• Handwrytten Notes!

    I know this title Handwrytten Notes is making you wonder if I’m at it again. Y’all know me. I write like I talk. I tend to get ALL excited! I YELL, I also tend to ramble and make dramatic pauses….. In my head I imagine little characters like Miss Spell Check running around with her arms flailing about screaming “she doing it again!!” “she doing it again!!” There is mad choas, arms are flailing, there is screaming, she and Mr. Punctuation are knocking into each other. It’s mayhem! (BTW the Mayhem commercials are my favorite! Ahhhh to be inside my brain for 10 minutes!!!) I, of course, pay no never…

  • Photo-A-Day SNUG Home Gym Stairs

    PBnWhine Home Gym Offer

    Soooooo I’ve heard that some people spend a fortune on a gym membership to be able to workout. Being the giving, helpful person that I am, I would like to offer you an alternative! An extremely low cost alternative.  As in FREE HOME GYM! The PBnWhine Gym full body workout is FREE!! YES! You read that correctly! I will allow you full access to all my gym like amenities. Home Gym Amenities Let’s explore the PBnWhine amenities shall we? Stair machine Okay, technically NOT  a machine. However,  you have 57 carpeted stairs to work on.  BONUS!  The folks that built the house didn’t make any 2 steps the same size…

  • Covid Mask Up

    MS and The Covid Monster

    Y’all ‘member when I showed off my beautiful house with the stunning view for the first time? First there was ohhhing and awwwwing. Then there was the “have you lost your minds” comments? Okay, so that last one was mostly our kids. “You guys aren’t aging in reverse! Those stairs are gonna kill you!” (Spoiler alert no one has died) NO Well, for the first time I think I’m ready to tell my children that they might, perhaps, may not have been exactly so incorrect.  (pffffftttt we ALL know I’m not REALLY going to admit squat!) So, Covid has hit. Yup, slammed into the side of the house and oozed through to…