September 2016 $50 Your Way #Giveaway!
Yikes! I got off to a slow start for the month of September! Seriously, how am I already behind?!?! For starters and for those that don’t ‘Do’ Facebook (it’s okay, I’m really not good at it either!) Five-year-old Alice started Kindergarten on Tuesday. It was rather stressful and did NOT start well. She didn’t want to smile for pictures, as the teacher opened the door the tears started. When kids started to file in the door Alice screamed “I CAN’T DO THIS!!!” It was heart wrenching!! (for the record it was Alice screaming that…. not me. I waited until I was in the car with the door closed)
Good news though!! When I picked her up after class (which by-the-way is at 12:59?!?) she was all smiles and said “Non, I LOVED IT!!” I asked how long before she knew she loved school? Her reply? 3 minutes.
So, here it is…… My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower!
September; I can’t believe it’s SEPTEMBER!! No, actually I can’t believe the baby isn’t a BABY anymore!! A Kindergartener?! WHAT?! Someone has put my life on fast-forward and I’m not a fan! So, the September Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and definitely going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases are always appreciated. It’s also very appreciated if you like any of my reviews on Amazon. (I AM the queen of subtle hints!! I just can’t make it an entry because of Amazon’s terms of service. But I will be forever grateful AND able to continue to afford this giveaway)
Win $50 Your Way!Ton’s Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway
Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.
Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!!
I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!
$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!
Thank you all so much for your support!!
The main entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.
If you are new here… welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!!
Now, off ya go. Good Luck!!
$50 Your Way September 2016

Kate Sarsfield
Gosh, what I wouldn’t give to have those days back again, even the cold sores. Tamra’s Mum, Michele & CJ’s husband/Dad and my Mum… stop it, stop it Kate, got to get in the shower & head into town before the rain starts. Yes, Ma’am!
Karen Propes
Day is going ok, nice evening. Finally stopped raining. After finding all the hail damage on my hood, I needed a clearing.
My day is going just fine, but not as productive as I had planned….
Day has been alright. It’s been raining most of day, and I have been tired most of it.
Sarah L
Small swim class today, only 3 people. Not as fun as usual
Had a busy but productive day and now just enjoying watching TV.
Brenda Guardado
Let me tell you about my day. I wake up around 4 am. Start my shift at 5 and since I work retail it is hectic all day long. I sometimes want to cry but I smile and am grateful to have a job. This will be temporary until I get a career in nursing home adminitration.
Another beautiful Autumn day here in Ireland so I got a bucket & went blackberry picking! I’ll use some in muffins and crumbles & freeze the rest – yum!
My day is going ok, so far, so good. Actually made a real breakfast this morning French toast – it was supposed to be for later, but looked too good! gobble gobble!
Well here we are again Friday.. where did this week go??? Well I plan on trying a new eggplant recipe today and then read and relax.. Happy weekend everyone….
I am pretty tired today because I have not had my coffee yet!
Yesterday we had a storm so I wasn’t able to do the outside chores I needed to do. It was a good thing because I caught up on some rest that I really needed. I am gonna do those chores today instead. 🙂
Michele Pineda
glad the week and the month is almost over! My day wasn’t too bad today, a bit busy, but it makes the day go by quicker. And I even had pizza for supper 😉
Had a busy day today but was able to catch up on chores in the evening.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Having chicken for dinner.
Kathleen S.
My day is going alright. The weather man said it was going to rain all week here in West Michigan but hey! The sun is out! 🙂 It’s also pleasantly warm. I’m looking forward to the weekend. I hope you have a great weekend too!
I’m feeling a whole lot better and it was a glorious Autumnal day so I pottered around the garden for a bit.
Michelle Elizondo
My day was ok. Its my birthday and husband had work all the day. The kids at school. No family around so I was on my own cleaning and such.
I took today off work and got to go on a long walk with a friend.
My day is going good, it is a beautiful day out, and I’m appreciating it!
Debra Guillen
My day is going well. Got my son off to school on time. Cleaned up the kitchen. Sitting, drinking a cup of coffee and reading my blogs before going on to the rest of my day.
Well the weather looks like it is rapidly changing.. Sky is turning very dark… I am prepared for a rainy day…
So tired today but I have outside chores to do, I’m gonna get them over with and then rest up a bit.
Sarah L
Nice swim class and quiet evening at home.
Stella Methvin
Good luck on your page and the start of school
My day is going well….finished all my apps and errands and chores 🙂
Feeling a bit better today but I spent more time in bed than out of it 🙁
My day is going ok, got some chores done this morning.
Laundry is finished.. also cleaned the bathrooms and the ds kitchen.. now here I am trying my level best to win an amazon gift card…
I need to clean up my livingroom and mop the floor, it’s a bit of a mess and I have been neglecting it.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I’ve spent the day trying to figure out a new phone, lol. I am seriously not tech savvy. My 12 year old niece had to change my ringtones, text settings, etc., lol.
Sarah L
Quick trip to the library since I ran out of books to read.
I’m beginning to feel a wee bit better but this sinus headache is a right pain in the whatsit! Didn’t feel up to choir practice but I’ve got You Tube and the piano to keep my spirits up.
It is just ok. I had an online food order, that is now in pieces, and partial charges, etc., and it is a mess. They don’t get it we don’t have the time to get a handful of items then spend 2 hours straightening it out, so you aren’t overcharged, and that is if you are lucky, as you have to talk to dunces on customer service.
Very sunny day. Blue skies. I have some outside work to do. When I am done that I have paperwork to go over. I am never bored. LOL.
Missed the debate last night but have it on record so I shall watch it this morning….
I was having a good day, but currently watching the debate……arrrgh!
Karen Propes
Ok, day, doggie is sick and I miss seeing my Grandkids!!!!!! Hope you had a good day!
Sarah L
Good swim then off to Arby’s for my Bronco Deal special.
I ended up going to the doctor today because I feel so bleh – she said my cough seems to be ‘reactive’ & has put me on new anti-histamines. Fingers crossed!
Today was kind of meh. Had a hard time getting motivated. I will do better tomorrow! 🙂
going good. I did some crafting this morning before I left, and I dressed warm enough I wasn’t shivering!
So far I am having a typical Monday but I am pretty sleepy from this weekend!
Totally enjoyed my weekend now back to work.. feeling strong and motivated…
Mai T.
Weekend always passes by so fast. I wish weekend would have 3 days. I love making money but I do need much resting, too.
Tamra Phelps
Well, my youngest nephew spent the night here last night & he insists on letting out the sleeper sofa instead of sleeping in a spare bedroom, lol. He basically spent all of today lounging on his ‘bed’ & playing his tablet. Lazy bones! The rest of us spent the day walking around that bed. Ah, well, he’s the good kid…just a little spoiled by me & his Granny, ha!
Teresa Moore
I had an amazing day. Caught up on my lack of sleep and did some extra cleaning and already cooked tomorrow nights dinner!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Now off to chorus rehearsal. Alto 2 bring snacks.
All I’ve done today is sleep, sweat & take paracetamol. Feeling bleh!
I am having a very relaxing Sunday. I ran 10 miles, which is my last long run before the marathon.
nice quiet Sunday, so far. Gorgeous outside, too!
Today is Sunday… and I am sitting down and resting my ankle. I have some fun projects to do plus book reviews to write and post. 🙂
The only thing I would like to say today is how grateful, thankful and appreciative I am for my life… Feeling so blest today…..I wish everyone could feel as great as I do…
Karen Propes
Going ok this morning, had bad afternoon after hearing bad news. But hopefully it won’t linger into tomorrow. Hope yours was good.
Michele Pineda
Not too bad of a day today, Fall is definitely in the air! Spending the evening home with my daughter watching movies since she has a cold.
I’m having a rough day today….things are not going my way.
Sarah L
Slept late and enjoying a quiet day at home.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I’m still waiting for some Fall weather, ha! It’s the 24th & still in the high 80s here in KY. The weather guy is telling me this week it will get here, though. The highs will only be in the high 60s! Yay, time to make chili.
So much for trying to get an early night. I was still awake at 4am with a temperature so I just switched off my alarm, cancelled any plans I’d made, took some paracetamol and stayed in bed most of the day.
changing things for fall… decorations and dishes.. yes I do love the coming of the holiday season before you know it….
So glad the weekend is here! I am gonna clean my livingroom and then I will spend the afternoon with my Mom! 🙂
My day is going good. Walked to town and it is freezing!
Easy day today – woke up early and catching up on e-mails. Happy Saturday!
Sarah L
Great swim class today with a couple of returning members. Then dinner with a friend.
I”m having a lovely day today 🙂 Thanks for asking.
I’ve been feeling really tired all day & can’t seem to get my act together at all. I’ll try for an early night tonight; see if that helps.
It is going good, I’m loving that it is Friday!
Moving out and cleaning air conditioners today…I do not do the heavy work but all the cleaning is mine..Better get moving
I feel a little tired. I gotta perk up though. My dad needs me to help move some stuff with us. It’s a bit heavy, so I am gonna need some energy! 🙂
Karen Propes
Dreary day, but every things good. Feeling better from all those sinus headaches we’ve been having. LOL we love to share things together even headaches. Hope you had a great day!
Sarah L
Nice quiet day at home. Just got a $50 Amazon GC.
The sun is shining and it’s a beautiful day. I feel much better today than yesterday, still struggling a bit with my feet, but I was able to get some cardio in and I feel better for it. I have some work to do so I am gonna get to it! 🙂
Well yesterday was my birthday so I stuck to my plan of doing as little as possible! Now of course I’m kicking myself because the laundry won’t get done in the rain BUT a courier just arrived with Mum’s wheelchair & I’m thrilled: it’s so much lighter than any I’ve come across before (I work with people with disabilities) and it means that soon we’ll be able to get out of the house! YAY US!!!!
Another big outdoor project today so off I go.. feeling great and very positive..
My day is going ok. so far so good. Missing summer already!
I had a great day today! I had today off work and I got to sleep in which felt amazing.
Sarah L
Fun swim class today. Came home and UPS brought me a Little Bites prize package.
Michele Pineda
Not too bad of a day today, little late getting out of the office but managed to get some errands done and come home and relax. The weather was beautiful yesterday and today, so sorry to see Summer ending!
I am pooped today after doing the garage area yesterday…. I have some eggplant parmesan in the oven and a glass of red wine ready for lunch time….Then a nap!!!!
Tee Anderson
So far so good. Planning lunch then thinking of whats for dinner. My daughter has soccer practice tonight…laundry, dishes,ugh.
ok. just mailed off some bills.
I’m having some trouble with my ankle again, and I’m not motivated to do anything. I think I am gonna do more paperwork and lay off anything physically at least until I feel a little bit better.
Mai T.
I’m worried about my dog. She had an operation to remove her paws yesterday. I hope the best things for her.
Karen Propes
Slow day, everything going ok. Hope your day was good.
Tamra Phelps
Today has been pretty quiet. I swear, nothing happened today, which is fine by me. If you have enough drama going on for a while, boring starts to feel good!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. I think pizza for dinner.
Woo hoo! I got out this evening: my choir has started up again after the school holidays (most, including the musical director, are teachers). It felt so good to be able to sing again ‘cos at the moment, with Mum unwell, I’m kind of tip-toeing around the house.
Just OK. I”m nervous about a bunch of things.
michele soyer
Cleaned out the garage about 3 months ago.. why does it need cleaning again?? LOL…Here I go…
I’m a little tired today and I am trying to perk up. There’s a lot of things I would like to accomplish, and I need to have energy and focus to get them done.
Mai T.
I need to learn to drive ASAP since I’m so fed up with the bus. It’s slow, it’s not frequent. I feel so dependable.
Karen Propes
Doing ok, having problems with swallowing, but taking small siips keeps it from hurting so much going down. All is rainy, but good.
I’m happy to say I’ve had a very productive day today 🙂
Michele Pineda
It’s Monday and I am home resting. had some pizza from Dominos and am busy with my daughter planning her homecoming outfit for next month.
Sarah L
Good swim class then off to Arby’s for the Bronco Deal since they got 2 touchdowns last night. And won the game (but Arby’s doesn’t care if they win, only if they get 2 touchdowns) (Connie cares if they win)
I had a very busy weekend so today I am pretty tired at work.
I got a present of a big box of beautiful homegrown veggies so I’ve made soup all afternoon & it’s now potted up & in the freezer ready for when the evenings turn colder. 🙂
michele soyer
Busy day today….. basil in the garden so bottles of pesto to make… have the milk ready to make yoghurt…..have some fresh bok choy to cut up and saute.. and bathing the dogs! Why am I sitting behind this computer!!!!!
going good, I’m feeding my bad boy sparrows Beady, Tweedy, and Bird Brain some sunflower seeds out of hand!
It’s Monday morning and I don’t feel like getting up and facing the day… but I have a lot to do so I better get to it! 🙂
Mai T.
I’m old and tired. I want to have a higher education but I’m poor and if I study, I can’t work. If I work, I don’t have time to study.
Try it Mai! Honestly, it can be done. I got my Master’s Degree at age 50 whilst working full time. I just didn’t do any housework!
Tamra Phelps
Not much going on today. It was just a gray, cloudy, occasionally rainy Sunday.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Now off to chorus rehearsal.
Well it rained all day but I had to go shopping as this was the only time my sister could come over to take over looking after Mum. It was what we call in Ireland ‘soft’ rain, you know that misty sort? Anyway, by the time I got home my hair had gone all curly!
I love Sunday! Gonna sit and read a book, and I also plan to review some. I am very behind in book reviewing. Need to catch up on that! 😉
So far so good, I hope I don’t get caught in the rain, but we sure do need it – water bans in many areas.
michele soyer
Sunday glorious Sunday.. After mass I plan on chilling all day.. a nice Italian Sunday dinner and the thought of relaxing and listening to music and reading…
Karen Propes
Already Sunday, why do the days of the week go quickly when you don’t work than when you do. Never have been able to figure that out. Hope your weekend is going great. Have a peaceful Sunday.
Angela Saver
I have had a great day with my hubby today! We went to an early dinner & then just hung out together!
Tired today. Glad it’s the weekend, I intend to take it easy.
I fought my way through the stores today. It was crazy for a while, but it was a nice day, not too hot.
Tamra Phelps
Well, it has rained all day. At least I had no place to be, so I didn’t have to get out in it. I just stayed in & watched TV, played computer games & tried to stick to my diet.
Sarah L
Just a lovely, quiet day at home.
Ploughing through tons of laundry but at least the weather’s fine. Today we’re buying Mum a wheelchair so she can get outside a bit easier.
Having a nice Sunday nice weather and getting outside to enjoy it!
michele soyer
Oh yes here is the weekend.. Plan on doing no housework.. no cleaning.. just a day for me……
Got my work done, and did my workout and struggled through. I wish I could lose weight by relaxing on my couch eating a klondike bar! lol 😉
Sarah L
Very fun swim class. Then 3 loads of laundry. Then grocery shopping.
Michele Pineda
Rough day at work today, very abusive client 🙁 glad to be home and relaxing with my daughter….
I was reading in bed early this morning & must have dozed off because the book fell to the floor waking me. I stretched down to get it from underneath and lo & behold; there was a dead bird under the bed. A little prezzy from the black cat who still has no name! Great start to my day 🙁
michele soyer
Just got back from shopping again today.. Having a great day and it is Friday…
I am having a great day so far! I have to attend a wedding tomorrow for my step brother.
My day is going good – it’s Friday and gorgeous out! Yea! but it is getting a little colder!
going good – it’s Friday! Yea!
Mai T.
It’s so easy for people to be offended nowadays. I thought it was an Asian trait but obviously, it’s a personal thing.
Very quiet today. Spent the day by myself reading. Sunny day with blue skies. 🙂
Michele Pineda
My day at work was super hectic, but I left an hour early to take my daughter to the eye dr. so she could get fitted for glasses… hoping your day was good!
Sarah L
Had my yearly exam at the dermatologist and everything was AOK. Then off to be a taste tester where I got lots of yummy chicken and a $30 gift card.
Ugh! Along with a face full of cold sores I’ve now got a sinus infection. I bought a sinus wash that my sister recommended so hopefully that will help. Other than that I’ll just have to go around with a bag over my head!
My day is going OK, it is colder today, but I dressed warm so walking to my destination was OK.
michele soyer
Trying to get everything organized at home so I can spend the day out.. I do enjoy these shopping days…
Mai T.
Waiting for my national language test result is such a pain. I know I did good but the long wait makes me doubt myself if I even pass.
I had no energy to do anything today. I could barely get out of bed. Very strange. I got better as the day went along.
Sarah L
Lovely massage this morning and then a good swim class.
My sister was able to cover for me at home for a couple of hours today so I went for a massage & a facial! Total bliss!
michele soyer
I am running so late today… Laundry is done but lunch is not ready and here I am sitting down at the computer!!
My day is going OK. I’m enjoying the nice weather.
Michele Pineda
Well, it’s early in the morning to say how my day is going… since it’s just starting. But I expect another hectic day at the office, and then going to go grocery shopping and do some laundry when I get home! The work never ends, lol.
Mai T.
A rare sunny day is here. I’m looking at photos of dogs and missing my dog again. Oh I wish I could be with her all the time.
Tamra Phelps
It’s been just an average day. Not much going on until the kids got home from school. Then, I argued with my oldest nephew until he did his homework (Argh! Like pulling teeth. He could do it 3 times in the time I spend telling him to do it!) After they went home, just watching TV & doing nothing, lol.
Sarah L
My car had been making strange noises so I took it in this morning. $82 later the power steering was fixed.
Michele Pineda
My day wasn’t too bad today, still super busy at work but counting down the days until Friday!
Power outage today. Kind of messed up my plans but you have to work with it when these things happen!
I walked up to Dad’s grave today to put some fresh flowers there & give it a bit of a tidy up. He’s been neglected lately but the living come first.
michele soyer
Still making jam today.. LOL I guess I am really committed right?
It is nice weather to walk to town for errands. I have to remember this day in January when the wind is howling and blowing me around!
So far it is a pretty typical Tuesday but I have a feeling it is going to be a busy day.
Mai T.
Today’s the first day I’m back to participating in giveaways after 2 months. I miss the competitions and the prizes!
I feel much better today. Whatever was wrong has passed and I feel more like myself again! 🙂
Michele Pineda
My day isn’t too bad, finally relaxing at home after a long day of work. I work in fuel assistance and with the colder weather it is getting very busy!
Sarah L
Good swim today. Had to call car place to make an appointment to take my car in tomorrow. Loud groaning sound when I turn.
I woke up with that awful tingling sensation in my lips that heralds the arrival of cold sores so I’m slapping on as much lotion as I can. I never had them till late last year when out of the blue they started. Since then I’ve had four attacks and each time is worse, especially inside my mouth.
michele soyer
Making jam today.. Have all my fruit ready and my jars sterilized just need to get going!!
I am having a great day so far but I am a little sore today from running 20 miles yesterday.
so far so good, it is nice weather today, and I’m enjoying it!
I rested today. I feel a little better than yesterday. Hopefully I’ll be back to my old self tomorrow.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home, then off to chorus rehearsal tonight.
I managed to get someone to sit with Mum for an hour this evening while I dashed into town to top up the pantry, other than that nothing much happening.
michele soyer
Sunday again.. the start of another week.. where does the time go?? The children are back in school and soon the weather will get cooler….Everyone have a great and glorious Sunday!
Hope to have quiet Sunday and not get caught in the rain, we’ll see!
Still not feeling good today, no energy. Very drained. Glad tomorrow is Sunday gonna rest up more.
Sarah L
Went up in the mountains to attend a celebration of one of our Raging Grannies’ life.
It is so nice outside today! It stormed really bad last night and cooled it off. I am not hurting as bad today but really tired. Ready for Monday to come, hate to say it, so they fix this kidney stone.
Oh, the joys of living in the countryside! The kitten arrived home this afternoon with a rabbit that was almost as big as itself. I managed to rescue it & to my surprise it was alive! I popped it into the cat carrier & covered it with a blanket to let it rest then took it with me when I walked up to the graveyard to visit Dad and released it. One happy bunny!
michele soyer
Decided to take the day off today.. no laundry or cooking or cleaning!!!
so far, a quiet Saturday – so far…. !
Wasn’t well today. Couldn’t get out of bed and felt so tired. Took the day off and rested.
Sarah L
Good swim class today, but fewer than usual people. Then to Arby’s for the Bronco deal since they got 2 touchdowns last night.
Laundry? I refuse do any if it’s raining and we’ve been hit by the end of Hurricane Hermine so it’s piling up just in time for the weekend 🙁
Sheila Vives
I woke up feeling really good this morning and it has been a very productive day so far. I plan to get a lot done so I can enjoy my weekend. I just saw someone comment the word “laundry”. Shh…haha
michele soyer
Laundry is going and one more to go.. Baking bread and some Boston cream cupcakes and that is it!!
Going good luv Fridays!!
My day just started but I have a feeling it is going to be a very busy day at work!
Tamra Phelps
Oh, boy, up early tomorrow to get Mom’s oxygen ready for a visit to the dentist. I really should go to bed, but I know I’m not sleepy enough to actually fall asleep. Story of my life: not sleepy at bedtime, too sleepy in the morning.
Went out today with my Mom. We had a good time! 🙂
Sarah L
Nice quiet day at home. Sprouts makes the best garlic bread.
Had quite a productive day – exercised, caught up with e-mails and organized my closet.
Mum got out of bed today! She made it to the living room with just a stick and is now worn out & heading for bed. Onwards & upwards (fingers crossed!).
My day is going good. I’m feeding the sparrows tiny treats they will take it out of my hand, but instead I put a sunflower seed near me and they come and get it. I have some popcorn, too, husks removed, but they like the sunflowers best.
michele soyer
Off to pick up my new reading glasses.. Thank goodness I really need them!
it was hot it hit 100 with humidity and all that … so it was very miserable!!
I’m very tired today for some reason, but I got through the day and did all of my work. 🙂
Tamra Phelps
Had to get up early to help Mom get her portable oxygen ready for a trip to the doctor, so I’ve spent the day feeling draggy & tired. Basically, I’m just waiting for bedtime, lol.
Sarah L
Great Sensory Garden tour today. It was with the Alzheimer’s group which I enjoy.
My day is slow and taking advantage of vacation catching up on my shows at Netflix.
Same old, same old here in my little corner of Ireland. Essentially just looking after Mum but we had a power cut this afternoon so I went back to bed & slept for 2 hours!
We put our 10 year old Golden Retriever down on Monday and this is my first day off all alone in the house without her. Our hearts are broken but so many beautiful memories of this awesome dog! Hope everyone has a good week!
michele soyer
Ready for a wonderful day today.. still dont know what my plan is but I know I shall not be bored…
good so far the rain stopped right before I was leaving, made it easier!
Tracy Robertson
It was a regular workday but pretty smooth and uneventful, so not a bad day. I seem to have a cold, but the weather was warm so it wasn’t hard to get through the day at work. I probably would have called in sick if it was cold or rainy.
Sarah L
Had my 6 week infusion. Slept through most of it. Then went to Smashburger for a Truffle Mushroom Swiss burger and a Salted Caramel shake. Yummm.
Good day today. Did some outside work and still managed to do a little in the house as well. Productive all around.
michele soyer
Well we had a lot of rain last night and I thought today we would be rain free but no.. it has been on and off rain all morning long….going to sit and read for awhile before lunch
Yay! Mum managed a shower this morning! No more bed baths!
I got a late start for me, I’m ususally up by 4:30 to 5:00, today around 7:00, still trying to catch up.
Janet W.
My day is starting off very sleepy from a long Labor Day weekend!
the day started out beautiful with lots of sunshine, now there is a lot of rain, thunder and lightning. I am curled up in my bed listening to music.
Sarah L
No BBQ at my friend’s house. She’s sick today. So just a quiet day to get ready for a busy week ahead.
Thank Heavens! Mum’s foot appears to be a bit better. She even managed to get to the bathroom unaided today. I’m so relieved; she really should be up and about by now.
Cheryl B
Happy Labor Day! Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
It’s going good. It is cold but at least it isn’t raining or howling wind. yet anyway! A nice day off.
michele soyer
Off and running today…lots of housework I want to get done as early as possible
I read a book; a good day.
I had a good day today, I rested and took the day off.
Tamra Phelps
Well, today was a slow day & tomorrow being Labor Day, it will feel like a repeat of Sunday, ha! Well, at least it’s going to be a nice day weather-wise. I feel for those waiting on that hurricane.
Terri Quick
My days was ok. I spent it at home with my 2 adorable dogs 🙂
Sarah L
Slept in – over 8 hours of sleep today. Good start for the week.
Another day looking after Mum, still, she does seem a bit better today.
Seyma Shabbir
My day is going great so far. I woke up late though. 🙂 My sons and neighbors are playing outside and the weather is great.
Looks like a gorgeous day ahead.
I’m glad there is no storm just yet anyway but I’m freezin! I’m handfeeding some sparrows some organic sunflower seeds – lucky them, fun!
michele soyer
Had a great day yesterday and today will just be a relaxing day.. feeling worried for all my family and friends who live in the path of hurricane Hermine
Teressa Morris
I am not having a good day. Had surgery two days ago and I’m pretty sure I overdid it today (mentally and physically).
Rana Durham
My day went okay but i wish it would have went better. i been a little sick so wishing to feel better.
Vicki Wurgler
my day has been good-watered my flowers, picked tomatoes and green beans. my grandson will spend the night with us.
Tamra Phelps
I’m having another one of those days where I feel uncomfortable in my own skin, feeling like I need to make big life changes but not sure what. I think this goes back to the recent death in the family. When that happens, you start to question your own existence.
It’s only natural Tamra, just go with the flow for a bit and try not to make any rash decisions! xxx
Tamra Phelps
Oh, I won’t. I’m not even sure what I want to change! It goes from ‘I need to lose weight’ to ‘I have to change my entire life’ to ‘Maybe I’ll get a new haircut!’ Yeah, I’m all over the place…but at least I’m aware of what’s causing it. That’s something.
Had a great day with the family. We had a barbecue, which I always enjoy. I didn’t do all that much today. I feel a little tired physically.
Sarah L
A lovely quiet day at home. Chicken for dinner.
I’ve had a bit of a hotch-potch day. Mum’s foot has been really sore & we were getting worried so called the Care Doc (an out-of-hours medical service). She listened to the symptoms but as she couldn’t get to the house for at least 2 hours she said she’d call an ambulance. She was afraid it might be a clot forming. Anyway, long story short, Mum got really upset, no way was she going to hospital etc. When the paramedics arrived they did various tests and determined that it could be a localised infection & to keep an eye on it for the next 24 hours. Fingers crossed!
My day is going well. I’m going to feed my a family members cat and run some errands.
Waking up, drinking coffee, and paying bills. Relaxed day today…if I can avoid my alcoholic neighbor who keeps wanting money for Vodka.
michele soyer
Having a BBQ today so I better get the salads ready.. Lovely day for one too….
We are watching out to see what is going to happen about the hurricane – and get ready no matter at this point.
K. Finn
My day went pretty good. I was at work and realized just how long my to-do list is, but the weather was beautiful and I had a great lunch with a great friend!
Sarah L
Good fun swim class. Then off to Sprouts for fresh corn & peaches, then to Arbys for my Bronco deal for $1.
Connie Lee
My day has been rainy. Here in eastern N.C. we are waiting for the storm to pass through and hopefully on it’s way out tomorrow morning.
My day is going OK. I loved reading this post it reminded me of when we were little. I actually threw up first day of first grade, and the girl I threw up on became my best friend. For kindgergarten, I was very worried because I did not know how to skip and everyone else did.
I’ve had a very frustrating day. Mum has announced that now she’s hurt her foot so can’t get out of bed at all and is getting despondent. I just want to scream!!!
I’m sooo glad Alice enjoyed kindergarten! I had a so-so kind of day. Had a hard time getting motivated, but I adjusted. You kind of have to, right? 🙂
Stephanie Phelps
Today my day is wonderful I have my beautiful granddaughter her with me and she is so sweet! She is only 9 months so she has me hopping!
My day is starting out with a smile thanks to your sweet story about Alice! Kids are so great and self-expressed 🙂 Don’t we all sometimes want to scream I CAN’T DO THIS! ?
So far so good.