• Preventing Conversions

    Reasons why your Site is Preventing Conversions (And What to Do About It)

    If you want to improve your bottom line, then there are a few ways that you can do this. If you are curious to find out more then take a look below. You’re Choosing Design over Functionality A nice-looking site with tons of features might be good for appearances, but if it doesn’t help your visitors to purchase or even research then it won’t be doing you any favors. If you want to compete in this day and age, then you need to be laser-focused, and you also need to align your site with the goals of your customers. If you are not able to do this then they will…

  • Giveaway October Logo

    Hello October! $50 Your WAY Giveaway

    Time for my October giveaway.  September sure left like a LION! Snow! High winds. What kind of high winds? The kind of wind that tore the door off the BRAND NEW John Deere Tractor!!!!!! BLEW the door RIGHT OFF!! Other than that September was a pretty calm month. Made a new friend at the Goodwill store of all places. We are like two peas in a pod. Similar life paths including a move to Sandpoint! The house is still a work in progress. Deck… still not done. Now that we have snow, I’m doubtful that my front porch or deck will be done before spring. Staying hopeful. pfffffttttttt who are…

  • fWork From Home Man working at desk

    Calm To The Core: Areas That Can Provide Peace Of Mind To Employees

    Every office up and down the country can be a mishmash of anxieties, pressures, and precariousness. As we strive to improve our business, we may only look at the most obvious things: the analytics, the online presence, the finances. But what we need to do is delve deeper and how do we do this? We look at our employees. Our employees are the real litmus test to have our business is really doing. You can see it in terms of morale or the culture. And the one way to bypass numerous issues is to work hard at providing peace of mind to employees. How can you do this? Provide the…