• No Money, Mo’ Problems: How to Manage Non-Paying Clients

    Credit: Karolina Grabowska/ Pexels.com Time is money. To a small business owner, there is nothing more stressful than not being paid for their labor or service on time. In some cases, there may exist genuine reasons as to why customers may neglect to pay their invoices. However, often than not, customers can purposefully delay their payments to benefit their interests.  Circumstances like these require business owners to be candid and composed. Here are some strategies on how to approach the situation.  Listen  Before producing a wild reaction, first, analyze the circumstances. A first step is always to begin with a polite email or phone call reminder. Be open to listening…

  • Don’t Slip Climbing Up The Property Ladder

    Are you getting ready to invest in your first piece of property? By the time you hit the age of twenty, you’ll find that there seem to be numerous people urging you to buy your first home, whether you can afford it or not. It’s important to be aware that not all these people have your best interest at heart. Some people will maintain that renting is dead money and this is certainly true. However, that doesn’t mean that buying is automatically the best decision. You will still need to approach this challenge the right way and ensure that you don’t rush in. Don’t forget, if you buy property, there’s…

  • Why E-commerce Companies Need Fast Shipping

    In the early days of e-commerce, if a consumer placed an online order and it magically appeared on the doorstep a week later, he or she was probably astonished that it showed it up at all. My, how things have changed! With Amazon driving the delivery bar ever higher, today’s consumers consider an order to be slow if it shows up in two days. With such a tight delivery window, e-commerce companies have to work very hard and very smart to stay in the game. The infographic below, How to Speed Up E-commerce Deliveries, is essential reading for leadership and operations personnel in just about any type of e-commerce environment.…

  • Setting Up the Layout of Your Retail Store

    When you own a small retail business, you’re constantly living under the threat of being overwhelmed by a bigger fish. Although the personal touch and unique inventory you offer can give you an advantage over big-box stores, they can’t be your only selling points. No matter how personable your employees are or how unique your merchandise may be, shoppers also look for convenience. If the act of shopping in your store is too confusing or takes too much time, you risk pushing people into the arms of the nearest competitor. This makes your store’s layout one of the most crucial aspects of its success. For example, there are various ways…

  • Things to avoid when playing online UK Slots

    Once upon a time in the late 1800s a Californian mechanical engineer who went by the name of Charles D. Fey created his signature gambling game, the Liberty Bell slot machine. This was widely recognized as the first commercially successful slot machine ever, and if it was not for Mr Fey’s crucial pioneering work in the field of slot machine gambling, we’re not sure the modern online slots industry would be nearly as big.  Of course, we’re not saying that Charles D. Fey ever meant for the online slots industry to happen. In fact, we’re pretty sure he would faint with surprise if somebody showed him the hyper modern, online…

  • How to Monetize Your Blog

    Maybe you have been running a blog for a while; you have a high readership, and now is the time to monetize; alternatively, you could be a startup brand or business who wants to gain traction right away. If you’re interested in monetizing your blog this winter, you’re in the right place. Below are some pro tips on how to get started.  Sell Advertising Space  One of the easiest ways to monetize your blog is to sell Ad space. The majority of platforms allow you to do this in the form of Ad space. You can allow display ads on there – ones not relevant to an audience – or…