6 Great Christmas Gifts for Your Teen!!

gift ideas for teens

Face it. Your teenager can be a pain in the petunia, but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve your love and affection during the holidays. However, with how picky teens are, and since the only thing they tend to care about is their phones and electronics, picking the right Christmas gift can be a nuisance. Thankfully, with a little help and a little creativity, you can find something they’ll actually appreciate that’s more than an iTunes gift card. Here are six great Christmas gifts for your teens.

  1. Snacks

Teenagers can run you right out of your groceries, and this can be frustrating. However, if you stock your teen up on snacks for the holidays, you can find a more affordable way to make them happy and keep them away from the snacks you put aside for yourself. Think of the snacks that your child loves the most, whether it’s granola bars, chips, or even a tin full of popcorn, and then wrap it up and place it under the tree for them to open on Christmas morning.

  1. Theme Park Tickets

Your teen likes spending time with his or her friends, and most teens like the thrill of going to a theme park. If this is something your teen enjoys, consider getting them some theme park tickets, whether just enough to bring them and their friends or maybe a season pass so they can go more than once. Whether you’re nearby something exquisitely popular like Disney World, or you need something more niche like Busch Gardens Williamsburg tickets, you can always find what your teen would value most and place it under the tree this holiday season.

  1. Electronic Accessories

Teens today can’t go a minute without having their favorite electronic in their face, so a good gift is something that involves around said electronic. For instance, teens who enjoy their smartphone can always benefit from a new case, or you can flash things up by opting for a pop socket, a new pair of headphones, or any other type of new accessory that may be on the market. Keep your eye out for something that matches your teen’s style or taste, and then opt to décor their favorite electronic with some accessories this Christmas.

  1. Books

If your teen is a reader, packing their gifts with books can be a great way to help them pass the time while helping their imagination and enticing them to learn. Try to pick books by his or her favorite author or books that complement their favorite genre. In addition, you can also think back to books that were your favorite growing up and pass those along to your child to see if it piques their interests. Maybe you’ll even start a trend by providing your child with a book during the holidays, and it can become a tradition they pass on to their own children.

  1. Gift Cards

Although you may not want to give your child a gift card, sometimes it makes the best gift. Your teen has a lot of interests, and those interests tend to cost you money. Instead of having your teen ask you for cash every time they want to do something, you should get them gift cards for what they’re interested in. For instance, if they visit McDonalds with friends every day, a McDonalds gift card is a smart idea. If your teen can drive, giving them a gas gift card can help them put their own money aside for something else they want. There are plenty of ways to get creative with the gift cards you give out to your teen, so just do some thinking before making a final purchase.

  1. The Bucket List

Chances are your teen already has a few items on his or her bucket list, and if you know about these, then it’s the right time to help make one of these items come off the bucket list. For instance, if your teen has a dream of visiting a certain place, maybe their present is a mini vacation to that destination. If they have dreamed about going scuba diving, find a place near you that allows you to do that. Think about the things your teen has asked for repeatedly, and instead of saying it’s out of the question, make it the Christmas present of the year.

Buying Christmas presents for teens can be exhausting, but it’s not impossible. Simply uses these tips and you’ll be stacking presents under the tree in no time.


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