• My Trail Cam Photos

    Trail Cam Friday!

    Last week I moved the trail cam to an area of the yard that the deer like to hang out in the daytime. The pictures aren’t all that exciting. ALTHOUGH……….. I do have one that is ahhhhhhhh WHAT THE HECK?!?!? Starting with the curious little ones. And now………… WHAT is this???! I tried zooming in but it didn’t help. Maybe my Mom’s spirit went outside for a walk about?? It does go with the Friday the 13th theme right??? Whadda you think the trail cam picked up??  

  • Side Hustle child on a laptop

    Should Every Mom Start A Side Hustle?

    It’s something that we’ve all giving consideration to, especially as busy parents. We could all do with a little bit more money and so this means that starting a side hustle can seem like a very good idea. But before you refurbish that junk room and turn it into a home office what are the main reasons to start a side hustle, and should you do it? The Ability To Earn Extra Income (But Being Willing To Put In The Work) Yes, this is obvious, but you’ve got to remember that with earning money comes a lot of hard work. You have got to think about earning extra money but…

  • Non brand

    I’m a BRAND!!!

    So, Monday’s and Wednesdays I ‘duo’ (it’s a real time camera app on my phone) with Alice while she is buckled in her car seat and the daughter is driving them home. HA!! She can’t get away from me for 15 minutes. HAAAA technology gotta love it. On Wednesday we were talking about her day and I commented “Hey, I like your shirt” (Ya, know looking for more validation of the cute vinyl shirt I made her) Alice: “thank you. It’s a NON Brand” Daughter in front seat:  “Wait, didn’t you make that for her?” Alice: “DUH MOM, IT’s A NON BRAND” Okay, so now I’m a brand!!  HOW hysterical…