• Keeping Connected

    Keeping Connected When Your Grandchild Lives Far Away

    Y’all know I have horrible separation anxiety over having Alice live so far away. Thankfully, we live in an age of modern technology. Keeping connected to MY Grandma was much harder! Back when talking long distance cost you per minute and your phone was connected to a cord. 2018 it’s a whole lot easier, well, mostly. Ya know; 7-year-old’s have a busy social life. HOWEVER, when Alice has time to Facetime or Duo with me I get to learn what’s new in the Second Grade. Before I left California I bought Alice the Gizmo Watch. (don’t forget to grab your cash back on Rakuten!) This thing is so cool!!  The…

  • Mom and daughter working on a laptop

    How To Balance Your Career And Family Life!

    Whatever your job or the hours you work, balancing your career and family life is far from easy. When you’re at work, you constantly feel guilty about leaving your kids and just want to go home to spend time with them, but when you’re at home, you’re stressed about all of the things you need to get done when you go back to work. To avoid any unnecessary stress or upset either way, you need to learn to disconnect and find a balance between your family life and your working one. To help you out with that, here are four useful tips. Figure Out Your Priorities To be successful in…

  • Investment Insight Couple shaking hands

    Happy Investment Insight: Focus On The Specifics In Your Life!

    It’s no secret that navigating your way through life is challenging enough, so making any major decisions will feel daunting. However, if you use your time, money, and efforts wisely and make sure that you’re as well-informed as possible when it comes to investment insight; the rewards can be well worth everything you put in. The following are some areas to consider if you’re thinking about investing in your life, and will help you better it, for a happier future ahead. Learning And Development Education is often an extremely effective way to invest in your personal growth, along with your qualifications and career development; these often lead to happiness and…