World Read Aloud Day! March 4th!

cThere is something so magical about having a child sitting on your lap listening intently as you read a story. I know with 3 year old Alice these cuddle times are getting fewer! She wants to RUN and be free! She has taken to telling me “NaNa it’s not cuddle time now and it’s NOT KISSING time either!” Gesh… how’d ya know that was the next question?? Smart#@$ kid!! With that said; with the promise of a new book to read?! She is on my lap faster than 2 shakes of a lambs tail!! Alice loves to be read to. It’s part of her day and it’s part of her night time routine. Her and Daddy read before bed and sometimes she finagles another story out of Mommy too.
I think reading to a child is so important; that’s why I am excited to tell you about World Read Aloud Day (WRAD).  Staples has partnered with LitWorld to spread the word about World Read Aloud Day, which takes place on March 4th. WRAD calls global attention to the importance of reading aloud and sharing stories.
World Read Aloud Day motivates children, teens, and adults worldwide to celebrate the power of words and creates a community of readers taking action to show the world that the right to literacy belongs to all people. By raising our voices together on this day we show the world’s children that we support their futures: that they have the right to read, to write, and to share their stories.

World Read Aloud Day allows members of our year-round programs to invite more people into their literacy community and brings LitWorld’s messages to the rest of the world. World Read Aloud Day is now celebrated by over one million people in more than 80 countries and reaches over 31 million people online. The growth of our movement can be attributed in large part to our network of partner organizations and “WRADvocates” – a group of reading advocates and supporters taking action in their communities and on social media. 

I really hope you will take a moment and check out World Read Aloud Day 2015! I hope you will participate along with millions of people across the world! You can bet that Alice and I will be curled up on the couch with our stack of books!

Alice loves books of all sizes, shapes and even without pictures! She gets so wrapped up in the story; you can see her little imagination working to bring the stories to life in her head. I love that!! I’m sure this will ensure she grows up loving to read.
I have some awesome recommendation for ‘Alice Approved’ books. Starting with one of her very favorite books ever! The Very Hungry Caterpillar, seriously; what kid doesn’t love this book?!?! What parent doesn’t love reading this book out loud!!  Alice even wanted to draw a butterfly like The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Next up is a new favorite for Alice Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

I have to admit, this book has definitely captured my attention! So cute!! So uniquely illustrated that we read this one 3 times in a row.

 This next book Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis; is a little above Alice but she will still listen intently.  Personally, love this book. It would be perfect for grade school and older.

Next up is the laugh out loud story: Miss Nelson Is Missing! And the sequel Miss Nelson Is Back The illustrations and the stories are so funny! We both loved these books!!

I have to put a BIG thank you in this post about Staples! It’s my number one stop for all my blogging office supplies. It’s my number one stop for any office supplies. But, how many times do you check out what they offer for kids?!?!  Huge packages of construction paper, crayons of all kinds; including a box bigger than Alice has ever seen before with 96 crayons! She was so giddy over this box!!

Armed will a ton of art supplies, a new stack of books to read; Alice and I can read and then draw our favorite parts of our new books!!  Thank you Staples and LitWorld!!

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Seriously? Can reading ever be something to WHINE about?!? I say one big NO!!  Now, go read a book and spread the word about World Read Aloud Day!!



  • sandy weinstein

    reading is so important today. just look at the athletes that cant read. reading starts at home with the parents. a friend of mine started her girls young and now they are winning spelling bees in grade school.

  • Rosie

    I love Read Aloud Day! Many ppl don’t realize it, but it can help you remember something if you read/say it out loud! Try it! When I was little, my aunt would have me read to her when she was doing chores like ironing, it helped my reading and I like doing it!!!

  • Carol Smith

    Love reading aloud, and imitiating the characters all the time with my grandchildren. I totatlly agree with your whine – there is nothing better than to have a book to hold and to teach children today that books are still a wonderful thing!

  • Seyma Shabbir

    Awesome! We read a lot at home. Reading to our sons and having our sons read to us. We have lots of books but when we get bored with them we have an subscription to online books. Thanks!

  • Laurie P

    My girl adores her books, and is completely fascinated when someone is reading to her. We read many books a day, but if we have a visitor, she will insist they read to her as well. Priceless….

  • Carol L

    You’re so right. When my 7 kids were little and still home books were always in a large basket by our ofa. We always read aloud but as they got older everyone had their favorite book and it became our reading hour. Now they carried that into their own homes with their children. I can’t imagine a home without books. Thanks for this post.
    Carol L

  • Brandi Dawn

    My little one loves to read too! She has always been interested in reading…one of her first words was “booka” lol. This is great that there is a day to spread awareness about how important it is to read to your child and let your child read to you!

  • DD

    The Miss Nelson stories sure do bring back memories of when my kids were little. Nowadays, I enjoy reading with my grandchildren. We’ll be sure to participate on World Read Aloud Day!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I love reading to my youngest nephew…when he’ll sit still long enough! He likes it when I read about his interests, though: LEGO, Ninjago, superheroes!

  • Christine A.

    I don’t think I’m familiar with World Read Aloud day but I will take part. I loved being read to as a kid. When I was in grade school, my family would also attend events for a Read Aloud Program which I believe is now called Read Aloud America.

  • Dee Lafrenz

    My Grand Daughter loves Frozen, I have been buying books for her for the last three years, to give her a head start. She loves to be read to. You know she is engaged because she always asks lots of questions and has lots of comments.


    When my niece (and the only grandchild) Rachael was little she used to sit on our knees and listen to us read to her. She loved it, anything from the back of cereal packets to the day’s headlines to poetry – anything! She learned to love the sound and meanings of words and is now studying at University and writes short stories in her spare time.

  • Stacy

    I used to participate in World Read Aloud Day when I had more control over my schedule. I would go to a local pre-K classroom and read. I have not been able to in about five years. But for Christmas I sent my nieces and nephews all the same book, so I can always call them to read to them on the phone.

  • Tamra Phelps

    When my oldest nephew (age 9) was small, he loved Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? It was so repetitive that he could memorize it & pretend to read it to me!

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