• laptop with graph

    What Small Business Owners Want

    If you had one wish as a small business owner, what would it be? Reduced tax rates? A way of combating late payments? A study conducted by Bibby Financial Services has revealed that most SMEs in the UK want a simplified payroll system. There were other significant findings from the study. Approximately 20 percent of those interviewed stated that they wanted legislation put in place to end late payments by big companies while 30 percent of small business owners said that their priorities would be a reduction in business tax rates. 30 percent of SMEs also stated that over the next year one of their main hopes is to remain…

  • Photo-A-Day W wire

    May 23rd Photo-A-Day W

    Our hike today provided no antlers. However, I did find a small spool of rusted wire. I know; you are wondering the same thing I am. WHY on earth did I bring it home?? I dunno. In the back of my mind I see a craft project that would require a rustic, rusted spool of wire. It will go nicely with the rusted round thing I found a while back. OR maybe I’m just stretching it with the letter W?! A was easy. The rest of the alphabet is gonna do me in!!  Z will probably be a full post about my son Zachary. X and Y?? OHMGEEEE it’s gonna…

  • People at computers

    A Few Things to Know before You Start up Your First Small Business

    Starting up your first small business is always likely to be pretty stressful, more than a bit confusing, and difficult in a variety of ways. Nonetheless, everyone needs to start somewhere, and these days more and more people – of all ages – are taking advantage of the virtually limitless opportunities offered by the Internet, not to mention tools such as portable credit card readers, in order to become entrepreneurs. Whatever the specific nature of the business you are working on, it can be helpful to realize a few home truths, before embarking on the process of starting up your own business. Both to keep your spirits up, and to…