• Insurance

    You Can’t Live Forever?? Really???

    Y’all remember being 16? First, ya get to drive!! I’m not sure if it’s just farm kids or if it’s true for city kids too; BUT, I tested my driving skills by FLYING down the dirt roads fast enough to make my little brother cry “I’m telling DAD!!”  Ya know how to keep your brother from tattling? You GO FASTER until he swears he will never tell. He never did. Which is basically why I’m still alive today. Then Comes 21 Then 21 comes. Oh man! 21 you can go anywhere. Like the liquor store. NOT!! The day I turned 21 I walked into the liquor store strutin’ my stuff.…

  • Vacation written in the sand

    Vacation Safety Prioritized: 6 Common Safety Hazards When Traveling

    Traveling is a wonderful way to escape the routine of daily life, explore new places, and create lasting memories. However, amidst the excitement of planning and embarking on a vacation, it’s crucial not to overlook vacation safety considerations. Vacation safety should always be a top priority to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. In this article, we will discuss six common safety hazards that travelers may encounter and provide tips on mitigating them. Transportation & Vacation Safety One of the first things travelers encounter when embarking on a journey is transportation. Whether you’re traveling by car, plane, train, or boat, there are inherent risks associated with each mode of transportation.…

  • new business partners

    Tips For Starting A New Company With A Business Partner

    When starting a new company, it’s always an exciting and thrilling prospect. Will it take off? Will it be the next big company in the market? For many, these are dreams that perhaps never actually transpire due to not getting past the setting up of the business, let alone existing for the first few months. However, starting a new company with a business partner offers more opportunities for success. With two of you in the driver’s seat and two people working on the business, there’s more of a likelihood that you’ll at least launch the business. It’s important that you’re careful when it comes to starting a company with someone…