$50 Your Way Giveaway December 2021
Happy December Giveaway little Peanuts.
I know this giveaway is late. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure I was even going to do one. However, with a little nudge from a dear friend (Thank you Sarah!) I decided one last giveaway. I think that after 12 years to hang-up the keyboard.
I have LOVED writing Peanut Butter and Whine. All MY little Peanuts are amazing and have helped me through some really hard times. I am truly grateful. I have always felt loved and cared for. Even when I mess up the site with my constant tweaking. Even when I lock everyone out. Even when the site goes down. Which over the last couple months seems more and more.
The first of January is when I renew with GoDaddy and well, I just can’t manage the extra moola. So, I will do one more giveaway. I will try my hardest to get on here and update more often during the final couple of weeks.
Okay enough of me sitting here crying. Let me try and make you laugh.
Soooooooooo y’all know Francis. Right??
I don’t remember who suggested it but someone asked me to hide a trail-cam inside Francis. Wellllllllllll here are a few shots. 1st, I’m surprised no animals looked inside. BUT in their defense he was sitting there for a couple months before the camera went inside.
What I thought was REALLY cool is the sunrise and sunsets! Check these out. Mind you, 15000 pictures and I found 5 that were really cool. So, long story short: Inside Francis is BORING AS HELL! Poor Francis.
Here it is, the last $50 Your Way Giveaway on Peanut Butter and Whine! Dang! This was a very fast 12 years!
Giveaway Time!!
I truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you everyday. As always I am blown away by your support and most of all your friendship!!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!
This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) $50 American $$.
Good Luck Little Peanuts!!

Kate Sarsfield
Did all this happen only a couple of months ago? Wow, hard to believe!
Shelly Peterson
I went to dialysis and will spend New Year’s Eve in. Happy New Year Connie. We will miss you.
It was a very busy day. I’m looking forward to a little ‘me time’. Thank you for this wonderful blog and other media presence you’ve created. It will be missed.
It’s a good day with lots of things accomplished. Now to rest into the new year. I shall miss you – thank you for being here
Sarah L
Happy New Year to all of you too!
Dana Rodriguez
Happy New Years! We are watching fireworks from our front porch.
l p
today has been a busy day, ending with a good-bye. thanks for the good times.
Tamra Phelps
Today is just sad. I know we don’t need this to keep an eye on you, Connie! I’ll be bugging you on Instagram and Facebook, still, but I still feel a little melancholy about not venting all over your blog every day! Excuse me while I go cry.
Amy Hall
OK day, grieved with a friend at her mom’s memorial service. Now having crazy junk food night with the kids for New Year’s Eve.
An OK day – I miss you already too!!
I had a good day. It will be a quiet, good evening. Happy New Year!
Sarah L
Today’s words: I miss you already!! Very true. So keep the blog and you won’t have to miss us…..
Are you really ending your blog today? The same day that Betty White died?
Thankful that no one was killed by the ugly wild fires here yesterday, but sorry that 1,000 people lost their homes and businesses.
If nothing else, you need to keep us up to date on your FB page. I will be checking it daily.
It’s a cold day here but tolerable. Thank you, Connie, for all your words, fun, and time.
Molli Taylor
i am taking care of a neighbor’s cats and chickens, ready to ring in the new year…. RIP betty white, let’s make this year better!
My day was going pretty good until I heard that actress Betty White just died that is depressing news. Other than that I am just getting ready to ring in the new year this evening. I wish you the very best in the new year and thank you for your wonderful blog I have so enjoyed coming to it every single day.
Colleen Koval
My day is going pretty well! I snowshoed early this morning with family.
Kate Sarsfield
Time to see the old year out & welcome in the new. Time to thank all of you guys here for a massive 12 years of support and humour. Bless you, Connie for bringing us all together xxx
Michele Soyer
It’s NYE and I do have to find something with sequins and sparkles…a new year coming fast! To everyone here have a peaceful, healthy New Year with all the happiness life can afford you…Connie thank you for years of putting a smile on my face….
Kate Sarsfield
Visited the grave today & lit a candle in the little village church for you xxx
Shelly Peterson
Today was a lazy day. I did go to dinner with my family.
The last day of the year is going fine so far. I couldn’t sleep, so I got up. We miss you already, too!
l p
another very cold day – sad too as it’s one day closer to your leaving. thanks
Tamra Phelps
Well, my Lord-knows-how-long streak of getting sick in December continues, lol. Yep, I have a kidney infection. I ALWAYS manage to have some health issue in December. I don’t know if it’s holiday stress or Winter setting in and affecting my immune system or what, but it never fails. I really thought I might break the streak this year! I was so close!
Michele Soyer
Oh Tamra – please take care and get well …. also please stay in touch..
Kate Sarsfield
Oh no! Stay warm, drink lots of fluids and mind yourself xxx
Sarah L
No swimming today. My friend called and said she wasn’t going because of her fears of Omicron. I decided not to go too. I took two presents to another friend and got a $3.60 whole chicken from Boston Market (it’s their 36th birthday promotion). I saw lots of smoke to the north as I was coming home. Right now I’ve been watching the coverage of a really bad fire here in Colorado near Boulder. Very high winds pushing the fire and so far destroying over 700 homes in Superior and Lafayette.
Connie, I NEED this site so I can tell about my days…..
Kate Sarsfield
and so say all of us! Just seen about the Colorado fires on the BBC – stay safe xx
Dana Rodriguez
Rainy and dreary day. So I made a pot of ham and bean soup 🙂
My day is going pretty good keeping myself busy while being snowbound. Just got done digging my car out enough to start it up to make sure the battery is doing ok. Now we are just waiting for another snowstorm to roll in this afternoon.
Amy Hall
About all I’ve accomplished today is taking a shower and minding the little ones. lol
Dana Matthews
My dad is going great. I’ve gotten to watch my favorite FB live broadcast, check emails and enter a few sweeps all in complete quietness this morning! No interruptions.
Molli Taylor
doing good here. still freeingi n portland but the weather has not been as snowy as hoped for 🙁
My day is going fine so far. It will be a mild day today. I will miss reading your blog!
Michele Soyer
I planned on touching up around the outside today for New Years but it is pouring again – so read, relax reflect – this is my new mantra!!
Kate Sarsfield
and long may it last!
Kate Sarsfield
I’m taking the car for a blow-out today. Other than that, no specific plans.
Tamra Phelps
My Dad, a car guy (he even had a car lot for over 45 years, always used to say you have to take a car out and ‘blow the soot out’, lolol. By that he meant drive way over the speed limit!!
My day went okay, considering we had 2 power outages.
Shelly Peterson
Today was a dialysis day. I dislike winter. It is too cold.
Laurie Nykaza
Lots of rain so were all inside today nout out in the gaarden like we hoped to be.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Another chilly, sunny day but have hopes for snow on Friday.
l p
still cold outside makes me grateful for a home. thanks
Dana Rodriguez
Been another nice day here but weird day too. Found out 2 of my guy’s employees tested positive for Covid and 3 of our neighbors. Which got me pretty paranoid again. We have also had 5 small earthquakes this week. Four Monday and one about 4 AM today. As long as I have lived here I never felt or heard one but I sure heard the first one Monday. :O
My day is going pretty good so far just hauling in some wood before the next snowstorm rolls in to our area in a few hours. We have been snowbound for a week tomorrow and I am starting to get a touch of ‘cabin fever’.
Molli Taylor
it is icy and cold here! i am having fun though!
Tamra Phelps
I’m sitting here in a sweater because, as my Granny would’ve said, ‘I’m chillin”–her way of saying she was cold but had no intention of turning the heat on because that cost money, lolol. Yep. I’ve turned into my Grandma.
Kate Sarsfield
It would have been Mum & Dad’s 65th Wedding Anniversary today so not a great time. However, the sun is out, the wind has died down & the cat needs feeding so onwards and upwards!
Tamra Phelps
The 18th would’ve been my parents 59th– but they divorced in the late 1970’s. My Dad is still living, but I haven’t seen him in several years what with Covid and his refusal to get the vaccine. I’m fully vaccinated and boosted but I don’t want to be the ‘carrier’ who could unknowingly bring it to him, you know? I can’t seem to get him to see my point of view and get the vaccine…he hates doctors/shots, etc. He’s difficult, to say the least!
My day is going fine so far. It is a bit warmer today. We are still eating Christmas leftovers.
Michele Soyer
Already planning my goals for the New Year and beyond – they are far reaching and I really hope I can accomplish them..
Kate Sarsfield
In other words, we have to wait & see? Michele, you can’t do that to us!
Michele Soyer
I will keep you and Tamra updated!! You cannot escape me.. LOL
Shelly Peterson
It’s so cold, I didn’t want to go outside. But I did run to the store.
Sarah L
Trip downtown for my infusion. Then got to use my Smashburger GC that I got for Christmas. Yum! Sunshine but only 30 degrees today.
Everything is down to a slow crawl around here so, I’m taking a deep breath and carrying on. Thank you.
It is freezing here in MN!!! I had a low key day at work which was nice, especially considering the cold.
Dana Rodriguez
Been a nice 70 degree day here. No complaints from me!
My day is going pretty busy here we are preparing for another snow storm here. I like a little bit of snow but we have feet so far.
Tamra Phelps
I took down the Christmas stuff (except for a wall hanging tapestry that I can’t reach)– after Christmas, decorations just seem to depress me.
Michele Soyer
Oh Tamra – I know – for me after the Epiphany when i take down everything I get so very sad – the opposite of you but the sadness is the same….
Tamra Phelps
I think it’s knowing it’s all over, lol. So, the same reason for both of us, just in different ways.
Kate Sarsfield
I only put up my little tree this year. I’d have it up all year round except then I’d have to dust it and I’m not going down that road! It makes me smile just looking at it!
Michele Soyer
Way back in 1970 when my husband and I were first married and living in a very very small apartment in the city we kept our very very little tree up until February until his birthday to keep the joy!!
l p
today is one day closer to spring. need I say more? thanks
Molli Taylor
there is so much snow here right now!
Cindy Merrill
I woke up this morning in terrible pain, please keep me in your prayers.
Kate Sarsfield
Too hot to sleep last night & today is warmer than it was in August in parts of the UK – what the freak is going on?
Michele Soyer
Climate change – global warming – it is here..
Michele Soyer
Going over my life – high spots – low spots and things I never thought would happen for me…What is this next stage of life going to bring? What massive change is going to happen – I have a feeling a big one is about to reveal itself….
My day is going fine so far. It is still very early. I have some chores to catch up on today.
Shelly Peterson
Went to dialysis today. Came home to relax. Its super cold here
Sarah L
Pretty good swim today. None of my friends were there, but about 40 kids and parents were. Then a stop to pick up groceries.
Tamra Phelps
I can’t believe the month, and the year, are almost over. Time just keeps on passing. It never slows down anymore, or drags like it seemed to when I was a kid in Math class, lol.
Molli Taylor
we’re having snow days in portland! it’s amazing!
Kate Sarsfield
I feel like all I’ve done for Christmas is sleep! Had a lovely quiet couple of days, just me & the cat & Xmas telly and chocolate and more sleep!
Tamra Phelps
I’m glad you’re rested up for the coming move, lol!!
Michele Soyer
Well the sun is out and shining – the garden calls so I better get out there and do some gardening…to tell the truth I really want to just sit and read !!
My day is going fine so far. It is still dark outside. It is 49 degrees now with a high of 63 degrees.
Shelly Peterson
Today was a lazy day. I’m hoping to go to bed early.
l p
the day is going well – actually more quickly than I had wanted but that’s the way it is. thanks
Tamra Phelps
It’s the end of December and the weather is like Spring, which might be why my allergies are nuts. Christmas is over, and that’s always sort of a relief, lol. Back to half-way normal life. After New Year’s it will be truly normal.
Sarah L
Connie, Please reconsider your plans to shut down your site. It is such a blessing to be part of this group.
Jean P
It’s a good day. We got snow so the kids are outside making and being angels.
My day is getting pretty stressful, I am snowbound and the snow just keeps falling we have several feet and it just keeps snowing here it was pretty for awhile now it’s scary!
Shelly Peterson
I hope you had a great Christmas. I had a great time with my family. I am being lazy today
Molli Taylor
i am recovering from christmas! how are you?
Michele Soyer
Happy Boxing Day one and all!! the sun has finally come out and the sky is so very blue – after breakfast taking a walk to the garden then back in to relax…
My day is going fine so far. I am up late watching a movie. I am going to make navy bean soup with ham later today.
l p
a lovely, quiet day with a video call as the highlight. hope yours was what you wanted. thanks
It was a relaxing, beautiful, laid back day today. We did the dinner yesterday, and the presents with the grandbabies.
Tamra Phelps
What a weird Christmas here in KY. 61 degrees, and my nephews had shorts on, lol. By March, we’ll probably be having blizzards.
Sarah L
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to you all.
Merry Christmas to you and yours. Hope you all have a very blessed day. We got a lot of snow last night and it just started snowing again.
My day is going fine so far. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. A happy and healthy 2022 to one and all!
Michele Soyer
Merry Christmas to all here – have a wonderful peaceful fun filled day!
Shelly Peterson
Merry Christmas Eve!. I had dialysis so I am not celebrating today.
Sarah L
Wonderful Christmas Eve dinner with my adopted family. Good food, lots of laughs and neat presents.
Merry Christmas to all!
l p
today is going well – learning to be flexible and patient. thanks
Tamra Phelps
The booster shot has done fine. There’s a little bruise and a bit of swelling but no big deal. No aches or pains after 2 days, so I think it’s all good.
Molli Taylor
i am not in any way ready for Christmas!!!! but im feeling good!
My day is going fine so far. I am fine today. Have a blessed Christmas to everyone who celebrates it!
Kate Sarsfield
Today was supposed to be moving out day and boy am I glad it isn’t; it’s absolutely bucketing down out there! I’m going to peel the sprouts and make a festive pizza for tomorrow in between tidying and packing.
Tamra Phelps
Merry Christmas, Kate. Pizza sounds good to me! I decided to have pulled pork sandwiches on ciabatta bread and onion rings, lol. Hey, when it’s just you, you can make your own ‘traditions’!!! Actually, my brother and his family will come over for a while, but they don’t have dinner here– oh, the kids graze the whole time, but mostly candy and junk, lol.
Michele Soyer
Merry Christmas Tamra! Have a wonderful day..
Michele Soyer
Merry Christmas Kate! Glad you are at home warm and safe!
Michele Soyer
So here we are at Christmas Eve – my ham is cooking for tomorrow and the salmon is marinating for lunch – trying to get all the cooking done early so I can truly relax and enjoy the holiday…. still running a low grade fever so that stops me sharing holiday goodies with the neighbours and having one dear one coming by to chat..one must think of the ramifications of ones actions….going to sit here and write all my galpals emails for the season and later chatting with daughter-in-laws (2) my son was a romantic.. LOL and the grandchildren….everyone here please enjoy your day!
Kate Sarsfield
and you too! Slow down please xxx
Tamra Phelps
Merry Christmas to you and CJ, Michele. I’m jealous of the food you guys are having!!! It sounds sooooo good.
Shelly Peterson
I did some shopping and went to lunch with my daughter. Then I watched the grandkids for a while.
Tamra Phelps
Baked brownies. Actually, over-baked brownies. You might even say BURNED the brownies…??
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve never eaten a brownie or a hotdog or a smore or an Oreo …
Tamra Phelps
WHAT?????? I am shocked!!! My brother came by to pick up that fudge for Angela’s Mom and he said ‘what’s that smell????’ I said, ‘I burnt the brownies…yesterday.’ I swear, you can still smell the burnt chocolate.
Dana Rodriguez
Did a little gift wrapping today. Have a ham thawing in the fridge. I think I am ready for Christmas.
Sarah L
Good swim with a friend. The other two who usually show up had last minute preparations for the holiday. Tonight I have to wrap the presents since I didn’t do it yesterday. Big dinner tomorrow.
My day is going pretty good today. I had to so some shopping and it is cray cray out there today! I am not going near any more stores till after Christmas we should be snowed in here in a few hours.
Starting out, it seems like the day hopefully will get better. Under the weather again today. Stay well, everyone!
Michele Soyer
How a day could change…finished my baking yesterday and started feeling faint – I am not a ” faint” type of person so since I am not pregnant LOL I knew something was up…soon after my daughter told me I looked pale thermometer out 102 degree fever – the chills started….out came the Panadol no other symptoms at all – fever of undetermined origin…..alcohol bath… by nightfall it was down to 99.. slept all night and this morning back up to 99.7….but I feel fine! taking it easy today – baking some Panettone and a Buche De Noel then rest and relax….
Tamra Phelps
Take it easy. Don’t make yourself sicker with stress or overdoing it…
Michele Soyer
Still working with this damn low grade fever…not happy!! LOL.. as of this afternoon all I see is the divan, a book, a single malt scotch and the dog on the floor and the cats on my lap!! Have a wonderful Eve Tamra…
Kate Sarsfield
Uh oh. PLEASE take care of yourself and do as CJ tells you.
Kate Sarsfield
Uh oh! The glands in my neck & armpits ache. Isn’t armpit a horrible word? Wonder if anyone finds them a turn-on? Suppose so. I think I may have a temperature, my thoughts are getting muddled.
Michele Soyer
Please take care- rest and relax…
Tamra Phelps
De-stress, Kate. Do nothing except lay around, read, rest, watch TV, mess around online…eat stuff you shouldn’t. Drink stuff you shouldn’t. You and Michele both are making me look downright lazy, lol. I need you both to just stop!!!!
Kate Sarsfield
I do all that anyway, Tammy! In between mad bursts of industriousness! Honestly there just aren’t enough hours in the day!
Shelly Peterson
I went to dialysis and came home and slept. Im always so tired.
l p
today is going well. was able to help out some friends who are stuck where they are instead of getting away for a break. thanks
Tamra Phelps
Well, I got my booster shot today. So far, no reaction to it. Fingers crossed it stays that way.
Kate Sarsfield
Well done you!
We’re under a weather advisory today so lots of people are in jeopardy. I hope they take things slowly. Thank you.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Will wrap presents later.
My day is going just okay. Stressed, relaxed….stressed….relaxed….stressed.
Dana Rodriguez
Made cookies, did laundry and some cleaning. Trying to get ready for Christmas.
My day is going really good today. I had a lot of running around to do today and just got home before the big snow storm hits tonight.
kk p
It’s snowing outside – well…there went the yardwork.
Karen R
Today is off to a good start. I have a good breakfast in my tummy. Going shopping later for Hubby’s birthday present.
My day is going fine so far. I was very sick yesterday. I am feeling much better today!
Molli Taylor
today is my daughters birthday and i am waiting for you to wake up.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m going to do as much tidying up as I can today. The last jab I had hit me hard 48 hours later – I might end up in bed for Christmas! For now, the wreath is hanging on the door & all cupboards/wardrobes & drawers are emptied & cleaned.
Michele Soyer
Well baking again today – apple and poppyseed retes.. ( strudel).. gkad that the poppy seeds arrived in time!
Kate Sarsfield
Ooh, I love strudel! Do you put cinnamon in yours?
Michele Soyer
Of course.. is there any other way!!
Shelly Peterson
Today I was lazy and didn’t do much.
l p
today is a good day – getting lots checked off from my ‘to do’ list and had a little time for ‘me time’ too. thanks
Tamra Phelps
I was sitting here all pleased with myself, thinking I was done with making candy, etc., when my sister-in-law texted ‘if I bring you the stuff can you make another batch of peanut butter fudge?’ Fortunately, I still had enough here to make another batch–so it’s done now. she wants to take some with her to her Mom’s for Christmas, so I was happy to do it–her Mom has done a lot for me since I got home. She’s one of those genuinely kind people who is always standing right there if you need any help.
Kate Sarsfield
That’s lovely Tamra. That’s what Christmas is all about.
Sarah L
Happy first day of Winter! Good swim with friends. Then a trip to the library to pick up a hold and some holiday books. 60 degrees with lots of sun. (should be 43 degrees)
Dana Rodriguez
Pretty cold here today and misting rain. Looking forward to Christmas break.
Molli Taylor
me and my daughter are having some special time together for her birthday
My day is chugging right along sure is getting cold here and I can’t seem to warm up.
Cathy French
Definitely sad to see you go. Have always enjoyed your posts. Thanks for sharing with us for 12 years
Kate Sarsfield
Heading off to get my booster shot – Yay! Then I’ll make the Sarsfield Christmas Wreath before the rain comes tomorrow. Oh, and more packing – doh!
Michele Soyer
Half 6 am and out the door – a few last minute stops and home until after the New Year! thank goodness shoppes open early!
Shelly Peterson
I had dialysis took a nap and now up late.
l p
the day has gone well. had a lovely surprise of flowers this afternoon ‘just because’. thanks
Tamra Phelps
It’s been a cold day here. That’s the whole story. It’s cold, and I’m tired of cold, lol.
My day was frantic today. Nothing seemed to go right, parcels are not being delivered, and to honest, I’m stressing out.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Having chicken for dinner.
My day is going pretty good I have been super busy today. I had a lot of running around to do today and now I am sitting down and relaxing.
kk p
Today is going far to quickly. Closer to Christmas (and I’m not ready) and the end of your media presence (I’m not ready for that either).
My day is going fine so far. It is 28 degrees right now. I will be working on a project at home today.
Kate Sarsfield
I was just about to cancel all the utilities from this Friday when our solicitor phoned: further delays due to Covid absences in the UK. So I’ve cancelled furniture removal, the cattery, my accommodation etc. etc. till mid-Jan. And now I have a headache.
Get your boosters ASAP; this Omicron mutant is taking over: 80k new cases in the UK yesterday, Germany & Holland under lockdown. Not nearly so bad in Ireland yet, but we have new restrictions in place already.
Tamra Phelps
Wow!. They are predicting it here in January, which is why I set up an appointment for the booster Wednesday. I want it done, with all the protection I can get. I mailed your Christmas card to the B & B, lol–but the way things are going it might not get there until mid-January anyway, about the same time you do!!
Michele Soyer
More rain! I don’t think I will be able to get out and weed today.. oh well.. guess I will just to suffer reading and listening to music and making Hungarian pastries…
Shelly Peterson
I got most of my gifts wrapped today. I went to the movies with my family and my brother and his family.
Sarah L
Back to swimming with my other friend at the other pool. It’s just a much longer drive than my weekday pool. It was good to be back swimming with her.
Tamra Phelps
I’m going to get my booster on Wednesday, assuming everything goes as planned. I want to get it over and done before the new year starts. If the new variant gets bad in January, as predicted, I don’t want to be one of the people rushing to get that booster and fighting crowds at the Health Department or pharmacy. And as someone with a less than stellar immune system, I want all the protection available if the new variant hits.
Michele Soyer
Get it Tamra!
Tamra Phelps
Oh, I am!! No one has to tell me twice, lol!!
Karen R
The day hasn’t been good. The hubby hurt his back and he is in bed with a heating pad. I wrapped presents. I hope his back heals, soon. This is a busy week.
l p
got some baking done and had to take a rest afterwards so it was a productive day. thanks
My day is going so so today it was off to a rocky start and I am trying to tun it around. Hope you are have a nice Sunday.
kk p
It’s a bright, sunshine day with beautiful music playing. I’ll miss you too.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve been packing, sorting & cleaning since 10am & it’s now 5pm. I’m beginning to finally see that the end is in sight. The week ahead will be hectic though so I’m heading for a shower & early to bed.
My day is going fine so far. It is still dark outside. It has been raining this morning and the rain is supposed to continue later.
Michele Soyer
With coffee in hand I plan on sitting in the gallery and reading until breakfast…today is a total relaxing day….
Shelly Peterson
I slept in today. Then I did some shopping.
l p
this day is going well despite having to be outside for a considerable length of time. grateful for shelter and warm clothes. thanks
Holly Thomas
I hate to see you go. Merry Christmas!
My day is going pretty nice today. I am just doing stuff around the house today. I messed up my wrist so having a hard time doing stuff today I think I slept on it or something.
My day is going fine so far. We are enjoying some sweet items made by our friend. They are a real treat!
Kate Sarsfield
Last trip to buy the weekend paper, say my goodbyes & wish them well. The surveyor was here yesterday & found damp in the loft. I knew about it & it’s been sorted when I had the chimneys cleared but this will probably delay things. Anyway, it’s not going to delay me & my move. Time to start a new chapter.
Michele Soyer
All my best wishes for the new chapter!!
Tamra Phelps
I predict an exciting new chapter in the Book of Kate!
Michele Soyer
More torrential rain.. baked yesterday so today I plan on taking it easy.. I have some eggplant begging to be made into a parmesan so that and playing with the fur babies is my goal today….
Shelly Peterson
Today was a typical dialysis day. The roads were still super icy
The day is going so quickly I can hardly catch my breath.
Sarah L
Got here late today and Giveaway Tools form is not working. Will try back later. (it’s not you this time, Connie, because GT isn’t working anywhere)
It’s a good day here but very very cold. I hope it warms up soon – too many people are without shelter. Thank you.
My day is going pretty good today sure has been a busy one. I had a ton of running around to do today and I just got in the door a little while ago. Now am taking a little break and coming to my favorite blog in the world.
l p
this day is going well. things are taking less time than usual for some reason. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
Phew, the cat is sorted. He had a vax this morning & the the cattery’s on-site vet will give him a booster in 2 weeks. Went begging for more boxes from a few shops on the way home, so I’m taking an hour or two off then more packing.
Michele Soyer
Glad Idris is taken care of!
My day is going fine so far. It seems a bit overcast today. I am doing some more baking today.
Cindy Merrill
How is my day going? Yesterday I lost my walet, I woke up writhing in pain due to a sore shoulder and my new cat has ring worms. Other than that and no money for gas, doing okay.
Michele Soyer
The bread box is empty and the muffin tin is also empty.. Better get baking!
My day went well today. My parcels are being delivered on time, and I’m finished Christmas shopping!
Shelly Peterson
I did a lot of running around today with my daughter but the roads got too icy so I didnt get my stuff done.
Tamra Phelps
We are up in the 50’s and 60’s again. I’m guessing more storms are coming. Weather-wise, December has been a weird one here in KY.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then a trip to Costco for some stuff and a chicken. Stopped off at my friend’s house and cut the chicken with half for her and half for me.
Dana Rodriguez
Nothing exciting here today. Just the normal workday stuff.
My day is going pretty good so far. I am getting cabin fever though because we got hit with some snow and the roads are a mess here so I am staying safe at home today.
My day is going fine so far. I am about to start some baking. Blueberry muffins will go in the oven first.
Cathy French
It is still early but I woke up with terrible nausea and heartburn. Hoping the rest of my day is much better.
Kate Sarsfield
Cleaning, packing & a frantic search for Idris’ vax certs. I must have packed them. I’ve emailed the cattery lady, now waiting to see if she’ll let him in. Her husband is Idris’ vet so I’m hoping it’ll be ok.
Michele Soyer
The sun has finally come out bright and strong with a cerulean blue sky.. Yes.. now I can move ahead outside..
l p
it’s one of ‘those’ days – not sure how the day went – got all the laundry done so I guess it went well.
Shelly Peterson
I went to dialysis and then took a nap. I ‘m just so tired all the time
Tamra Phelps
I made fudge today–and quickly packed it up so I won’t be tempted to eat on kit, lol!! Then I wrapped presents so I can put the wrapping paper back up… I need to clear all this stuff up and get it back into the closets, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
Bet you licked the mixing bowl!
Tamra Phelps
I did!!
Sarah L
Very windy all day long. We only had 40 mph winds by my house but other places in Colorado had gusts over 100 mph. Blew semi trucks over and blew down trees.
Karen R
My day is going well. I finished up my Christmas shopping. What a relief it is! lol
My day is going pretty good today. It is a snow day here it’s coming down right now and I am liking it nice and cozy by the fire.
Kate Sarsfield
More packing on my own. Really getting tired & fed up. Anyway, we still don’t have a closing date but since my temp accommodation is already booked (an AirB&B in Granard, Co. Longford – Google it!), I’ve decided to move out next week. I need a break, everything will be in storage and safe, and I’ve already set up an appt. to look at a house on the 30th. Christmas Day in Longford, on my own (apart from the houseplants), will consist of mooching in my pjs, watching telly, fruit & nut chocolate and sprouts! Heaven!
Tamra Phelps
Sounds like my Christmas, lol. And I’m fine with that. Honestly, I just always see Christmas as a stressful time… I breath a sigh of relief when it’s over. — I’m glad to hear you have your plan in place and are going to be settled and stress-free soon!!
Michele Soyer
Glad you have sorted out your new living quarters and I will pray that the house you look out is perfect for you. A small piece of advice – take it or leave it as you wish – what you permit you promote….
Kate Sarsfield
I know I should demand more, Michele, but there’s always an excuse & then tears, then shouting and I don’t want to leave here with bad feelings/memories. I don’t allow it in any other area of my life but family is different.
Michele Soyer
I understand – watched my wonderful mother go through that – very very glad I am an only child….
My day is going fine so far. It is 33 degrees. I will do some baking today.
Michele Soyer
Weather alerts are gone but the sky says something else – better get out and do some clean-up before it starts raining again….
Shelly Peterson
I watched my baby grandson today and then did some shopping with my daughter.
Amy Hall
Well…I got a lot accomplished so that’s something, I suppose. Still stuff on the to-do list, of course, lol. And they let my husband off a smidge early from work, so that was nice!
It was a busy day. We drove 3 hours to pick up my mom from my brother (We meet half way). We eat lunch and visit and then drive home. Why is sitting in a car so exhausting? lol
tammy ta
My day was busy. Watching Rudolf with my boys tonight.
Dana Rodriguez
I tweaked my back the other day so I have been taking it easy for the most part.
Sarah L
Long drive to see my Rheumatologist. She used to have her office closer to me, but I’ll follow her almost anywhere. Remission is a lovely word…..
Kate Sarsfield
Ah, isn’t it? Wishing you health & happiness over Christmas & New Year, Sarah xx
My day is going pretty good so far just doing stuff around the house today. I also did some work outside and it is super cold out there.
Cindy Merrill
I think my new cat Sophie could be pregnant, have no way of knowing for certain because we can’yt afford to take her to a Vet. I gave her a calming cat treat this morning.
Julie Bickham
Good morning! My morning has been nice and relaxing before the holiday rush. Hope your morning is going good!
My day is going fine so far. Now the temperature is freezing. It is supposed to warm up a bit later today.
Kate Sarsfield
“We’ll be there first thing in the morning”. Well, it’s after lunch & I’ve been sorting & packing since daybreak. Still no sign of sis & niece. I’m going to change the subject now ‘cos I’ll get angry if I don’t. Phew! Better out than in, eh?
Michele Soyer
You can always vent here….
Kate Sarsfield
They didn’t turn up, nor yesterday either 🙁
Michele Soyer
The Met office has extended the weather alert for another day – it is pouring! Tropical pouring and that is something else believe me… So what to do..first to begin making a plantain pie then braving the weather to check on all my garden beds….
Shelly Peterson
I went to dialysis and then later my daughter and grandsons came over
Tamra Phelps
I’m finally making some headway at getting Holiday stuff done, lol. Mostly, I do this by just letting go of some stuff instead of doing it, lol!!! Just ‘oh, I don’t really need to do that…’
So far so good. Am about to watch some more Code Geass.
Sarah L
Good swim at the pool today. We stopped at McDonalds on the way home and I ate french fries.
Karen R
I wrapped presents. Realized that I forgot the mailman and the hubby. I need a professional shopper.
Kate Sarsfield
Ha! How could you forget your husband???
My day has been super busy. I just got home from doing some major grocery shopping the snow is supposed to hit us starting at 3pm today and they are also saying on the news the wind will be up to 50 mph should be quite the blizzard here.
l p
today is going well despite it having turned overcast and is about to snow. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve been packing since 6am and cleaning as I go. There’s so much to be done 🙁
Michele Soyer
Hope you get some help…
Michele Soyer
Well for the naysayers climate change is certainly here – Nov 30th used to be the end of rainy season and dry began – here we are in a yellow alert and it has been pouring for days….
My day has gone fine so far – LOL! It is early – 4: 15 AM! This week I am getting some items ready to donate to a charity craft sale.
Shelly Peterson
I ran some errands and went to dinner with my son.
Tamra Phelps
This has been a day where I started off with ‘where has this year gone??? Time has flown by and I haven’t gotten a thing done.’ And that morphed into where has my life gone???? I haven’t done a damn thing!’ Lol. Yeah. When your mind gets to that place, time to just go play Candy Crush or waste a few hours on Pinterest–’cause both of those things are so productive, right?
Michele Soyer
Tamra you still have time to make your dreams come true – you are never too old to start a new project or anything your mind sets you on a path of….you can do it….
Tamra Phelps
I know, I guess I was just having one of those days. Today, I’m over it, lol. For now, anyway!
Kate Sarsfield
I remember hitting 25 and thinking that was it. I’ve been here a quarter of a century and achieved nothing. Was miserable for ages.
Tamra Phelps
Oh, I remember how old I felt at 30, lol. Wow!!!
Sarah L
Well, I did not go out to the concert today. I had a bit of a freak-out over Omicron and decided to stay away from crowds. Luckily they live-streamed the concert so I did get to see it.
Today is wonderful. My granddaughter slept over, and we crafted and played dolls. I got to be a kid as well as a grandma.
My day has been super busy doing a lot of cleaning, banking and cooking it’s about time for a break.
Today is going very well. I shall miss this blog but I’m grateful for the years.
My day is going fine so far. It is 38 degrees here with a high today of 51 degrees. I will be doing some holiday time table planning later today.
Kate Sarsfield
My sister & niece arrived yesterday to help go through things. We managed to finish one room. They said they’d come again today & I hope they do!
Michele Soyer
Still raining so this Sunday will be a restful reading day listening to the rain on the roof and watching it fall from the gallery with my coffee…
Shelly Peterson
I got up early with the grandkids. I got coffee and picked up groceries and then went to my nieces house for dinner.
Tamra Phelps
Last night was terrible here. (KY)–The wind and storms were nuts. But we are in the more central or slightly Eastern part of the state, so it wasn’t as bad as it got in the Western part of the state with tornadoes. Weird weather for December.
Michele Soyer
Read about the weather there and was hoping you were alright… Glad to hear you are safe..
Kate Sarsfield
So glad you’re safe & well xxx
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Had sunshine and normal temps.
l p
it’s a beautiful day out there so the day is going well. thanks
My day has been a busy one had to give the dog an emergency bath this morning and now I am worn out. Now just getting the house warm as we may see some snow this afternoon woohoo.
My day is going well. Two of my grandkids are coming over to spend the day!
Today is a good day. It’s going well and I’m getting a lot done.
My day has been going fine so far. I ran some errands earlier today. We are eating leftovers for our meals today.
Kate Sarsfield
Just watching the news about the tornadoes in US. Keep safe, Peanuts!
Packing, cleaning, Strictly Come Dancing & pizza!
Michele Soyer
I had so many plans for today but it is pouring.. guess I have to sit back and read! I will bake some cookies though the tins are empty….
Dana Rodriguez
So sorry to see you girl. Love you my friend.
Shelly Peterson
I went to dialysis then I have my grandkids over for the night.
Tamra Phelps
Well, it has been a day, lol. Spent my time trying to get organized for Christmas: wrapping stuff, getting lists together. Sigh, Still not organized, lol.
Sarah L
Had a lovely massage today. We had about an inch of snow and much colder temps.
Cindy Merrill
The Nightmare After Christmas:
Twas the month after the holidays,
and all through the house,
Nothing would fit me,
not even a blouse.
The cookies I’d nibbled,
the eggnog I’d taste,
All the holiday parties,
had gone to my waist.
When I got on the scales,
there arose such a number!
When I walked to the store,
(less a walk than a lumber).
I’d remember the marvelous, meals I’d prepared;
The gravies and sauces, and beef nicely rared,
the Wine, and the rum balls,
the bread and the cheese,
and the way I’d never said,
“No, thank you, please.”
Tamra Phelps
Lol, that pretty much nails it!!
My day is going pretty good just preparing for a big storm coming out way very soon. I am ready for a little snow but not too much.
Karen R
My day is off to a good start. Had a good breakfast and hubby started cleaning the house before me.
Kate Sarsfield
Still packing but motivation is waning. We still don’t have a definite moving date. Oh yes, this morning I could hear the cat coughing, least I thought that’s what he was doing. Discovered he’d actually thrown up all over a little book called ‘I love cats’!
Michele Soyer
Hope you found a lovely place…
Michele Soyer
Today the first thing on my list is bathing the pooch – told her this morning and she is waiting happily – she does love her baths…
Shelly Peterson
I was lazy today. I pretty much did nothing.
l p
today went slowly but it was OK. lots of nasty weather out there so it was a day to stay indoors. thanks
Tamra Phelps
Yesterday it was freezing and we had light snow. Today? Well, it’s up in the 50’s! Not that I’m complaining, lol.
Sarah L
Lovely time last night at Blossoms of Light. And hot cocoa and snacks for us volunteers.
Today a good swim with friends.
My day is going pretty good my computer is driving me to drink though it is acting up today and making me a little cray!
I will definitely miss you but totally understand! My day is going ok today. Got some errands done and finished Christmas shopping!
Dawn Monzu
For some reason, I’m feeling very unmotivated today…but thanks for asking how I was doing today! How are you doing? Happy Holidays to everyone.
Kate Sarsfield
Another load gone. This time all my outdoor pots & plants have gone to my sister’s yard. She’s not into gardening but it’s winter so they should be ok! My books are now all boxed up – starting on wardrobes today.
Michele Soyer
Today is my granddaughters birthday – 22 years old – she is in the middle of the brood of 7….
Shelly Peterson
I went to dialysis and came home to relax
it’s been overcast and chilly all day. lots of ice out there so we had to be flexible re plans. thx
My day started off kind of yucky but then it turned around and now I am having a pretty good one. I had to do a lot of running around and getting things done before we get hit with snow.
Sarah L
Getting ready to go to Blossoms of Light at the Gardens. Overcast (and getting dark) and 53 degrees.
Tamra Phelps
Well, it’s snowing for the first time this Winter. So far it’s just light snow. I hope it stays that way– I am not looking forward to big snow falls!
Michele Soyer
Stay warm and safe!
Tamra Phelps
Today we were back up in the 50’s!!
l p
today is one of those days during with things keep piling up. time to take a breathing break. thanks
The weather hasn’t been conducive to today’s plans so they were cancelled. Tomorrow….
Aw, we will miss your updates 🙁
li*************@co*****.com" class="url" rel="ugc external nofollow">[email protected]
Kate Sarsfield
Just back from the Dr. My blood pressure is almost back to normal, thank goodness! The theatre took Mum’s sewing machine & keyboard – they’ll always find use for them. The storm was rough but thankfully no-one was hurt. Still very windy and the sky has that ‘full’ snowy look about it and it’s bitterly cold.
Michele Soyer
So glad your pressure is down – from now on you must take care and low stress!!
Kate Sarsfield
Yes, ma’am! And you practise what you preach!
Michele Soyer
It is a gorgeous sunny blue sky morning – motivated to get outside and enjoy it!
Shelly Peterson
I ran some errands with my daughter and then we went to lunch.
Today has been OK. I can’t believe how quickly the sun goes down these days.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then a stop at Sprouts to pick up a few things including their garlic bread.
Tamra Phelps
It’s just 15 minutes after 5 and it is DARK out there… Feels so strange. Well, soon the days will start slowly getting longer again. I absolutely can’t wait for Spring…and it’s technically not even Winter, yet.
l p
this day is going well and I’m grateful as there is so much to do. thanks
My day is going pretty good so far today. I just saw that we may get some snow on Thursday so there are a few things I need to get done before it hits. I am so ready for some snow it has been 60 degrees here and that is horrible! We need a good snow pack for the coming months.
Tamra Phelps
Uh, 60° does not sound horrible to me, Heather… LOL!??☃
Charles Essex
Now you know
My day is going fine so far. It is just getting light outside. I hope to get lots done today.
Lori Byrd
I’m having a great day. My grandson was born yesterday. So Blessed.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Congratulations Lori!!
Kate Sarsfield
Another man, another van. That’s the defunct electrical stuff gone to recycling. I’m hunkering down now – the West is already out of power, all schools & Colleges closed. Heading for a shower & got a casserole in the oven in case our electricity goes. And it’s close to freezing as well. The poor birds!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh man! Fingers crossed you keep power!
Tamra Phelps
Stay inside! It’s cold here, but at least there’s not a hurricane a’comin’!!
Michele Soyer
Well the pooch needs a bath – the flower beds need weeding – cucumbers need to be planted – what to do first???
Shelly Peterson
Went to dialysis, then came home to nap. Its so cold outside.
Karen R
My day was going well until I read the news on your blog. I reconnected with you/your blog after months. I enjoy your style of writing and sense of humor.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Thank you!!
My day has gone fine so far. I checked some things off my to do list today. I hope to do some baking later this week.
Tamra Phelps
I’m still searching for two of my cookbooks and one of my recipe containers, lol. I know I saw them recently but can’t remember where to save my life… I mean it’s been over a year and 1/2 since I oved in here. Time to finish emptying the closets and all those boxes of books and put them on the shelves the way I want them.
l p
it’s cold out there, even without the windchill so I’m hibernating today. thanks
Sarah L
Quiet day at home before a busy rest of the week. Swimming, Botanic Gardens Blossoms of Light, swimming, massage and a concert.
Kate Sarsfield
Sarah, that’s my kind of week! You lucky thing!
My day is going pretty good just got home from doing some grocery shopping for the week and I am so tired. I also think the prices in the store are out of control way way way too high for some items.
Michele Soyer
I had the most wonderful birthday yesterday…over the entire weekend I felt so special. Watched movies that as a child I watched on our old black and white telly with my father…Marlene Dietrich as Shanghai Lily with the gorgeous Anna May Wong.. to my delight 2 Mae West movies that me laughed at her amazing one liners once again…my daughter said now she understands my dramatic clothing choices!! LOL.. old Hollywood you can’t beat it.. So now onward for the new year….
Kate Sarsfield
They sure as hell don’t make ’em like that anymore! Glad you enjoyed it!
Kate Sarsfield
A local charity shop sent a man with a van today to collect a load of furniture etc. The house seems so empty, the cat is wandering around howling and I’ve got earache. It’s a glorious day ahead of Storm Barra due to hit the West coast tomorrow.
Michele Soyer
Please be safe tomorrow….
Tamra Phelps
Uh oh, did you give away Idris’ favorite piece of furniture, lol? Seriously, though, I know that empty feeling. It’s like your house isn’t your home anymore, right? I hate that unsettled feeling. It’s only for a short time, though. Stay safe indoors tomorrow!
Kate Sarsfield
We moved lots as kids & the best way is to start packing early. That way you’ll almost be glad to leave!
Shelly Peterson
I was lazy most of the day. I did pick up a grocery order and went to dinner for my daughters birthday
Tamra Phelps
It is raining out there. I kid you not! In December. It’s raining.
Michele Soyer
And they say there is no climate change……
Tamra Phelps
Right? I would think anyone can just look around them and see how weather is changing. I think the mistake was starting out by calling it ‘global warming’–that made people think it only meant things were going to be hotter. ‘Climate change’ makes it clearer: hotter Summers, worse Winter weather, more 100-year floods, hurricanes, etc.
Tamra Phelps
I basically told her the same thing, Michele! She can’t shake us that easily, lol.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Had a cold front come through with winds and the temp dropped 30 degrees in 15 minutes. Still no snow or rain.
Terri Quick
I’m just relaxing at home watching movies & entering contests. Happy Holidays.
It will be sad to see you go. Thanks for the beautiful photos, especially those of your gorgeous views from your home.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh those photos will still be on my Instagram page. I am so in love with my view…….. I am so spoiled and I want to keep sharing.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
Omg I’m going to miss this! But I understand things are expensive!
I’m struggling with some pain from health problems today – not my best day…
Connie: The Head Peanut
Thank you Kim. I hope you are feeling better today.
My day is going pretty quiet today. I am just taking it easy today and doing some stuff online and watching movies oh and eating.
Maryann D.
Wishing you all the best! I always enjoyed visiting your blog and getting your emails. You are a very sweet person!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Thank you Maryann!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love you Michele! I promise to post updates!
My day is filled with all good things. I am sad, however, to read of your decision to step away. At the same time, I affords an opportunity to let you know how grateful I am for your time and work. Thank you.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Thank you so MUCH Kari!!
Dawn Monzu
Well, my day is just starting, but since it’s still the weekend it should be good! The holidays are creeping up so quickly and I need to get organized. I hope things are going great for you and yours! Please stay safe everyone and Happy Holidays to all.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Happy Holiday’s Dawn. I feel like I’m already behind!!! Still waiting for more items to arrive so I can get them sent out. Ackkkkkkkk
Kate Sarsfield
I’m packing up my life in boxes. Keep getting distracted though (Connie, you know what I mean)!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I think this last move was the hardest for me as well. Sending you bunches of hugs!
Tamra Phelps
Oh boy…I feel for ya!! Been there, hated that! But I honestly believe you will land in a place where you will make a very happy home for yourself!!
My day is going fine so far. I am finishing up a project today. I will miss you and your blog but I understand!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Thank you Nancy!
Ken Ohl
Today is not going well my wife is in pain and I’m worried about her
Kate Sarsfield
Hope she feels better soon, Ken.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ken, I’m sorry to hear about your wife. Sending prayers her way.
Shelly Peterson
today I was hoping to sleep in. that didn’t happen. I had my grandkids over again today.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Shelly, FINGERS crossed but I THINK Alice and Mom will be here the week after Christmas. I am SO GIDDY!!!
l p
it’s early, early and dark but so far the day has started slowly. thanks
Sarah L
12 years of writing your blog. Watching Alice grow up. Seeing your move from California to Idaho. Laughing at some of your crafting attempts. Dang, I’ll miss this blog if you decide to stop doing it. ?❤??????
Kate Sarsfield
Sarah, what are we going to do?
Connie: The Head Peanut
Thank you Sarah. I love you.
Tamra Phelps
Well, now I’m sad! But relieved you are okay! I was a little worried…but then I saw you were on Instagram and Facebook, etc., so I figured you were okay! I understand. Sometimes you just reach a stopping point. We are all still going to be stalking you on Facebook & Instagram, though. Fair warning!! I still expect updates there on poor, bored Francis. And when I find a good giveaway on Instagram, you’re still getting tagged, lol!! If I find some weird sh$# that needs to be in your yard art…well, you’ll be hearing about it! I’m your worst nightmare– a friend with way too much time on my hands!! ??
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love you Tammy!! You better NOT ditch me!!
Connie Head Peanut
I will miss you too! You guys are gonna make me cry again!
Kate Sarsfield
Oh, Connie, now I’m crying again! What’ll I do without you lot? You’ve kept me relatively sane for years!
Connie Head Peanut
Thank you!! I will miss you SO MUCH!!
Molli Taylor
hey there! happy december! just trudging away at work!
My day was going pretty good until I read that you are ending your blog. Man I have enjoyed coming to it every single day. I have so loved your Instagram pictures. Thank you for all your hard work and thank you for doing one last giveaway. I will so miss you.
Connie Head Peanut
Thank you Heather. I will miss you too.
Shelly Peterson
So sad to see you go! Thanks so much for sharing your life with us for 12 years. We will miss you.