• Sleeping baby in a suitcase

    Confidence Boosting Hacks For New Moms

    I want to share a couple of hacks for new moms. Confidence is something that escapes all of us from time to time – whether that means you constantly compare yourselves to other moms on social media or find that an outfit you used to love doesn’t fit you quite the way it did before childbirth. However, whether you are dealing with postpartum depression or simply feeling a little down, you must learn to love yourself again. One way in which you can achieve this goal is by finding new ways to boost your confidence as a mom. Here are some great ideas to get you started!  Learn to love…

  • Family

    Who Should Purchase Term Life Insurance?

    Find out if a term life insurance policy is suitable for you and your situation.  The idea of life insurance is very confusing for a lot of people. With so many different policies on offer and such a range of companies like Final Expense Direct offering insurance plans, it’s hard to know where to start and raises many questions. When should you purchase life insurance? What carrier should you buy the plan through? How much life insurance do you need? The questions go on and on. If you have a family and people who depend on you, you need life insurance — plain and simple. There are various types of life insurance,…

  • PBnWhine logo

    $50 Your Way Giveaway July 2021

    Yup, I forgot today was the first so I didn’t have my giveaway post ready! I swear being retired means I lose track of days like crazy!! So, I guess posting today is better late than not at all!? In my defense I’m getting mega excited about the Grand-girls arriving on the 7th!! I have so many projects ready to do I am hoping it’s enough to entice them off their electronics (wish me luck!!). I can’t wait for that first hug!!!! Then add the fact that Sandpoint Idaho has been in triple digit heat. It is turning me into a napping slug! BUT, I have so much to do…