• Diversity in Business

    Diversity in Business. You Need It.

    Diversity in business. It seems that the term gets thrown around quite a bit. Most recently, by corporations that would scream from the virtual rooftops that their organization has and promotes diversity. It gets plastered all over Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. In most cases, under further inspection, the diversity is mostly surface level. Well-meant diversity posts show a rather uniform picture of employees of the same gender and or race are more the rule than the exception. And that’s not to say that the efforts of these diversity posts are insincere. Quite the opposite, diversity is, in fact, quite hard to achieve in the real world. One can only applaud…

  • Create a business plan

    3 Business Start Up Tips and Why You Need Them

    So you’ve come up with a business idea, and have decided that this is what you want to do. Being self-employed can appeal to a whole range of people for different reasons. If you have a dream and you have a reason to get your business off the ground, then you will need to follow a few tips to get started and on the road to success. Many people before you have started a business and become very successful so why not learn from their experiences and do some research before you even start? Here are some tips that will get you through the initial setup at the very least.…

  • Get Your Business Known Business meeting

    How To Get Your Business Known

    What is the point in having a business if no one knows it’s there? You won’t be serving anyone, and you won’t be making any money. However, when you first start out, you need to get your business known, and you need to get known quick so that people learn how great you are and tell more and more people and your business can grow.  Develop Relationships With The Press  Make sure you get to know the local press and tell them about your business and what you’re doing. It pays to take them out or invite them to an exclusive event to get to know them and build relationships.…