• GEM Eat Your Vitamins

    GEM The Future of Vitamins

    Thank you GEM Vitamins!!  NOW! I can offer the Little Peanuts 50% OFF!!!!!!!!!!! Click HERE!!! I’ve mentioned before that I have some MEGA pain in my hands, elbows, neck and back. We are talking sharp, stabbing, burning pain. Somedays it’s all I have in me to get out of bed. I know I’m not alone. I know a lot of Peanuts have the same aches and pains. Some of you have way, way worse than I do. I’m telling you this aging thing is NOT for sissies! What I’ve Tried I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow the 22nd HOPEFULLY I can get some answers! Of course, Idaho being IDAHO we are…

  • Sleep! Ahhhh Blissful Sleep. PLEASE!!!!

    Growing up I wondered what my Grandma was up so early in the morning. Then the older my Mom got the earlier she was awake. Now I think them b&$#+(%’s passed it down to ME!?! Why??? That’s just rude. I’m certain it’s more of that Karma stuff. (Yeah, yeah, teen years ….. blah blah blah). Now, put me on the couch? Pffffffttttttt I can fall asleep almost instantly, in the most uncomfortable positions. What’s up with THAT!?  So, I trudge upstairs, cuddle up in bed and…… and…… and….. yup I stare at the ceiling. Drum my fingers on my stomach. THEN! My mind starts to get in on that action.…

  • screaming clip art

    Well played Monica. Well Played!!

    So, if you read the post earlier, about my telemarketer phone call with Monica I boasted that I WON!! Well, I DIDN’T WIN I made Monica hang up on me. I had so much fun! I was looking forward to my next call!! IT HAS BACKFIRED BIG TIME That, my friends has back fired.  I am certain that Monica has distributed my name and phone number to every single telemarketer she knows. 2 days of phone calls. The green dot means MULTIPLE calls from the same number. Since the towns are close to me, I of course have to answer. This isn’t as fun as the first round. Since they…