• Hard To Shop For Person Wrapped gift

    Growing up fast – gift buying for teens

    Where does the time go? From building blocks and cuddly toys that get passed on to cousins or neighbors to outgrowing their first bike and even making the transition from the kids’ clothing section to ‘small’ or even ‘medium’ adult sizes, children grow up fast and without warning. While helping our children to make the journey from one day to the next as a happy and healthy young person is all part of the plan, the added headache of gift buying for teens is something for which we are seldom prepared. But it doesn’t have to be that difficult.  Check out these teen gifts for inspiration. You see, even the…

  • Small Businesses

    Even Small Businesses Can (And Should) Help The Environment

    If you run your own small business, you’ve more than likely heard the term Corporate Social Responsibility. A phrase that’s become increasingly important to businesses as it becomes incrementally more important to the consumers that use them. Corporate Social Responsibility is essential if we’re to create a better form of commerce. One that acknowledges the necessity of its commitment to the workforce, and every link in the supply chain. What’s more, businesses are increasingly expected to show a commitment to sustainability and consideration for the environment. Indeed, millennial consumers in particular expect the businesses they buy from to have a strong focus on sustainability. And, crucially, they’re prepared to pay…

  • Businessman with newspaper

    How To Save Some Money In Your Business Quickly

    There are many ways to save money in your business for your SME but sometimes, getting them off the ground can be difficult. With the economy taking a downturn because of Covid 19, every business is trying to cut costs to make ends meet. Small businesses, which have fewer resources, feel this pressure more. Do not be afraid. There is a list of ways to cut unnecessary costs from the business you, so you don’t have to become another victim.  Go Green! Energy efficient technology will save you money on computers, telephone systems and other technological tools. Many times there are tax benefits from the use of green technology. Not…