• Early Outdoor Education Students in school

    4 Tips and Tricks to Help Your Kids Stay Safe and Secure at School

    As a parent, you want to do everything in your power to keep your children safe. This includes ensuring kids stay safe when they are away from home, such as at school. There are many things you can do to help protect your kids and ensure they have a positive school experience. In this blog post, we will discuss four tips and tricks for keeping your kids safe and secure at school! Talk To Your Kids About School Safety The best way to keep your kids safe is to educate them about potential dangers and how to avoid them. Talk to your kids about what they should do if they…

  • Children playing twister Eye hand coordination

    How To Throw The Perfect Game Night

    Organizing a night in which people come over to play games is a fun way to spend time with friends and family. It requires a little bit of organization, but overall, it is not that difficult! For the purpose of assisting you in organizing the ideal game night, we have compiled this guide to ensure that you have all the necessary information at your disposal. When organizing a game night, the first thing you will need to do is select the guests who will be attending, as well as choose a date and time for the event. After that, you are free to select the games, food, drinks, and other…

  • Did I break the site?

    HEY! I Didn’t Break It This Time!!

    Aren’tcha all impressed?? Remember last time I tried a new theme I broke it so bad that even GoDaddy Geeks had a heck of a time getting me up and running again. I think I may HAVE made 2 techs cry! ANYWAY, I was so happy with myself that I created a new header. Didn’t break the site. Didn’t lose any posts, pictures or comments. I was floatin’ pretty high, I must admit. That was until The Husband said that the header image is too confusing. So, Little Peanuts? What are your thoughts? Too confusing? Could you tell the basic message is “From my beautiful home in Sandpoint Idaho…….. Peanut…