• Photo a day gold

    Day 26 Photo-A-Day Something Gold

    Day 26 of my personal Photo-A-Day challenge and I have to tell you, I am running out of STEAM!! I am in a funk. The snow is melting at rapid speeds which is great EXCEPT if you want to leave the house!! Dirt road? No MUD ROAD. Knee deep, gettin’ stuck, huge ruts, eoowwy gooey MUD. The sky is gray. I don’t want to write. I don’t want to craft. FUNK. Blah blah blah…..I know…..as Cher would say SNAP OUT OF IT!! But, the blog is titled PB and WHINE!! So, that’s my whine for March 26th. While you may feel like I’ve shown you every inch of my amazing…

  • Photo a day Odd

    Day 25 Photo-A-Day ODD

    Photo-A-Day ODD is kinda funny. On a Duo phone call with 7-year-old Granddaughter Alice she wanted me to show her my new craft projects.  When I opened one particular cupboard she told me this was ODD!!! Along with “that’s creepy” quickly followed by “MOM!!! Come see what’s in Non’s cupboard!” Seriously? You don’t have a very old doll head in your cupboard?  Or a Barbie head?? Alice’s and The Momma’s reactions are exactly WHY I have doll heads in my cupboard. Peace out!

  • Photo-A-Day A

    Day 24 Photo-A-Day A

    Day 23 already of my very own personal Photo-A-Day challenge. Just a little recap for those of you that maybe stopping here for the first time. I have been in a blogging slump. I decided that a personal photo-a-day challenge would help me. So, I chose to share the inside of my craft-room. This is a HUGE space that I helped design. Tons of crafting space and absolutely the perfect craft-room. The photo-a-day challenge has helped me become more motivated to blog and craft! My March challenge is a compilation of about 6 different challenges that I grabbed from Pinterest. I shouldn’t even go to Pinterest……. it’s why there are…