• Woman taking picture with mobile phone

    Four Ways to Make Phone Buying Less Painful When You Have a Teen!

    There has been a lot of information in the news lately about how our smartphones are ruining our lives. There’s even more information out there about how we should limit the time teens spend on their phones. Read on to find ways to make phone buying less painful. This is true. It isn’t healthy to be glued to your phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no matter how old you are, but that doesn’t mean cell phones are all bad. There are actually some really good reasons to get your kid a smartphone! Whether you’re getting your teen a phone for the first time, you’re upgrading to…

  • Bake ware

    Happy Birthday To ME!!

    Happy Birthday to ME!!  Today I turn………SIXTY!! (holy guacamole batman! I even spelled it wrong while I was typing!) I have to admit I don’t feel 60. Although what does 60 feel like? I do know what I THOUGHT of 60 while in my 20’s was wrong, wrong, wrong! Sixty is NOT that old. It’s the new 40’s right?? Since I’m pretty sure that the new house and the total make over of said house is my birthday present I can hope for a cake. Right?? Carrot cake please. Or carrot cupcakes. I’m easy! It will have to be a store bought cake; my cooking supplies are here and in…

  • Fresh vegetables

    Four Ways for Soon-To-Be Moms to Add More Folic Acid to Their Diet

    Folic acid is important in everyone’s diet, but it is especially important for pregnant women. According to Nifty Benefits, data has shown that a lack of this important nutrient can lead to problems with the fetus, which includes an increased risk of developing a neural tube defect. It can also cause mental health problems in the baby after it is born. One of the first things a healthcare provider will suggest is a supplement that includes folic acid. Although supplements can be very helpful, it’s much better to get as much of this important nutrient as you can from the food you eat. Beans, Lentils, and Chickpeas The best natural…