• For hire sign

    3 Innovative Ways To Ensure You Hire People That Fit Your Company

    Recruitment turnover is a huge reason many small businesses fail within the first few years. You’re unable to hire people that work together cohesively for more than a few months. This eats into your productivity and leads to constant setbacks, all the while your budget is being drained by the cost of hiring/onboarding. That’s why recruiting the right people for your company is critical. You need individuals who fit the company culture and suit the style of work your business produces. If you need help finding these people, here are some innovative strategies to try while recruiting: Implement tests as part of the recruitment process Testing candidates is a smart way of ensuring…

  • Giveaway October logo

    $50 Your Way Giveaway October 2023!!

    Hello, Little Peanuts!! Happy October!!  I am ONLY excited about October because of Halloween. I am NOT ready for snow. I was barely ready for the cold October wind and rain that North Idaho has gotten for the last few days. It’s cold enough to start our very first fire in the new wood-burning stove. Seriously, WHO builds a house on top of a mountain IN IDAHO (almost to the Canadian border) and doesn’t put in a fireplace or a wood-burning stove?!?!  We finally rectified that over the summer. This stove is AMAZING!! THEN!! Because y’all know me and my twisted sense of humor I bought the set of SKULLS!!!…