Breast Augmentation Incisions
Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery that enlarges your breasts, helping you feel more confident in your appearance. During the procedure, your surgeon will place a saline or silicone implant under the breast tissue. Although the surgery is mostly the same for everyone, you do have some choice about where your surgeon will make the incision to place the implant. The most common incision sites are the armpit, underneath the breast, and around the areola. The best incision depends on the size of the implants, the shape of your breasts, and your cosmetic goals or expectations. You and your surgeon should discuss your options during your consultation and decide which…
Solving The Aches And Pains Of A World Wanderer!!
If you love to travel, then you probably love the challenge of it as much as the sights, the opportunities to explore, relax, and play. But, sometimes, those challenges can be painful and even downright dangerous. If you’re noticing a few common conditions spoiling aspects of your vacations, it’s time to start thinking about how to protect your health on your next trip. Here are the most common health issues, along with aches and pains frequent flyers face and how you can put an end to them. Back pain Let’s start by looking at the most common physical pain of all. Back pain affects most adults at some point in…
Is Balloon Sinuplasty Covered By My Insurance?
Sinusitis is a disease of the sinuses and is a common problem that afflicts over 29 million Americans. The sinuses are cavities in the front of the skull around the nose region. They are lined with soft tissue that has a mucous membrane covering. Normally, the sinuses are open and air flows in and out of them. The mucus in them also drains down to an outlet at the back of the nasal passage. What is Balloon Plasty? If for whatever reason, the sinuses get blocked, then mucus piles up in the cavities instead of draining out. This trapped mucus could become the site for growth of bacteria, further compounding…