• Jennifer Gardner

    Peppermint The Movie!

    This is what I’ll be doing today! Watching Peppermint The Movie. Wait…. not kicking butt..(that makes me laugh even thinking of this body doing even ONE of these stunts!!) I will be eating popcorn and watching Peppermint on the big screen! I hope your Saturday is a great one!!! While your here have you entered my $50 Your Way Giveaway? It happens every month! Check the side bar.

  • I’m BACK!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m back!!!!  Well, not me as much as my Internet connection!! No more having to go to town to use the computer!!!!!! I’m soooooooo happy!!! I hope YOUR day is equally as exciting! While your here have you entered my $50 Your Way Giveaway? It happens every month! Check the side bar.

  • woman at the beach

    Look Before You Leap! Making A Big Career Change Later In Life!!

    We don’t feel dissatisfied with the way our life is going from time to time. If we are feeling this sense of emptiness, we need to have a look at what we are doing in our day to day life that can be changed. When you break it down, a third of our life is spent sleeping, a third of our life living it, and the other third working. If we are fed up with the Monday to Friday grind, then we have to take the opportunity to do something that makes us feel fulfilled. A lot of people are scared to do this, because it requires a leap of…