$50 Your Way Giveaway! Single Blog Giveaway! PayPal, Amazon, Starbucks
Are you ready for Septembers Giveaway? I have to say last month was BUSY!! Between my kids Selena and Zac coming for a visit. Alice spending 3 weeks here IN THE MIDST of remodeling. (BTW I do not recommend entertaining and remodeling at the same time. It’s stressful!)
Remember just last month I complained it was HOT outside?? Well, a mere 30 days later it’s COLD!! I know whine, whine, whine! It’s weird, not really freezing but unpredictable. One day it will be in the 60s and today? 63! Then yesterday it bad it to 80’s. Everyday is different. I’m learning that this is Idaho. However, the nights? In the 40’s, which is amazing sleeping weather.
Yesterday I updated about the remodel, it’s still coming along nicely. Today I learned my counters could be another 6 to 8 weeks. SAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY what?! Yup, in Idaho a remodel takes about a year. October will be one year. We won’t be even close to being done.
I do have some NON whines! I have a MOOSE!! Actually a mama and baby! Let me tell you; they are GINORMUS!! Did you know they can reach over 1000 pounds?! A THOUSAND pounds!? Holy Guacamole Batman! It was around 8pm, I snuck outside (on the balcony) and took a couple pictures, then called my daughter on DUO (It’s like Facetime for Galaxy phones) at first I was whispering then I tried a little louder then normal voice, then shouting. That moose could have cared less that I was there. I guess at that size they are more like “Bring it ON BITCH!” The pictures are bad, but squint and you can see her.
On to the giveaway!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you stop by. THANK YOU!!!
This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated.
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!

Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Busy week ahead.
shelly peterson
Today was a nice and relaxing day. Not happy for the weekend to be over though.
Sue E
My day wasn’t as good as it could have been!
We don’t have our TV hooked up again until tomorrow when Direct TV comes. We missed the Bears game and they won!
Barbara Montag
I had a good day.
Completed my first week as a non smoker – Yes!
Got some things done around home.
Kate Sarsfield
Well done Barbara!
I cannot believe today is the last day of September. Seriously… it went so fast! August was long and laborious and I couldn’t wait for it to be over, and September just whizzed by! Today is my Sunday. I relaxed and enjoyed myself. 🙂
Tamra Phelps
Well, good-bye September. I look forward to October. I really believe that in October I will be walking again. It feels like it’s going to happen soon. I’m standing straight and for a little longer. Here’s hoping October is my month! ⤴??
My day is goin perfect Dodgers up 9/0 YIPEEEEEEEEEEEE LETS GO DODGERS LETS GO
Day is going good. Just looking at a local FB group, another car “breakin” last night video seen on their Ring. People don’t lock their cars and leave valuables, including the keys (many stolen from this). Crooks are coming deep into the heart of the burbs finding treasure very easy to steal. They almost never get caught. You can see this guy walk right up to the car at the top of a long driveway, open the door in a nano-second, reach in, take something that looks like a wallet, and leave. Easy pickins. The police are begging people to not leave their car doors unlocked, no valuables, no keys/fobs in the car.
Cathy French
Looking forward to watching both my Cleveland Browns football game and the Nascar race today!
Going well! Finally having coffee and headed off for last day of vacation.
Michele Soyer
Where in hell did September go?? This month has whizzed past me at a rate I cannot believe…..The holidays are right around the corner so I better get a move on.. but not today.. today is for the usual Sunday agenda.. reading listening to music and relaxing….
shelly peterson
Today was a busy day. Went to both my grandsons soccer games and tried making my computer work better.
Kate Sarsfield
It’s 6 in the morning and I woke up with the foxes yowling & now can’t get back to sleep … maybe I’ll read for a while …
I am so tired… but I am not sure why. I can’t say I did much. Way too lethargic…. lol.
Sarah L
Had fun at the Fall Plant and Bulb sale. Got to spend $60 of a friend’s money on bulbs for him.
Robert Phelps
Had a nice ultrasound massage on my neck and shoulders. My neck was so tight and tense it was popping when I did exercises in physical therapy. They decided it needed to relax because it was inhibiting therapy. It really has helped. My right arm is lifting much higher. Left arm is very close to full mobility.
Kate Sarsfield
Love a good massage! I’ve got an infrared massage thingummy that gets real deep heat into all those tight shoulder & neck muscles – highly recommend it! Can you swim? That’s so good for helping build strength and relax at the same time. Hang on, how come it’s Rob posting?
Barbara Montag
I am having a wonderful day – fun at the farmer’s market.
And meeting a good friend for lunch.
It doesn’t get any better than this.
Kate Sarsfield
Just the usual Saturday here: sleep in, brunch, shopping & housework then pizza & telly!
Day is going good. Finally some nice weather. Going to get out later and enjoy!!
Michele Soyer
Pouring again….my idea of painting outside today is a wash so to speak…will do laundry and putter around….have a great weekend everyone..
Shelly Peterson
not such a good day today. I am having computer problems. 🙁
Today was a good day. My order from Amazon came today. I have a new outfit and it looks really nice on me. So when I go out I could look halfway decent for a change…. LOL. 😛
Kate Sarsfield
Post a piccy, pretty please with cherries on top!
Sarah L
Good swim class today. Need to go to bed early to go to the Fall Plant and Bulb sale tomorrow.
Cathy French
I’m not sure how it happened but I go up a little earlier today than usual to get some stuff done and here I am behind instead of ahead. Ugh
Susan Smith
I’m having a good day. I’m doing laundry and cleaning and watch a movie or two on Netflix. Today has been the first day that it feels like Fall as it’s in the 60’s.
Day is going good. Watching the Judicial Committee getting ready to vote on nomination. Not sure how long I’ll hang in waiting. More rain today! Ahh! Doing some chores, in between looking at the live coverage.
Michele Soyer
Pouring torrential tropical rain and a severe weather alert from the met office.. Glad I spent the morning working outside…. got lots of transplanting done. yesterday had a lovely chat with the plant lady in the village I might just be selling flower seedling to her…. every small bit of change adds up and I always have too many cups of seedlings anyway….
My day’s going okay so far….but I’m just realizing coffee on an empty stomach may not be a great idea! 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
Glorious sunshine again – hope this lasts for the weekend so I can get some serious gardening done. Today is ‘you-know-where-the-kitchen-is’ day, so no cooking for me 🙂
shelly peterson
I had a nice relaxing day at home. It was nice.
Went out shopping today. It was a very good day. Good prices… sales… Wonderful! 🙂
Barbara Montag
Quiet day here today – much needed rest.
Sarah L
Went to cashier training for this weekend’s Fall Plant and Bulb sale. I’ll be working on Saturday.
Day is going good. Weather is holding, will be getting senior ride to grocery store, so that takes up most of the day, as they go around and pick people up. I’d like to watch the hearing, but I’ll have to see what happened later.
Michele Soyer
Getting ready to go out this morning.. feed store and a few other stops….have to pick up some paint at the hardware for a new project I am starting…
Kate Sarsfield
All well here; beautiful Indian Summer for the next couple of days, yay! Hard to believe we had the heating on on Tuesday.
shelly peterson
Today was a long day. I am ready for bed.
Tamra Phelps
Got to see my brother today. He brought in my list of things I need (okay, want, lol.) My lists can get long, and he says I can’t give directions at all (like ‘it’s in a blue bottle, and I think it’s in the kitchen, maybe the livingroom’ lolol)
Kate Sarsfield
Rob can’t help it, he’s not a woman!
TODAY was better than yesterday but I still felt kinda blue… It’ll pass. 🙂
Sarah L
Good swim class. Then stop at grocery store and library to return books.
Cathy French
It has been almost non stop raining here for 3 days. Enough already!
Day is going ok. More thunderstorms predicted, so not going out. Chipping away at paperwork, and making some plans.
Kate Sarsfield
We had a scheduled power outage from 9 till 4 today so nothing much got done and we thoroughly enjoyed it too! I couldn’t get the camping stove to work so no morning coffee for Mum which was the only setback, although as she drinks it weak with plenty of milk and decaffeinated, I don’t see the point!
Ellen Levickis
Haven’t done anything much yet, mentally getting ready for book club in two hours.
Michele Soyer
Trying hard to get up and out but the weather looks blah.. might storm.. might not..already cleaned out some junk drawers and swept now have to decide whether to make a go of it outside in the garden or work up here….
shelly peterson
I had a relaxed day. I went to lunch with my sister.
Barbara Montag
I had a difficult day.
My third day off of cigarettes and it was harder but I made it!
Sarah L
Hair cut this morning then a couple hours volunteering for my candidate for governor.
Today is National Register to Vote day. Hope you are all registered.
Today was so bleh. I’ve had better. But anytime I want to scream and complain about everything that is wrong. I have to remember about everything that is right. A neighbor of mine lost his teenaged son yesterday. Puts everything I was complaining about into perspective. I am grateful to God for everything that I do have. I am blessed. 🙂
Day is going ok. Lots of rain today, so watching the buckets. Budget approval meeting tonight, the complex insurance went up greatly b/c of claims, so our fees are going way up.
Michele Soyer
Still have not gotten outside as yet and it is half 9….got some neighborhood news this morning concerning a 17 year old who fell into the sea and drowned….believe me on the NorthEast coast here you do not want to find yourself in the sea and unable to swim.. swimmers don’t always make it.. so sad…have to get up and get moving….
Kate Sarsfield
and there’s me complaining …
Michele Soyer
Oh Kate….Christmas might be a bit down scaled but I believe you and mum can still have a great holiday season on the thrifty side….
Kate Sarsfield
At least we’ll be clean!
Kate Sarsfield
We had to get a new shower unit so Christmas may be have to be postponed or cancelled. Who knew they cost so much? Still the guys were very professional & pleasant and tidied up any mess. More painting, prep lunch & dinner, have a nap and then off to choir tonight.
shelly peterson
I am tired today. I hope to go to bed soon.
Sarah L
Good swim class then a great massage. Then Arby’s Bronco special.
Tamra Phelps
I smell like Bio-Freeze, lol. It smells like Bengay or other arthritis creams. I don’t care, though, because it definitely helps the sore muscles.
Kate Sarsfield
Ooh, lovely! If I was there I’d be sniffing you 😉
Cathy French
It is a dreary rainy day here but its cool so not complaining. Lovin early fall.
Michele Soyer
Spent a great morning outside in the garden.. so good to be up and out working….yesterday afternoon I did bake…oatmeal cookys and a batch of currant almond shortbread…. this morning planted pots of lovely zinnia plants and a few giant marigolds….re-did the planting station with wooden planks for all the hydroponic greens and herbs under the semi-shade and away from pouring rain… Now making a breakfast for lunch and then a restful afternoon….
Beautiful day… My neck is finally recovered from my fall so I was able to do some work. Now I am going to enjoy the rest of my afternoon…
Barbara Montag
I am having a good day.
Going to a fun cardio class at the Y and then lunch at our Senior Center – Yes!
Day is going good. It is nice and cool and took out my red plaid flannel jacket. Reminds me of wood splitting days. I’m not so sure my maidenhair fern likes this cooler temp, I can’t make it warmer, they don’t turn heat on at the complex until later in the year.
Kate Sarsfield
I had to take Mum for a blood test this morning as they forgot to do it last time & it’s the most important one (tumour marker test). I’ve had to delay Mum’s hospital review until that result comes through. I didn’t tell Mum it was important as she’ll only worry and now I feel guilty about that. Anyway, we both got our flu’ jabs so I can cross that off my list of things to do.
shelly peterson
Today was a great and sad day at the same time. Had a family dinner but it is my Moms last day here.
Barbara Montag
I am having a nice quiet Sunday.
Rest before the busy week.
Annmarie Weeks
My day has been okay. I like to spend my Fall Sundays just watching football, and the games were pretty enjoyable today! Hope your weekend has been fun!
Sarah L
Happy first day of Fall. Hot today, colder tomorrow.
Tamra Phelps
It just keeps raining and raining. It’s been a pretty slow Sunday. The test on my stomach that required drinking all that barium showed them nothing, so I guess I now have the endoscopy done. I thought that was what I was having, but insurance requires the barium thing first, I guess. Meanwhile, the stomach growls at me, lol.
Cathy French
Nothing spectacular happening today. Only plans are to watch the new Solo movie tonight.
Having a nice Sunday, just put on some tea. Looking up some recipes for fall baking.
Sunday! Going to relax and enjoy my day! Watch tv and drink some coffee… 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
Day 2 of being 59: It still sucks but I suppose I’ll get used to it. Only 8 years till I get my pension :0
Michele Soyer
Finally feeling better….that fever kicked my you know what….up and moving but under strict orders taking today off also…tomorrow I will go back to work…hope you had a great birthday Kate and I wish you a year filled with peace, love, joy and all the chocolate you want.. when my tummy is back to normal I shall raise a glass to you!
Kate Sarsfield
You make sure you do what you’re told!
Michele Soyer
I do not do that well…..never have…LOL
shelly peterson
I spent time with family today. My mom is getting ready to head back home soon.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Making mushroom soup in the crock pot.
Kate Sarsfield
I went to a beauty salon & had a spray tan to cheer myself up – I do have rather lovely legs, even if I do say so myself!
Barbara Montag
I am having a great day.
Made a good haul at the farmer’s market this morning!
shelly peterson
So glad it is Friday. I have a busy weekend planned.
Sue E
My day is now nighttime, but both are going great!
It’s finally cooler out and great sleeping weather!
I hope yours is going wonderful!
Mom is still unwell… high fever… I told her to take the weekend off to rest and recuperate. She wants to fight me on it, but I am more stubborn than she is and I will wear her down. lol.
Sarah L
Good swim class, but few people. Cooler weather and out of the 90s.
Tamra Phelps
It’s pouring rain and supposed to rain all weekend. Well, it’s not like I was planning any outdoor activities. Finally had that stomach test yesterday…’here drink 4 glasses of barium without throwing up.’ Geeze. Nasty. Well, I haven’t heard what, if anything, it showed them
Barbara Montag
I am having a great day – my air fryer came out.
Can’t wait to try it out!
Connie Gruning
Happy Birthday MsKate!!!!!!!!!!! You’re almost catchin’ up with me! Enjoy your day! Do something FUN!!!!!!!! 59 is the new 29!!
I love you!!! Happpyyyyyyyyyy Birthday! (be thankful that we aren’t close enough that I would sing!)
Kate Sarsfield
I have worn my tiara all day! Poor postie probably thinks I’ve finally lost the plot 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
I am 59 years old today. There I’ve said it. I’m not sure how I feel about it yet though 🙁
Tamra Phelps
Oh, you’re still a happy go lucky young chick!!! Happy birthday to you… (I sang that, in case you didn’t hear it that way.) ???
Michelle L
Very exhausting…. I donèt know how else to phrase it.
Day is going good. I’m enjoying the cooler weather, and the last day of summer. Have quite a bit of chores to do today, getting organized.
shelly peterson
Today was a good day. Spent time with family, went to lunch and going to the movie.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Made appointment to get a hair cut.
A snake got in my bird house and killed one of my birds. 🙁 Luckily a friend was nearby and got rid of the snake for me. This is the third time this happened in a year. I really hate snakes….
Kate Sarsfield
Shades of Harrison Ford, CJ! What kinds of birds do you have?
Barbara Montag
I am having a wonderful day in spite of the rain.
It’s another nice day – no troubles.
Michele Soyer
Yesterday all of sudden I felt weird.. well weirder than usual so I quit for the day before noon…find out my fever is 101 and I am cold and bleh….taking meds and am being ruled bu the iron fist of my daughter….still feel off today with a fever so taking the day off.. I have to rest read and reflect….
Kate Sarsfield
Do take care x
Robert Phelps
Take care of yourself!! Trust me, it pays to see the doctor and take the meds, lolol.
Tamra Phelps
Oops, I just accidently entered my brother’s name, lol. I was using autofill and not paying close attention. That was from me, Michele, in case you’re thinking ‘who is Robert Phelps??’
Kate Sarsfield
It’s raining with a vengeance so I’m getting ready to paint again. No other plans for the day, just trying to stay positive about being almost 59. I mean, how can that be?
Kate Sarsfield
Oh no! Wish her well from us x
Day is going good. Going shopping a little later. Found out my relative who had to evacuate from the hurricane the employer is giving them full pay while they were closed, which is really nice because the company obviously had no business during those days. But I think they are lucky they can open, when so many are delayed or destroyed.
Carolsue Ezovski
My day is going okay — did nothing at all, so yeah …
Shannon Mitchell
Well today I’m not feeling so good. I have a swollen face and I’m on two different types of medication. I absolutely hate taking medications.
shelly peterson
Today isn’t the best day. I am not feeling the greatest. think I might be getting sick. 🙁
Sarah L
Went downtown to Fieldwork Denver to give my opinion. Got $75.
Good swim class then pancakes at Village Inn with some pie for later.
Tamra Phelps
Well, a bad few days. The ambulance service had to cancel at the last minute Monday, so I still haven’t had the upper GI test to figure out this stomach issue, which got pretty bad early this week. It’s rescheduled for tomorrow. This time the nursing home arranged a service that takes you in a wheelchair…fine by me. Yesterday, I finally stood upright, completely straight. And the last two days I’ve been able to sit side of bed to bath and dress myself. Yay, me!! lolol.
Kate Sarsfield
Yay you is right! Bummer about the cancellation tho’ as I can’t keep everything crossed for much longer!
I am starting to feel better and now my mother is sick! 101 fever. I have her resting and am giving her meds.
Cathy French
Today I am having such a hard time keeping my eyes open. Wish I could go back to bed.
Day is going good. Remnants of Florence are over, my relatives have come back from evacuating, getting back to normal.
Kate Sarsfield
One storm has gone now we have Ali who’s doing his damnest to cut off power & blow down trees. One poor woman lost her life when her caravan was blown off a cliff in the west of Ireland – can you imagine? I’m making sure all the torches are working & that the phones are charged and Dad’s cordless drill as well. There are plans afoot!
shelly peterson
Today was a terrible day. I got into a car accident. No one was hurt thank goodness and was not my fault. but the car is messed up pretty good.
Kate Sarsfield
Thank heavens you’re all ok!
Marisela Zuniga
i spent most of the day reading today but the day went by fast for me today
My day was great still hot so everything is done in the morning !!!!!!
We had a problem with a gas tank leaking, I was grateful my neighbor could come and fix it for us. The rest of the day was good… I still have some neck pain though..
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Today should be the last 90 degree + day til next year.
Day is going ok. We’re getting hit right now with one of the rain bands from Florence, so a little nervous, watching the buckets. I got up at 3:00 am as we were supposed to get a rain band then. Not feeling well today, not typical for me, so having lots of tea.
Barbara Montag
So far the day is good.
Will be delivering Meals on Wheels for seniors – fun!
Kate Sarsfield
I’m trying to organise someone to look at our shower – the power booster ‘thingy’ stopped working so we’re just getting a drizzle … probably have to fork out for a new one, hey ho … Tropical Storm Helene came & went and now Ali is on his way tomorrow. Was it always this stormy?
Michele Soyer
Have no idea what the day will be like as yet.. still dark outside….up at 5am drinking coffee and looking for some trouble to get into…if there is sun today have to do some clean-up after the torrential rains….
shelly peterson
Just another day of dialysis. I went to an appointment and I am tired.
Sarah L
Good swim class. Then stop for groceries and the Bronco deal at Arby’s.
Dana Rodriguez
Survived the hurricane over the weekend then the CH/A went out today. So hot! Repair guy just showed up thank goodness.
Bad weather today…. so I spent the day inside. I’ll try to get back to my work tomorrow.
Sarah Hayes
my day is going well. Im so glad the hurricane is past us and there is minimal damage in the area
Cathy French
Here in Ohio we are getting the remnants of the hurricane rains. Don’t think it will last too long. Lazy, cloudy, rainy day.
Day is going good. Nice weather today, tonight and tomorrow will be the remnants of Florence. I’m keeping an eye on it, as I still don’t know if my leaks are fixed, and we could get the torrential rain for hours. Getting towels, more buckets, containers of water if we lose power, checking the batteries, etc. I have to laugh b/c the guy on the board who insisted we not get a professional to check my leak bought the condo under me to rent out. If there is a water catastrophe (seeing the lst time over 2 1/2 gallons came down), it will go down into his prized unit. I don’t need this drama, hope to move next year.
Barbara Montag
So far my day is going well.
Ate a healthy breakfast & am ready to go!
Michele Soyer
Today we have a tropical rainy day.. that means.. oh how sad.. I have to stay indoors and suffer through another day off….I think I will manage….
Kate Sarsfield
Kate Sarsfield
It’s getting really windy out there as Ireland gets hit by the tail end of Storm Helene so I’m tidying away anything that might get blown around then I have to go out to buy more paint.
Sue E
My day was a day of football and friends!
Our teams won and it was relaxing. Thank you!
shelly peterson
I slept in today. I went to lunch with my kids and grandson.
Did nothing today… I feel a bit better. Hopefully I will be back to my normal self tomorrow.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Lovely day, but a bit too hot for September.
My day is going good. Nice weather. Watching about Florence, have relatives where the rain and flooding has been going for days and the high school is destroyed. They evacuated, but have no idea what will be there when they get back, had to leave vehicles and most all possessions, if the employer will open back up, they’ve been out almost a week already. She is expecting, too. But I’m glad they left.
Birdie Skolfield
My day is going great just waiting for the Raiders game to come on Im a little tired from a big baby shower for my grandaughter yesterday It was a great time .
Barbara Montag
My day is going well – getting some put off things done.
And it is quiet here – I like that.
Kate Sarsfield
Our little RC church has just started doing podcasts of it’s mass for those who can’t attend in person. Podcasts, in Monamolin – who’d have thought it?
Anyway, on to my day. It’s pretty much like Michele’s: music, books, my house plants & garden and then a roast dinner. I’m starting the skirting boards in the hall or maybe Mum’s room next so I’ll start putting masking tape on the carpet/flooring.
Michele Soyer
Thank you for giving me the idea… have to see whether I can get a podcast or a visual show of mass…..
Michele Soyer
Well what to do what to do??? It is Sunday and after watering the garden my day is my own but which of the things I love to do shall I do?? Guess I will figure it out as the day goes but music, books and cooking are at the top of my list….Glorious Sunday to all.. the one thing I truly miss is mass but with the schedule here if I miss the morning mass I am out of luck so I do my own thing and know that God understands…..
shelly peterson
Today was a wonderful day. It was my nieces wedding today and it was a blast.
Tamra Phelps
Feeling blech today. The same old stomach nonsense. Thinking of just doing nothing on Sunday, lol. There’s no physical therapy tomorrow, so I might just watch TV and chill.
Kate Sarsfield
Good luck tomorrow!
This is so not my week… Bad headaches, I fell in a hole and hurt my ankle and on Thursday I pulled something in my neck. I took it easy today, my body needs to recover from this…
Kate Sarsfield
Sounds like you need a long soak in a hot bath … alcohol is optional …
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Too hot again: 94 degrees (normal high is 79).
Barbara Montag
I had a great time at the farmers market.
Bought my veggies for fermenting!
So it is a great day.
Chris L
The kids started back to school. Of course, the gave me their colds 🙁
Kate Sarsfield
While I, on the other hand, haven’t done anything yet (it’s noon) but will keep at it till the early hours! Painting, shopping, go see Dad, maybe a bit of gardening then pizza!
Michele Soyer
Getting a seriously early start today so I can quit early….Coffee in one hand, cereal in the other and trying to get my work clothes on at the same time…..
Laurie Nykaza
I had a wonderful day in the garden planting flowers it was so nice there
My day was very nice, hope you had a great day too!
shelly peterson
It was a long day today. I am glad its Friday.
Dana Rodriguez
Spent the day preparing for Florence. Outer bands are almost here and the wind and rain has already started.
Tamra Phelps
Well, last Monday’s doctor’s appt. turned out to be just a consultation. This Monday will be the endoscopy. I’m really hoping this doctor can figure out what’s up with my gut, lol. It would be so much easier in physical therapy if I feel great and have eaten right.
Kate Sarsfield
Crossing everything again – how will I get up the stepladder though?
Sarah L
Good swim class after a great massage. Then a stop at Wendy’s for their $.50 frosty. (93 degrees today)
Michele Soyer
Sorry Kate the reply posted here not under your comment.. anyway had a great day working outside and what we thought was a leaky gas canister was just one that wasn’t tight enough….neighbor used a wrench and we are all set….drama averted….Have a great weekend all….
Michele Soyer
I totally understand.. I am an only child born when my father was much older then the usual father was at the time…I did everything with him work wise holding the tools, carrying the things he might need, having to anticipate what he might need next.I also worked along with my husband BUT when I now have to do any fixer work I look to my fathers voice in my ear telling me what to do….he will guide you Kate trust me….
Cathy French
Today is one of those days that no matter how much you think you have gotten done there is so much more that needs to be done
Still in a bit of pain today. Hopefully my weekend will improve. 🙂
Barbara Montag
Allergies are still being bothersome so not the best day.
Will do some easier things today.
Kate Sarsfield
Finishing painting my room today and later collecting my sister to get her car from it’s annual service. Other than that, not a whole lot going on …
Kate Sarsfield
Kate Sarsfield
I don’t know what happened here! Sorry, Connie!
Kate Sarsfield
AGH! You did right, Tammy, if you can delegate, do! And it’ll cut down on mother/daughter arguments that can go on & on …
shelly peterson
Today was a pretty good day. I went to lunch with my family.
Its my Friday 🙂 Took my daughter out for a driving lesson and she makes a right on red, without looking or stopping a bronco almost side swipes us and lays on his horn and my daughter drives up on the curb and almost hits the stop sign..I said THATS IT..I cannot do this , sold a necklace I had and am buying her driving lessons lmao!! Let someone else stress out
Kate Sarsfield
AGH! You did right, Tammy, if you can delegate, do! And it’ll cut down on mother/daughter arguments that can go on & on …
Cathy French
I had a doctor appointment today. It went well and really enjoyed the sunshine
Cathy French
I had a doctor appointment today. It went well and really enjoyed the sunshine since its been dreary and raining for the last several days.
Sarah L
You’re cold, we’re at 94 degrees and the East coast is having a hurricane. We have better weather.
Another bad headache day. It’s so humid it’s probably my sinuses… Not my best couple of days..
Tamra Phelps
Well, I’ve been trying to stand upright in physical therapy. There’s still a bend in my back…but it’s getting stronger. Hoping to accomplish upright standing in the next week, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
Wowza! I know it seems like it’s taking forever but only a few months ago you couldn’t have even imagined doing that! How did Monday go?
My day so far has been good. We are watching the weather a lot on television. We are hoping Hurricane Florence becomes as weak as possible to minimize damage.
Michele Soyer
Spent the morning out in the garden as usual….starting to make my holiday lists.. got to get a jump on the game..also have to try and anticipate what people will order and have those ingredients on hand….
Michele Soyer
Kate I have faith in you.. you will source them and sort it out…..
Kate Sarsfield
Thanks Michele. It’s just that all the DIY I’ve been doing lately are things he would have done, with me as gofer (go for this, go for that). Now it’s just me … I’ll have to go and have a chat with him tomorrow/Sat. depending on the weather.
Michele Soyer
I totally understand.. I am an only child born when my father was much older then the usual father was at the time…I did everything with him work wise holding the tools, carrying the things he might need, having to anticipate what he might need next.I also worked along with my husband BUT when I now have to do any fixer work I look to my fathers voice in my ear telling me what to do….he will guide you Kate trust me….
Kate Sarsfield
I knew you’d understand, thank you.
I hope that things start going a bit better.
I had a great day the other day but I have a few health issues that I have to make sure turn out well in my favor so I am worried.
Barbara Montag
Allergies still acting up -going to make the best of it.
Kate Sarsfield
I have to source filters for the well as Dad’s usual supplier no longer stocks them. What do I know about filters? Absolutely nothing! Oh, Dad…
shelly peterson
A day of dialysis. I am really tired today.
Had a bad headache this afternoon… had to lay down and close my eyes until it went away. I had a good morning though. 🙂
Barbara Montag
I am having a good day in spite of ragwood allergies.
thank you
Sarah L
Good swim class now that the pool is open again.
Michele Soyer
spent the morning painting old buckets to make into planters.. they look very nice.. put a few more baby trees down the driveway then came up to wait for my Amazon order to arrive.. have to have all those cans of pumpkin Tamra to make all those fall goodies…
Cathy French
Today I’m just doing some couponing and making lists for my upcoming grocery strip
Kate Sarsfield
Going to the dentist at 8.30 in the morning is not my idea of fun and adventure. Ah well, at least the rain has stopped. Stay safe if you’re in the path of Florence xx
shelly peterson
I had a great day. Went to lunch with my mom and sister and did some shopping.
Rebecca W
I have been cleaning my house now that my kids are back to school.
Sarah L
Stopped at the pool (on a Tuesday?) since they’ve been closed since Thursday. Then helped at a campaign office for my choice for governor.
Thank you Connie for adding the vote for Caitlin button to your giveaway!!!
I have been so busy promoting her I havent had time to enter any contests LOL
Did some more work on the livingroom… and then watched the finale of SYTYCD that I recorded. No spoilers but I was surprised by the winner. The person definitely deserved it based on talent, but I was sure someone else was going to win.
Michele Soyer
So glad to only have to deal with dogs, plants and a sheep.. other than CJ no human interaction…LOL….so glad to be home and not to have to leave for the rest of the month….must admit I do love my home….
Kate Sarsfield
I would vote for Caitlin but it won’t let me as I’m not resident in US. Sorry Tammy Lynn x
Kate Sarsfield
Up & out for 9am appointment with Mum’s doc to discuss her upcoming review with her colostomy surgeon & for blood tests. Now having breakfast then she’ll probably snooze while I do housework & sort myself out for the AGM/rehearsal of my choir tonight.
shelly peterson
It was a cooler day. I am very tired today.
Tamra Phelps
Long day. Had an ambulance trip to a doctor’s appt. Scheduled for endoscopy next Monday…if nothing goes wrong.
LOL… like my mother said the bank didn’t go well… but besides that the day was good. 🙂
Cathy French
Third dreary cool and rainy day in a row. Lovely day to stay in and not get anything done lol.
Michele Soyer
Worse than anticipated in the bank.. Have 2 accounts there already but need a new savings for lawyer reasons.. wake up at 5am.. leave at half 6 to reach for 7:30 -8 when they open…. Local branch office has closed..Stand in the reception line to make sure I go to the right teller….no no no to open an account you have to make an appointment..to give you money I have to make an appt.. ok wow this bank must be flush…I will take next Monday then early as possible.. no no no the earliest appt is mid November….I by this time am incredulous!! plus the young lady has attitude…now I want to make a complaint..I called prior to coming in to see if any banking rules have changed and there were none I repeat no mention of an appt needed….you are now telling me what to bring for this and it doesn’t match what is online.. oh really says she..oh really says I… would you like to see it on a printout? yes says she with more attitude … I pull it out of my oversized tote and all of a sudden she becomes this sweeter than pie young lady and asks if she can make a copy..make as many as you would like says I…..Made a complaint and left said bank with a headache…..where is the cocktail shaker????
Kate Sarsfield
AAAGGGHHH! Give me a wall I can bang my head off!!!
Tamra Phelps
Banks tick me off no end. The only thing worse is dealing with a government office, lol. I spent over a week just trying to get a call back from the Social Security office…after sitting by the phone for a phone interview that they set up and never happened, and calling them 3 times to find out why and then being told oh, it has to happen in person. I said I’m in a nursing home trying to learn to walk again buddy, so an in person interview is only happening if you come here. Suddenly, a phone interview was quite possible, lol.
Michele Soyer
I totally understand Tammy…When I had dealings with SSI it took 7 months of back and forth back and forth….the best part is someone will call you back LOL… what a joke…Glad you had your phone interview….
Kate Sarsfield
Planting (in the rain), painting and housework: that’s about it today! Never a dull moment 😉
Good Morning,
Well fall is here..woke up shivering!
Sue E
Today is our granddaughter’s 16th birthday!
Her mom had a birthday party for her yesterday. It’s always nice to see friends and family! I have mixed feelings about her turning 16. On one hand, I’m so happy that she is becoming a beautiful young woman. On the other hand, I feel sad, because I wish I could stop time, so we can keep her with us! I know I am being selfish, but I can’t help the way I feel.
shelly peterson
I spent time with my kids today. They took me out for birthday dinner.
Sunday Sunday..why do you come so quick. I feel like I havent sat down all weekend!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Now off to chorus rehearsal.
So far so good. Going to relax and read the paper and go for a walk.
Sunday… gonna relax and enjoy my day. No work. Just Play! 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
Roast chicken here as well Michele – a happy chicken from a free-range farm just down the road. The sun is shining again so much laundering has been done and more painting – honestly I’m going snow blind from all this white but it’s best for my dark room and shows off the artwork, plants and books.
Michele Soyer
Happy Sunday everyone! Ready to put some chicken in the oven for a Sunday roast then relax.. tomorrow is a go to the bank day arghhh cannot wait to stand in line be attended to by a young person that speaks in a whisper and usually has to go find a manager for what I need to do.. what happened to training new hires or updating older employees….and why is it only 1 or 2 clerks know everything !!
shelly peterson
Today was a good day. Spent time with the family, it was my nieces b-day party.
Sarah L
Had a very fun, and yummy, class today at the gardens: Edible Flower feast.
Tamra Phelps
Just sitting here half watching TV, doing not much. Waiting for physical therapy to show up. Don’t usually have it on Saturday, but they had to cancel Thursday, so it’s on today.
Cathy French
It is a dark and rainy day here in Ohio. Hopefully the sun will pop out at least once this weekend.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m sitting here trying to gee myself into doing a bit more painting in my room. This is me all over, I start a project then go off on a tangent, like the new bathroom mirror needs fixing to the wall and I’ve never drilled through tiles before so I’ll have to Google that & then, since I’m in the bathroom anyway I may as well paint the window sill … All things that need to be done, but I find it hard to stay focused. A touch ADHD, me thinks.
shelly peterson
Today was an ok day. It was pretty hot today.
Today was ok… I finished work on my bedroom, but I think I may take the weekend off… I don’t have a lot of energy…. I feel like taking it easy.
Tamra Phelps
Day from hell, is all I can call this. The ambulance came to take me to that endoscopy. We got to the ambulance, the stretcher is raising and getting to the point where it slides on to the thing it rolls into the vehicle…and it stops. Battery dead. They call for new battery, meanwhile notifying doctor we’ll be about 15 minutes late. Dr. says I’ll have to reschedule. I figure another two weeks like this. But, my family doctor called that doctor, and it’s rescheduled for Monday. So, my missed appt., subsequent meltdown (yep, I had a real sob fest, lol.) and day of killer hip pain (told my doctor I want the Aleve back, it can’t possibly make the stomach any worse than it is) is almost over.
Kate Sarsfield
Oh flippin’ heck Tamra – it’s like it’s never-ending. HOWEVER … think of the money that will pour in when you write that ‘journey’ bestseller!!!
Connie Gruning (head peanut)
Tamra! I am so sorry! And what Kate said! Write that book!
Sarah L
Volunteer summit at the Gardens this morning. Then had to go to another pool since my regular one lost power and is closed.
Happy Friday! My indoor is officially decked out for Halloween! Too early?
Never too early!
I’m feeling rather gloomy this morning…hope it gets better!
Kate Sarsfield
… and Twitter has very kindly to use their services again. Still painting but taking a break for now to head into town for some groceries. I didn’t get much sleep last night – besides Mum having a bad night, the female foxes were shrieking for hours, signalling their ‘availability’! Judging by the noise they were making I’d say they’re pretty desperate 😉
Kate Sarsfield
” … very kindly ALLOWED me …” apologies. My brain works faster than my fingers!
Michele Soyer
Friday again.. where did the week go?? am I the only one who believes that there is an acceleration on the time space interval.. quantum physics or science fiction who cares I think time is moving quicker then ever…..have to get outside to do some work then back up to change the curtains in the dining room to fall colors. after that who knows but it does include music and today a nice cold Guinness…. makes me think of my husband.. he did love them…..
Marisela Zuniga
my day went pretty well. i didn’t do much today. i’m happy its almost the weekend
Alice F.
Today was not the best, that is for sure. However, tomorrow is Friday so I am hoping for better. Happy Friday Eve!
shelly peterson
Today was mostly quiet and relaxing. I cant wait for the weekend to be here.
Tamra Phelps
Tomorrow I have an ‘evaluation’ appt. with the gastroenterologist. No one here seems clear about whether they’ll actually do the endoscopy then, lol. I hope so. I’m going no food/water after midnight just in case.
Kate Sarsfield
Crossing everything!
We went shopping today and did very well. Lots of sales. I enjoyed myself.
Sarah L
Errand day since I didn’t do some of them yesterday. Including blood draw, library and grocery store.
Kate Sarsfield
Twitter has locked me out 🙁 Mega bummer going on! I was tweeting an contest entry & got locked (it happens) so clicked the button for my unlock code to come through to my phone … no code. Tried again … still no code. Then, typical me, I got impatient & just kept clicking … and now can’t get in at all. An hour later I got a load of codes through to my phone – agh! I’ve contacted Twitter support but no joy. Ah well, it’ll get me away from the screen & back up the stepladder!
Oh wow that happened to me and Mom on Tuesday! And the cell numbers we always used for twitter are no longer supported by them. So we couldn’t even get the code. We messaged them about it and it took 24 hours to respond and unlock us. The last time it happened to me it took me 5 days to get a response, so 24 hours is practically instant in comparison… lol.
Alice F.
My day is going well. Getting ready to run out the day and take care of errands.
Michele Soyer
Pouring right now but who cares.. off shopping! Yes it is just groceries but I do love food shopping….up and down the aisles…thinking of new recipes I can dream up…not diamonds or furs ( God forbid.. fake fur only ) but other than interior shoppes I am happy in the grocery….
Thursday oh how I love you! It is going to be sooooo hot today though,anyone else ready for fall?
shelly peterson
Today was pretty good. The weather has cooled down some.
Today was ok. Very hot. Got some work done, and enjoyed the rest my afternoon. 🙂
Sarah L
Good swim class, but when I came out of the building it was raining very hard. So I didn’t do the errands I was planning on.
Cathy French
Just taking it easy today and doing a little bit of laundry. Exhausted from the last week being sick.
I woke up thinking it was Thursday (I work Mon-Thurs) so I was bummed to find out its only Wednesday lolol
Connie Gruning
Seriously, being retired I am ALWAYS asking The Husband “what day is it” ? hopefully your day goes fast!
It did thank you! Retired?You are so lucky! Idont think hubby and I will ever retire,especially since we emptied our 401k to pay for daughters school 😮
Michele Soyer
Sunny and bright here today so off to do some transplanting and then decide what color I want to paint my plant stands inside the patio downstairs….have to also buy paint to give the outside of the cistern and pond a touch-up….should also give a touch-up to the columns of the plant conservatory…. well no quarts looks like gallons!!!
Connie Gruning
I am not doing any planting until people stop stomping through my yard! Next year will be fun though!
Michele Soyer
And you will have a lovely garden….
Kate Sarsfield
It’s a glorious September morning (yes, Michele, I did say morning!) so I’m doing a bit of gardening and then I’ll paint in the afternoon. Got a musical society meeting later this evening to prepare for as well.
Michele Soyer
Don’t work too hard Kate.. enjoy your evening….
Connie Gruning
Ahhhh am I missing out by not planting bulbs now? I’ve never done this planting thing before. (Except rose bushes)
Kate Sarsfield
Late Sept. & October should be fine but depends on your climate in Idaho! They’re so easy, only thing to remember is to plant them deep enough and they’ll be very happy 🙂
shelly peterson
Today was nice because it was a quiet day. But sad my Mom is no longer staying with me during her visit her.
how did I miss this..I thought you werent doing another 😀
Kate Sarsfield
Every month Tammy unless she gets snowed and loses all power (or her sanity, whichever comes first)!
Sarah L
Some months I feel like I live at doctor’s offices. Today was my yearly dermatology appointment. OK, truly not complaining since these have all be checkups with no problems found.
Connie Gruning
Nothing found is great!
Michele Soyer
This has turned out to be a wonderful day Connie!! Cleaned out the garage for the last time.. this is the 4th and final.. it has taken me this long to go thru all my husbands tools and junk….It now is spotless and organized and Kate I found a huge box labeled jubilee clips and it has so many of every size imaginable…I can repair pipes until the next century…..
Kate Sarsfield
See! Told you they were useful! Your hubby & my Dad are probably having a right laugh!
Connie Gruning
I can’t imagine how long it will take me to unpack. We haven’t even had the moving pod brought here yet.
Kate Sarsfield
Hope you guys all had a nice long weekend! All I’ve done today (apart from painting) is visit Dad’s grave and ‘try’ to fix the printer. I’m not having much luck with it and I do get so impatient … I’ll try again later.
Connie Gruning
Did you get the printer fixed? I miss my printer… no I miss my Internet!! I either work from my phone or I go into town. Tomorrow is the install day. Horrrrrrah
I am excited for the start of September! I had a good Labor Day weekend and am back at work today.
Tracy Suzanne DeLoach
Oh’ how I envy you Connie. sigh… Getting to start over in a new state and a new home. I know it’s work but it sounds like a lot of fun too. Most of all, I envy that you get to experience real fall weather. Living here in Jacksonville, FL (N.E. Florida, close to the Georiga border), it’s still in the 90’s. I’m dreaming of fall decorating and cool crisp breezes. It gets cloudy & I’m thrilled just imagining how cool it is outside. Then I open the door and the heat and humidity knock me down flat! Okay enough of my whinning. 🙂 Thank you for letting me enter your generous giveaway. Stay warm and enjoy your moose family!
Connie Gruning
I am anxious to wear my sweaters! But, at 60 I find it’s hard to make friends because I tend to be a little (lot) shy in the beginning
Angela Saver
Today has been a great day. We helped our daughter paint her apartment and spent quality time together.
Connie Gruning
I love Mom Daughter time!
shelly peterson
Nothing exciting today. Went to dialysis and went grocery shopping.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Getting ready for a busy week ahead.
Tamra Phelps
It came a torrential downpour here yesterday and we discovered rain is pouring in the side door just outside my room, lol. Well, it’s not my problem to deal with, thank goodness.
Kate Sarsfield
Better get Rob to bring your wellies in, just in case!
Began my fall cleaning today. Emptied my bedroom and cleaned everything, will probably finish it up tomorrow…
Kim Pincombe-Cole
I’m nervously awaiting kidney surgery in the morning. And then I have just a few days to recover as I’m off to Hawaii on Sunday!
Connie Gruning
Here is wishing a speedy recovery and a restful vacation in Hawaii
I am having a fun morning for labor day. Kids doing play doh – me drinking coffee.
Michele Soyer
Eggplant casserole in the oven for lunch… finishing up inside chores then out into the garden….lots of hydro and aqua ponic work to be done……
Kate Sarsfield
After bucketing down all night it’s now glorious outside and the air is fresh – perfect for getting rid of paint-induced headaches – so I’m potting up my aubergines (egg plants) and peppers that I’ll grow on window sills inside. I’ll get back to painting later.
Today was a busy and fun day. I went to a birthday party and then my family got together at sip and paint to do a painting.
Tamra Phelps
It was a crazy Sunday here. Apparently, no one wanted to work today, lol, ’cause they were really short-staffed today. I never wanted to know this much about nursing homes.
Kate Sarsfield
Think of your best-selling memoirs or a hard-hitting exposée!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Doing a bit of cleaning and reading.
Michele Soyer
Took the whole day off today….made roast chicken and the trimmings and thats it.. read, listened to music and relaxed….tomorrow is another day and I have my week planned out workwise….Happy Sept to you all….
Sunday is my fun day… enjoying myself and doing nothing.
Cathy French
Getting over a stomach bug. Unsure if I’ll even eat today.
Kate Sarsfield
Starting on the skirting boards in my room today and then I’ll be ready to start the ceiling tomorrow. In other news, well actually the only other news from Monamolin is … um, no, there is no other news from Monamolin! It’s only a tiny village, after all!
shelly peterson
Today was a good day. Spent good time with the family.
Yay August is over! I am glad September is here. Didn’t have much energy today so I didn’t do much of anything…
shelly peterson
Today is another busy day. I went shopping and off to a birthday party.
My day has been great. Playtime with my grandson in the park and a lazy afternoon. Enjoying life.
Sarah L
Went over to a friend’s place. She’s moving to Oregon. (sad). She gave me a pretty pot for one of my many plants.
Cheryl B
After a very dry Summer, lately it is rain, rain and more rain.
Jacob LaFountaine
The day didn’t start out well with having to clean dog poop out of the house
Tamra Phelps
And here is my home page comment. I love your moose, lol. The only thing that would make it better would be a squirrel on his back…and maybe two Russians named Boris and Natasha following them, ha.
Tamra Phelps
How can it be September already??? Well, I hope this month is the month I get to go home. Fingers crossed.
Michele Soyer
All the best to you my friend.. will keep on saying a prayer for you and your recovery
It is a wonderful day for us. We have a brand new grandchild who was born yesterday!
connie danielson
woke up ,turn on my television and I sat and watched the funeral for senator john Mccain for 2 and one half hours! I was a very moving funeral! Now I am checking my emails! happy September 1st! This is my my birthday month- september 17th, I will be 72 years old!
Cathy French
Woke up with a terrible headache but is slowly getting better. I’m going to have to house to myself tonight since my boyfriend is going on a fishing trip. Gonna love the quiet since the TV won’t be on.
My days going good so far, but I’ve only been up for half an hour! lol Lots of fun plans for today though…
It is going OK. It is still morning .
Kate Sarsfield
… and here’s my daily ‘journal’ entry: It’s cold! There’s a very definite change in the air, leaves are starting to change colour and it was dark by 9pm last night. Last night the White House announced that President Trump intends to visit Ireland in November – well, we’ll have to see about that! No more politics on here I promise, Connie!
Michele Soyer
Read that in the Irish paper last night.. thought of you.. laughed all the way to the kitchen for a brandy…..
Kate Sarsfield
Ha! That’s really funny!
Connie Gruning
Ireland is still on my bucket list!! Someday, I will announce my visit too! LOL!!!!
Kate Sarsfield
The only placard I’ll be waving on that occasion will be one of welcome!
Kate Sarsfield
Happy September everyone! Wishing you all the very best for this month and beyond …
Connie Gruning
What a perfect comment to start the month off right!