem is by reframing things through the use of “I” statements. For instance, you could say something like, “I feel overwhelmed by the housework and could really use some help.” This gives your partner a chance to understand your feelings without feeling…