• Ouija board

    Family Vacation Idaho Style!! With The Help of Winning Moves Games!

    Thank you Winning Moves Games for making this July the start of THE BEST vacation! Our kids drove up to Sandpoint, Idaho to surprise The Husband for his 70th birthday.  What a GREAT surprise that was! More surprising is I was able to keep my big mouth shut for an ENTIRE year!! Are you as surprised as I am?? Alice in the background didn’t look excited for a 3-day car trip. Dan wasn’t too sure either from the look on his face. HOWEVER, it was THE BEST week I’ve had in years. Activities From fishing, daughter Selena was the fishing champ with a total of 6 catches. (We did catch…

  • Ways To Make Your Kitchen Safer for Your Kids

    Ways To Make Your Kitchen Safer for Your Kids

    A child’s safety should always be their parent’s top priority. However, many parents don’t recognize the number of dangers their children face in their own homes. The kitchen can be one of the most dangerous areas of the home, with numerous hazards lurking in the most innocuous places. Whether you have curious toddlers or independent teenagers, it’s important to make your kitchen safer for your kids. Childproofing your kitchen doesn’t have to be difficult or costly. In fact, many simple and affordable changes will greatly reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. Explore some practical tips and tricks that can help you create a kitchen that is both safe and…