5 Tips to Help Score High on Predictive Index Test
As Predictive Index Tests are commonly used as a means for employers to narrow down a large group of applicants, not achieving a high score can mean that your job application just gets rejected. We have created a list of 5 top tips to help you score high on your Predictive Index Test, so your application ends up in the acceptance pile.
What is a Predictive Index Test?
Predictive Index (PI) is an organization that provides a variety of psychometric tests and workforce testing solutions.
The Predictive Index Test conveys information about the cognitive abilities of a job candidate. The test has also been designed to provide insights into the driving forces behind how a candidate will potentially behave and perform within a workplace environment. The two most popular Predictive Index Tests are the PI Cognitive Assessment and the PI Behavioral Assessment.
What is the PI Cognitive Assessment Test?
The PI Cognitive Assessment is a pre-employment test that assesses the abilities of a candidate in the following areas: verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and non-verbal reasoning. Organizations will decide, based on the results of this test, if you are a good fit for their company and if you should move on to the next stage in the hiring process.
What is the PI Behavioral Assessment Test?
The PI Behavioral Assessment is a free-choice, untimed, stimulus-response tool that assesses the motivating drives and needs of a candidate. Thousands of businesses, from around the world use this test to ensure that the candidates they hire are hardwired to be a good match for their company.
5 Top Predictive Index Test Tips
Here are 5 top tips to help you prepare for your Predictive Index test.
#1. Conduct research
As you are reading this article, you are already off to a great start. But your Predictive Index Test journey should not stop here. For the PIBA test, you can continue your research by studying the organization you are applying to and seeing what traits they are looking for in a candidate. For the PICA test, you can research more to find out how to strengthen your cognitive ability test-taking skills.
#2. Complete practice tests
Next, you can take some PI practice tests. Make sure the tests you take mirror the real Predictive Index Test and come with a time limit. This way you will get an idea of what to expect on the real test. Taking practice tests will give you a good indication of what level you are at. You can see how many questions you are getting right on average and how many questions you are able to answer within the time limit.
#3. Read over and review your tests
A great way to improve is to monitor where you went right and where you got it wrong. This way you can undertake more targeted practice later on.
Begin with the answers you got incorrect. Try to think about why you marked the wrong answer. Were you pressurized for time? Were you unfamiliar with those sorts of questions? Or, are you just not good at those types of problems?
Next, look at the answers you got correct. This will not only help you develop your confidence, but it will also help you see if you are improving. Be true to yourself and faceup if you guessed any of these answers. If you did guess, consider why you needed to guess.
Lastly, look at the test in general. Were you able to answer all of the questions? Are you performing well enough to get the test score you need? This can help you see if you are on the right track.
#4. Practice with a goal in mind
Once you have established what areas you need to refine, you can practice with a focus in mind. If you have discovered that you are not great at verbal problems, then train on your verbal skills. At this stage, you may find it beneficial to enroll in a preparatory Predictive Index Test course. Such courses provide you with practical test strategies and shortcuts that can help you better your Predictive Index Test score.
#5. Stay calm
When taking any significant test it is normal to feel nervous. It is useful to practice calming techniques such as mindfulness and breathing exercises, to help you stay even and reduce your levels of stress. Staying relaxed will enable you to perform to the best of your ability on the day of the test.
With these 5 top tips under your belt, you are ready to continue your Predictive Index Test journey. Also, remember to take care of yourself as good sleeping and eating habits can do wonders for your performance on test day.

I have never heard of some of these test thank goodness. I dislike taking tests very much they give me anxiety. This was an interesting post to read though thanks for sharing.
Kate Sarsfield
These are scary! I can understand the company’s point of view but surely they’re also weeding out some potentially great candidates.
Never heard of this before. Sounds OK. What I don’t like, that I read about, is some of these on-demand video interviewing companies analyze for personality traits, etc., and people don’t even realize it. A long time ago a company asked me if I would take some kind of personality test, even before I had a basic interview, they didn’t even ask about qualifications, and it is a large, public company. You never know what an algorithm could say it indicates about you, especially when it is a relatively new product.
Tamra Phelps
I had never heard of predictive index tests. Wow. Well, the advice sounds good. I’d need it if I had to take these tests!