• Is Customized Haircare Worth It?

    Customized beauty has taken the fashion world by storm. From personalized makeup to bespoke skincare, people are beginning to choose custom-made beauty products over their mass-produced counterparts. The latest aspect of this trend is custom hair care products that treat people’s individual hair needs. The question is, are these custom hair products worth it? Pros: Understandably, one of the main pros of custom hair care is the targeted results. The first step to buying these products is a questionnaire. On this survey are questions about your hair texture, style, moisture, and color treatment. After your hair profile is built, the website will ask what your hair goals are. These could…

  • Heather

    My Friend Heather!

    Where my readers at??  Or my book listeners!? I’m a listener. I like the multi-tasking aspect of hearing a book and crafting. (YES, that dang MOOSE is still missing an antler. Maybe today!?) The public library is an AWESOME source of both written books and listenin’ books. AUDIOBOOKS!! Dang, that word just wouldn’t click in my head. I imagine it did for you right away though right?? Audiobooks are my favorite. My favorite series is the Eve Dallas, In Death, series. I LOVE this series of books. J.D.Robb (aka Nora Roberts!) Go in order. The characters are so fascinating. Listening is AN AWESOME experience. The audiobooks are narrated by: Susan…