• Mushroom

    May 6th Photo-A-Day F

    Photo-A-Day F is for fun. F for forest. F is for a very bad cuss word. F could be so many things but I chose F for FUNGUS. Okay, don’t get all excited. I’m not going to show you a toenail or some gross skin condition. I am not that mean. Well, I am but, not today I’m not.  You are welcome. Bear and I went on our daily nature walk. I am bound and determined to find discarded antlers. We have so many bucks all year and I just KNOW someone dropped at least ONE antler on the property. Right?!?! Yes, I know…. shiny….sidetracked…… back to my F during…

  • Light Up A Room Building a lamp

    Light Up A Room With Style!

    I’ve mentioned in the past that this house has so many recessed lights. I mean we are talking a SERIOUS amount of lights. My craft room alone has 14 recessed lights. The master bedroom and the main floor have even MORE!!! These folks seriously light up a room. EVERY. ROOM. Don’t get me wrong light GOOD!!! Especially in the winter!! HOWEVER, when you just want to sit quietly, listen to music and relax all that LIGHT is not my idea of a relaxing atmosphere.  I started looking around for a floor lamp. A unique floor lamp that would give us soft light. Check out this floor lamp from Wello. The…