Hooo Hummm Day!

I got my WHINE on today!! Hold on to your hat!!

I have truly been neglecting my blog since my Mom passed away. I just can’t seem to get my blogging mojo back. It’s been 8 months now, in my head I can hear Cher in Moonstruck “SNAP OUTOFFIT!”

The noise and the dirt of the remodel. I just need to get back into the groove.

Enough whining.

The siding is done! Everyone hands up and shout WOO HOO!!

Cabinets in my craftroom are up! Dancin’ a jig here!!

Cabinets are 40% in for the kitchen. The kitchen window still needs to be lowered. I THINK it’s supposed to happen on Saturday. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed. Then the kitchen remodel can continue.

On a little side note;  I hadn’t thought of was food when I said “HELLZ yeah I want to remodel the kitchen”.

We are eating frozen dinners and soups. Basically, anything that I can microwave (out in the garage). It’s getting boring. I can’t wait to have a stove again!!  BTW if you shop at Walmart check the area around the deli refrigerated area for Panera Bread Cream of Broccoli soup. I think I could live on this stuff!! SO GOOD!!!

I will end with a few pictures of the remodel in progress. It’s getting really exciting!!!!!

Aren’t those cabinets pretty?!?!
And my haven! MY craftroom!!!

I can’t wait to be down there!!  Creating havoc I mean treasures!!


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