Batana Oil Review

I have another New TO Me product review. I had never heard of Batana Oil before being offered a chance to review it. According to Wholesale Botanics’ Batana Oil profile, Batana Oil has been around and used for thousands of years in Central America. From Honduras to Miskito, Batana oil has been used in cosmetics and therapeutic uses as well. It would almost be easier to tell you what this amazing oil doesn’t do! The benefits are so great! Starting with hair, not only can this oil put moisture back in your hair, but it can help grow your hair! Using this oil can help you repair your hair, and detangle and thicken your hair as well. Using Batana Oil will help you get your healthy strong hair back. The oil replenishes nutrients, improves follicles, strengthens roots, eliminates dryness, keeps split ends away and increases shine.

This oil is not just for hair! I’ve been using this on my feet and I’m thoroughly impressed!! Put a dab of this on both heels add socks and by morning you’ll have nice soft heels! Batana Oil also exfoliates your scars, fades stretch marks, and moisturizes your cuticles and other dry areas!

This white, solid oil arrives in a brown jar. I have to admit when my oil arrived I of course immediately thought of my heels, I reached in and retrieved a fairly large dollop of this white solid oil. MISTAKE, a little goes a long way!! First, as soon as you hold this solid oil in your hand it starts to melt; SUPER quick and very easily. I rubbed some oil on my feet especially my heels. I had plenty left over to do my arms and my hands, elbows and run my fingers in my hair, concentrating on my scalp. After all of that I thought ‘oh my goodness I’m going to have to go rinse my hands off’; by the time I reached the kitchen everything had absorbed into my skin, leaving my hands and feet super soft. My hair has shine without looking greasy or oily. I had soft, touchable skin with NO and I mean absolutely no oily residue. SWEET!!! SWEET!! SWEET!! So, for future reference, all you need to do is rub your finger on the top and for each area you want to treat. This small jar will last a very long time.

Batana Oil has a nice light nutty scent.

Batana Oil is natural, and contains no alcohol, chemicals, parabens, silicones, sodium chlorine and sulfates and is 100% vegan therefore an excellent alternative to Emu Oil. Batana naturally has plenty of essential fatty acids such as Omega 3-6-9. The cold pressed technique stores the most useful bio-actives and avoids the smoky odor therefore fragrance-free.

GUARANTEE: Our 120 ml jar is unique because it is a rare product to source. We pay well above fair trade prices and manufacture in USA. We are 100% dedicated to your complete satisfaction.


Not a single one!! This is a great oil for everyone! Excellent benefits and bonus; this little jar will last me a very long time!


  • Cindy Diaz Garcia

    Batana is a great product however this isn’t true Batana Oil. TRUE 100% Pure Batana Oil is a light brown to dark brown, almost burnt colour with a strong smoky or coffee scent. If this oil did wonders for you can you imagine what the real stuff will do for you. I get my Batana directly from Miskitia in Honduras as my Husband if from Honduras and has property in that area. We will try this product to see how it works but just saying its not the real 100% Batana.

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