• college move in day

    It’s College Move-In Day! Here’s Five Packing Tips To Get You Started!

    One of the biggest projects for a parent is letting go of their child and getting them ready for college. When they’re brand new and in your arms, you don’t consider that you’re raising this dependent little creature to one day be in a place you can’t be all the time. It’s not conceivable until you have a tall eighteen-year-old standing in front of you and ready to pack their things to move into the next phase in their life. Deep breaths, parents, because college move-in day is the next chapter for you, too. It’s a big project from start to finish, and while you have plenty of notice, you…

  • Fireworks

    Happy 4th of July!!

    I hope you are enjoying your 4th of July!! I can’t wait for FIREWORKS!!!!!!!!! While your here have you entered my $50 Your Way Giveaway? It happens every month! Check the side bar.

  • bear

    In Case You Missed It………

    In case you missed it or if you are new here; I recently moved from California to a mountain in Sandpoint, Idaho. Wild animals everywhere! I’m getting such amazing pictures from my trail cams. I have been giddy with my pictures of deer, turkey’s, squirrels and chipmunks. I have some amazing pictures several that have been canvas worthy. Then one day a HUGE shock for this California girl I found we had been visited by a BEAR!! In MY YARD!!  A BEAR!!! A big ole cinnamon bear. WOOO. Now, greedy girl that I am I want a canvas worthy shot of the bear. DUH! Right?? So I bought myself a…