August’s $35 YOUR Way Giveaway!!

This is my August’s $35 Your Way single blog giveaway! Yup, just me! My way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower!  Congratulations goes to Alexandru R! My July winner. Alexandru chose PayPal.

On to August’s Giveaway, same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it.

Here it is July 2024 and this giveaway is STILL going STRONG!! I am one very lucky blogger.

I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by.  This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements are always appreciated.

Amazon deals

Ton’s Of Ways To Enter The $35 Your Way Giveaway

Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Voting for me on Picket Fence. Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.
Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!! Because of Facebook’s new rules I can’t make Facebook likes an entry HOWEVER!!! I am giving extra entries if you share this giveaway on Facebook, the entry is REFER FRIENDS FOR EXTRA ENTRIES.

I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!


$35 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks or Amazon Gift Card giveaway!! Your choice!!

Thank you all so much for your support!! I really am blessed to have each and every one of you!!

The main entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.

If you are new here… welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!! The USUAL giveaway amount is $35 but sometimes I like to throw in a little extra every once in a while.  You will have to come check and see!! Aren’t I sneaky??  This is a monthly giveaway; yup every month!! Along with the Diamond Candle Giveaway too!

Now, off ya go. Good Luck!!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


  • Huguette E.

    My internet provider made me somewhat mad today. It’s been working on and off and they can only help me when it’s off. That doesn’t help me solve my problem.

  • Huguette E.

    My husband said he might take tomorrow off to visit a car show. He owns his own business and works 7 days a week, so I’m hopeful that we spend time together.

  • Taryn T.

    Something that made me mad today is pouring cereal, then realizing we were out of milk. Getting the kids dressed to go to the store, starting the car, and seeing that I am out of gas!!!

  • Joy Q

    I am hopeful that I will be able to get my car inspected early this morning so that I will have the rest of the day to spend with family.


    I have to go to the dentist for a root canal treatment & I’m hopeful that this will save my tooth (not looking forward to it though!).


    What made me happy was our new little kitten (still un-named!) greeted me with a lovely welcome this morning – mind you he would have welcomed anyone with a canopener!

  • Cheryl Reinhardt

    What made me hopeful today was my Husband got his orthotics for his feet, he just had surgery a couple months ago and his foot he had 3 surgeries on still really hurts,,, I am hopeful that this orthodics will help him by having an arch in his feet and help them to stop hurting.

  • Cheryl Reinhardt

    One thing that made me happy today was the vet’s office called today and said my Dog Hank needed a Heart Worm test,,, I told her he has already been on the heart worm pills for a year and could she check with the vet to see if he really needed it because he has been on the pills so long… she called back and said, the Vet said NO, he did not need the test. We have 7 animals and we take very good care of them, but If I don’t have to get a test or something at the vet, then saving money makes me happy.

  • Cheryl Reinhardt

    What made me mad today was I am a new at sewing and I was trying to make pot holders for a Christmas Present… You think I could sew a simple pot holder, but Oh No, it looked terrible and the more I sewed the worse it got…. so guess who is getting new ugly pot holders,,,, yep, ME.

  • Rhonda R.

    I am hopeful that my 11 year old cat is warming up to my little kitten. He has not been happy about being a big brother but he is tolerating the little one a bit more!

  • Rhonda R.

    I was made mad today by my new little kitten. She is so playful and jumped on me and I spilled coffee all over the floor! Of course, I know she didn’t mean to do this so I got over it pretty fast!

  • Carolyn Daley

    Nothing has made me particularly mad today, but I did get annoyed that a package I was expecting did not get delivered today. It looks like it will be delivered via Lasership on Sunday!

  • Carolyn Daley

    I am getting hopeful to finding out some answers to a few medical issues. I had some tests done today and I hope to figure out what is going on next week.

  • Carolyn Daley

    Just being able to kick back and relax a little today has made me happy. I watched a few episodes of Heroes on Netflix because Heroes Reborn premieres next month.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to have the UPS guy give me an envelope with a $25 Walmart GC in it. Been a good winning week.
    Hopeful I’ll get to the gardens before #StinkyDBG folds in on itself.
    No mad today.

  • Sandra Watts

    I am made because Aunt Flo has come to visit several times this month after being away for more than 4 months. I thought I was done with her finally but it seems she is on a rampage. Does that count?

  • Rebecca Kellerman

    Today, I am hopeful that I will get the teaching position in Korea that I desire. I have had many interviews and been presented horrible contracts. I am hopeful from fellow expats online posts, that I will find my perfect position. – Rebecca Kellerman

  • Carolyn

    I’m mad today because my best friend didn’t tell me how sick she was last night and now is in the hospital. I don’t know why she tries to hide it from me because I want to be there for her. I’m mad and sad actually. I just want her to be well because I’m already going through a tough time as it is with my grandfather in the hospital. Now two people I care about are ill. Ugh!

  • Shayna Gier

    My son is doing everything I tell him not to, and returning to it very quickly when I take him away from the undesired activities. I’m a bit mad about that. I just want him to sit and play. or bounce in his jumparoo while he still can.

  • Shayna Gier

    I took a chance and added some ingredients to a banana nut bread box for some varieties of banana nut muffins, and they all turned out pretty good! In the future, I will use more strawberries, but other than that, they all cooked. This gives me hope that I can actually cook something without having a straight out recipe and have it turn out ok!


    Pity Dad wasn’t here to enjoy the lunch with us – he always loved his food! That’s all that’s made me mad today (so far!).


    If we’re lucky we can live off the leftovers for the weekend! Hopefully I won’t have to cook again till next week!

  • Rosie

    I kept thinking today was Saturday. When I finally figured out it was Friday, I felt like I was just given a present of a whole day and it felt amazing!

  • Debbie F

    And now what has made me mad?
    Some silly twit of a man on talk radio was talking about the women who finished army ranger school and downplaying their achievement.
    Saying something about the degradation of the military.
    he probably wouldn’t last two days – but those who can’t do put those that can do down I suppose.

  • Debbie F

    It’s really early in the morning so nothing much has happened yet.
    I guess I should be happy that my cat didn’t vomit in my shoes over night.
    Always look for the silver lining.

  • Edmond

    OMG, happy when I win this contest. Hopeful that I win. Hulk mad if I don’t win. . Wow, prize $35 gc is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. 🙂 Pick me, pick me! Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest. Starving artist here desperately needs the gc to shop and eat. A life changing exp.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to get a surprise email with a $50 amazon GC (no previous email even though the contest ended a month ago).
    Hopeful that I’ll win a big trip.
    No mad today.

  • Stacy

    I am HAPPY today because I just got promoted at work! I am going to be getting a nice raise and I get to learn a new job. I am thrilled and cannot wait to start in my new position in two weeks.

  • Sandy Cain

    What made me happy today? That Josh Duggar FINALLY came clean and confessed he was a perv. None of this “I was a dumb little kid” crap. He’s “cery sorry” – that he got caught, that is. See ya in hell, Joshie!

  • Chris C

    The Thing I was/am most happy for today, is that my wife seems to be recovering well from the concussion she received in her car accident.

  • Sandy Cain

    What made me MAD today is that I was scheduled to go to court at the end of September…I found out TODAY it’s moved up to September 8th. I don’t have all my papers ready. OH EM GEE

  • Karen

    I am happy that work was easy today! Most days are super hectic but today was a little easier than normal, so I’m thankful and excited for that!
    Thanks for the giveaway,

  • Jessica Cyr

    i like to stay positive with life , nothing today has made my mad , i was very happy today and i could not of asked for a better day 🙂

  • Jessica Cyr

    I was hopeful today as the weather has been very bad and cold here all summer and today we finally had a nice warm day ! i got to take the kids out to play in the pool 🙂

  • Sarah L

    Very happy to get 2 winning emails today: 4 kinds of salt and $50 Paypal.
    Hopeful that I’ll get to see/smell #StinkyDBG tomorrow.
    No mad today


    Do you know what? Getting stuff ready for the charity shop is (I think) good for the soul ….Hopefully I can do more todayt & tomorrow …


        Heavens above , I’ve just seen other typos – please forgive me & put it down to the w/chair which is way too high for my keyboard … and this is so maddening (well, more like slightly irritatating because I am such a perfectionis)t … Virgo: I LOVE lists!


    Happy again becaus the weather is warm & dry. Having said that, that means I’ll have to water all the pots later.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because it took more than 3 hours to find a good bookstore to buy a simple thing as a map. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because I found a proper map to buy as a souvenir for the boyfriend. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because I purchased a blender and a microwave for mom. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to get a free pastry and ice tea from Panera for my birthday.
    Hopeful the #stinkyDBG will bloom on Thursday when I’m there for my Sensory garden tour.
    No mad today.

  • Nancy C

    I’m not really “mad” today, just frustrated. I have had bad insomnia lately and with 2 toddlers, I need to bring my A game to the day. Last night I woke up around 4 AM with a severe migraine which kept me from falling back asleep. Have to get through the day now….


    Only a little bit mad today: a couple of weeks ago a truck turned around in our lane & knocked into our gate post. The guy from the transport company was due to come with a builder to sort it out last night but never showed. That’s the sort of thing that irritates me – I just find it really rude.


    Today I’m happy because the sun is shining again! Time to get lots of work done on the sadly neglected garden/field.

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because I decided to apply for many jobs to find a chance of living in another city. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because mom liked it in Singapore and Gardens by the Bay is the best thing I’ve ever seen in this world. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because it costs so much to buy electrical devices when the exchange rate is low. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.


    I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to get a lot more jobs done outside – I still have to clean out the cattle trap at our gate & the gutters on the house & out-buildings but I’m getting there!

  • Tiana

    I am MAD today because the day before we were suppose to move into our house, they decided to do last minute foundation work (who waits to the last minute to do that?!) and ended up cracking the floor, wall, and fireplace in multiple places so it is uninhabitable and not up to code! We were suppose to move in Saturday to get adjusted and ready for school starting next week. Now we don’t know where we are living or where my daughter is registering for school!

  • Tiana

    I am not HOPEFUL at all at the moment because a lot of terrible thing are going on with the house we were suppose to move into yesterday! We are not sure we are even moving at all now! =(

  • Sarah L

    Happy to have the temperature drop from 93 to 73 as a cold front passes.
    Hopeful that cooler weather will now be coming.
    No mad today.

  • ginette4

    I’m not happy with a certain person who thinks that everything should always go their way and couldn’t care less about others over it!

  • Sandra Watts

    I am happy today because no one made me be unhappy. It has been a good day. My youngest son has a friend staying over, my oldest son came to get his truck from my driveway. It’s all good.


    Happy to see that you’re climing back up the Picket Fence stakes!
    Hopeful that the dry weather lasts a bit longer so I can get lots of laundry done .
    And absolutely mad with myself because I’ve lost a bar of chocolate. Seriously, I went out to buy the Saturday papers & bought a small (promise!) bar of chocolate for Mum & myself. By the time I got home it had vanished & I swear I haven’t eaten it and I’m too lazy to go all the way back to the shop!

  • Sarah L

    Happy to have a good visit with the people I’ll be dog sitting for next week.
    Hopeful that it won’t be too hot tomorrow.
    No mad today.


    Absolutely nothing has made me mad today – well, someone was supposed to phone me back but didn’t but that’s not the end of the world, is it?

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because the flight is tomorrow and I wish everything would go well for my mom’s first flight after so many years. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because my dad is finally here and we had the first family meal in a long while. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because my dad had to ride 5 hours in the heat of this awful country. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Kristen

    Seeing someone training at their first day at their new job made me hopeful that soon I will find the right job for me…

  • Kristen

    People driving like idiots while pedestrians dart into the street kinda made me mad at both of their stupidity! (they were each lucky this time!)

  • Kristen

    Seeing a cute little terrier “navigating” with his nose out the passenger’s side window of the car next time to me made me smile/happy.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to have a quiet day at home before the craziness that is Friday & Saturday.
    Hopeful I’ll see the Corpse Flower tomorrow.
    No mad today.

  • Jennifer Reed

    I am happy today because I am feeling better after having a head cold for the last few days. Also, my daughter get’s to meet her teacher tonight and she is very excited to go back to school as am I. I also got to go to Chipotle for lunch with my sons today for a treat.


    I had to go to the dentist this morning & I need a root canal treatment that’s going to set me back about 400 Euro (about 550 dollars). That’s enough to madden anyone.


    I’m hopeful that the sun will continue to shine through to the weekend – we really could do with a bit of sun on our faces!


    Today I’m happy that I got up really early, got all the humdrum chores done & can now enjoy the little bit of sunshine!

  • Freya LV

    I’m happy today because it’s really nice out and they predicted a thunderstorm for tonight which me & my kids just love!

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because I am going to a big supermarket with mom to buy her the kitchen tools she wants. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because I bought a perfect pair of boyfriend jeans and a perfect lace top. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because I had to take 3 buses to get home from a station in the heat of 35 celsius degrees. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to have a nice birthday lunch with friends.
    Hopeful that it won’t be too hot on Friday.
    No mad today (what? another year older?)


    Hold on to your hats folks, the sun is shining – in Ireland! What a relief! I’ve been busy in the garden & getting lads of laundry done so happy days!

  • Tiana

    I am MAD because the movie I just wasted 2 hours on, was a total waste of time! Total stinker with an ending that made no sense! I’m going to imdb to see what other people thought! lol

  • Tiana

    I am HOPEFUL that my husband will be home on time tonight. He told me he has to work late the rest of the week, but I am crossing my fingers!

  • Kristen

    One of my friends’ posts have completely stopped showing up in my Facebook stream, and I can’t figure out how to fix it! (mad!)

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because this will be mom’s flight after more than 25 years. She’s excited. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because I finished all the booking for our weekend trip with mom. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because had to pay a bunch of money to stay only 3 days in Singapore. What an expensive country! Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Ashley C

    Ha. What made me mad today? My neighbors! I’m so sick of their stupidity and childishness. There’s two “boys” (I don’t even know how old they are – out of highschool at least!) that are there. And they think it’s cool to be obnoxious on their fourwheeler and dirtbike. Then they see me outside with my dog and start acting even worse. So sick of it.

  • Ashley C

    To be honest, nothing really made me happy today. :/ Not that I was unhappy or anything, it just was a bland day. I wish it had been better, though.

  • ginette4

    I’m not happy…after the jewellery having my wedding set for almost one month and after calling and seeing if it’s ready and then driving 20 minutes out of my way to pick it up and they haven’t even starting work on it..I have to have it for my daughter’s wedding…oh I’m hopeful that it will be ready


    A chap came out this morning to check my internet connection & I don’t want to count my chickens but so far so very impressed. Hopefully this will sort out the varying quality that I’ve been getting lately.


    Today I did what I very rarely manage to do: I had a nap, well, actually more than a nap. The new kitten & I curled up and slept for 2 hours! Feeling so much better!

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because I get to buy my favorite pastry: chous. They’re just the best. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because I had a great meal made by mom with fish and boiled vegetables. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because I could not find anyone look after my dog while I’m away. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Tiana

    I am MAD because my husband’s hospital procedure is taking way longer than it should and my kids are driving me crazy in the waiting room! Grumble!

  • Tiana

    I am HOPEFUL because I am waiting to see if I can replace my knock-off made in China 120 eyeshadow palette with the real deal Coastal Scents one. It’s even on sale right now! =)

  • Tiana

    I am HAPPY today because my eye makeup turned out really well! lol I went for a really wild, bold purple look that really emphasizes my green eyes. =)


    I’m mad as hell (at myself AGAIN) because after everything that’s happened recently to me: big op on my leg, Dad dying, Mum’s cancer op & recovery, the cat dying, getting gout in my foot, being stung by a wasp on my bad foot etc. etc. I now have what seems to be an abscess on a tooth —– whatever next? Managed to get an emergency appointment for lunchtime today & NOT looking forward to it.


    I managed to cut a beautiful bunch of roses (actually all that were left after the heavy rain) & I’m hopeful that they’ll look lovely on Dad’s grave.

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because I am going to do some serious shopping with mom for clothes. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because I delivered a gift to a friend’s parents. They’re happy to receive it. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because I so hate my birth country of thievies and indecency. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Tiana

    I am MAD because I read in my magazine they are going to do an unauthorized TV movie of 90210 and Melrose Place, like they did with Saved by the Bell, but they didn’t say when they are coming out! lol I really want to see both of them, especially the 90210 one!

  • Tiana

    I am HOPEFUL today because I bought a Carmel apple with nuts at the outlet mall yesterday and I’m going to break into it tonight! Can’t wait to enjoy it! =)

  • Tiana

    I am HAPPY today because I got to sleep in and take a nap! Catching up on my sleep while having this cold has really been needed! Thank God for my husband!

  • Angelica

    I’m happy that we got to sleep in today. I’m hopeful that today won’t get too hot, it was totally pleasant yesterday! I’m mad that I’m achy and have a headache today.

  • Vera Godley

    My son visiting today and sharing blessings he has received from messages at church! Seeing a church friend back at church after she and husband experienced numerous major health events. Sunshine and cooler “summer” temperatures.


    I had no sleep again because of this blooming wasp sting so I’ve spent much of the day catching up on admin, paying bills etc. with my foot in a bucket of iced water. It does help though.


    Well, I’m still hoping that the weather is going to change. It’s stopped raining (for now) but it’s humid & my bones ache — thunder storm coming I think!


    Today I’m happy because the new kitten is a delight! I’d forgotten how tiny they are & his purr is so loud! Everything is new and an adventure at that age, it’s lovely to watch!

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because I had crabs, fried shrimps, and awesome grilled meat today. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because it’s so damn hot and humid here that I did not feel like eating anything. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Tracy Robertson

    I’m hopeful for more overtime to come at work! I’ve gotten a lot of it lately and it seems to keep coming. It really helps a lot.

  • Tracy Robertson

    I’m mad at stupid drivers today! I think driving is a serious responsibility and should always be handled as such. But then I saw a car take a corner real fast and speed off at about 55 in a 35 MPH zone. Horrible!

  • Angelica

    Oh my gosh. Seeing your happy little granddaughter in that tutu dress totally made me happy today! I’m hopeful that we’ll be able to finish up our insulation project tomorrow. I’m mad at the horrendous amount of traffic we ran into today.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to have a quiet day at home to play with my new tablet.
    Hopeful that I’ll learn the ins and outs of it.
    No mad today.

  • ginette4

    I am hopeful that things will get better for health is starting to improve and I’m hopeful that I get my life back soon


    Not mad just real pain last night & today. I only went & stood on a wasp. With my gouty foot. Such pain …. and of course no sleep after that and not a lot in the way of sympathy either, let me tell you! Anti-histamines galore & painkillers & then sat with my foot in a bucket of ice water all evening and again today which has helped but it’s a mega-ouch that I could have done without.


    I am of course not satisfied with just a couple of hours of dry weather, I want more, so I’m hopeful we get even a day or two without the blooming rain! I swear, I can hear the weeds laughing at me!


    I don’t want to tempt fate but it’s half past three in the afternoon & shhhhh! it hasn’t rained yet!!!! To busy getting washing & drying done to be happy but it’s good, I can tell you!

  • ginette4

    I’m angry that I won’t be able to join my daughter at her wedding meeting this weekend to sample the food for the big day.

  • ginette4

    I’m hopeful that some people will realize that it’s not all about them and to stop being negative and nasty..only makes them look like asses

  • Angelica

    I’m totally happy today is Friday. I’m hopeful we’ll be able to finish up a few projects this weekend and that the insulation we’re putting in our bedroom will help it from turning into such a sauna/ popsicle in the summer and winter respectively. I’m mad that my tummy is upset today.


    Will this weather ever improve? Come on lads, it’s flipping August & all it’s done is rain since June. A little bit of sunshine now & then wouldn’t be that hard to organise, would it?


    Last night the poor wee thing cried a lot missing his Mummy. Hopefully he won’t feel so homesick & will settle down but he’s so tiny!

  • Tiana

    I am MAD that my husband brought a cold home from work and I feel miserable! Runny, stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, aches. Bleh! =(

  • Tiana

    I am HOPEFUL today that our schedules will coincide and I will get to take a nap this afternoon when my little one takes hers! Fingers crossed! =)

  • Tiana

    I am HAPPY today because my oldest daughter is going to work with my husband. That means it’s just me and the little one today and I get to catch up on my DVR! Hooray! =)

  • Tracy Robertson

    I went to the summer free concert in the park in my town today, had a nice time and even ran in to a friend there. That made me happy!

  • Melanie Borhi

    i was happy today because there are only 18 days till cuba and i won off keno ticket and got to spend some time with the person i am with

  • Sarah L

    Had a great Sensory Garden tour today with a group of autistic kids.
    Hopeful that I’ll have a fun swim class tomorrow.
    No mad today.


    I’m hopeful that the Cheeky Monkey will settle in – it’s a big house & we’re in the countryside as well so there’s so much to explore when you’re only 9 weeks old!


    Happiness is all in one little bundle of fur who was to be called Eli but it doesn’t suit him at all! Cheeky monkey is more apt!

  • Angelica

    I’m happy that we had a great time hanging out with our neighbors last night. I’m hopeful that the paleo peach ice cream recipe I’m going to try out today turns out! I’m not mad at anything today.

  • Tracy Robertson

    I am happy that I had time to browse the DVD’s at the library today and I found one that looks really interesting. It’s called Escape From Tomorrow. I can’t wait to watch it this weekend!

  • Angelica

    I’m happy that I lost ten pounds this month and I’m hopeful that if we stick with the Whole30/ Paleo that getting to a reasonable weight will actually be a possibility! I’m mad that my hubby looks like he lost 30 lbs and I’m just over here wearing the same clothes and not losing any sizes. Oh well!

  • Sarah L

    Very happy to get email that I won an Acer tablet.
    Hopeful that it won’t be TOO hot tomorrow for Sensory Tour.
    No mad today.


    No mad at all (yet) apart from the lousy weather. We’ve just had the wettest July in 50 years & August has been a wash-out so far.


    Mum saw her consultant today & she doesn’t need chemo! What a relief! The tumour was localised & her lymph glands are clear.

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because I will be going to see my lovely dog before leaving for a vacation. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because it’s the last day at work before holiday for me. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because my phone broke down right after its guarantee is over. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Marnie G (Derrick Todd)

    It made me mad that I was on hold for over 1/2 hour with the cable company before I talked to anyone.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to stop for some Greek takeout today. Yum.
    Hopeful that it won’t be too hot on Thursday for my Sensory Tour.
    No mad today (altho there’s too much construction going on making for slow traffic)

  • ginette4

    What made me mad today..well upset would be a better word..just upset with the lack of empathy that today’s society has

  • Angelica

    I’m happy that I have a box of fresh peaches downstairs and just ate two for breakfast. 😛 I’m hopeful that my canning peaches adventure will be more successful than my last attempt! I’m mad that a muscle in my back has been spasming all night and day with no signs of letting up.


    My headcold is driving me demented as is the lack of energy, lack of motivation, feeling down in the dumps …


    Tomorrow I’m taking Mum for her monthly follow-up after her op. Let’s just hope that the news is good & that he got all the cancer.


    Hi Connie, today I’m happy because Mum is so much better & able to do so much more for herself. Of course it could be that she hates my cooking!

  • Justus

    I hope it’s okay to do a three-parter!

    Today I was made HAPPY when I played a new game, “Deck Building: The Deck Building Game” with my sister. It was really fun!

    I was HOPEFUL today when I found out that a bunch of people really liked one of my paintings. I hope this means I’m improving!

    I was MAD today when I found out a store canceled my order because they didn’t have any more in my size. I needed those pants!

    For some reason, the system thinks this post is spam?

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because it’s a nice sunny day for a depressing workload. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because I bought good locks for mom. Now thieves are less of a worry. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because people at work are slow and they drag me to hell with them. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to get email that I won $25 GC to the Cheesecake Factory. Yum.
    Hopeful that I’ll have a good visit with my doctor tomorrow.
    No mad today.

  • Angelica

    Cooking up some awesome coconut chicken for lunch made me happy today. I’m hopeful that this week will go by quickly and the weather will cool down like it’s supposed to! I’m mad that I woke up super achy and am still not feeling better.

  • Tiana

    I am MAD today because my back is acting up and giving me problems! I am having a hard time sitting and using my tablet without it cramping and spasming on me! Bleh! =( Medication and heating pad time!

  • Tiana

    I am HOPEFUL today because I am burning my Jewel Scent candle and I am almost to the ring! Can’t wait to see what I got! =)

  • Tiana

    I am HAPPY today because I am snacking on my Brach’s Milk and Dark Chocolate Bridge Mix. I can only find it in one specific store for some reason, but it makes me very happy! lol =)

  • James Robert

    I went to Kroger this morning, spent $90 and saved $80 so that made me real happy. I am seeing couponing really works and all things I needed


    My headcold is making me miserable & that’s maddening. I can’t sleep for coughing & sneezing and the weather is dreadful so even looking out the window is a downer. Think I’ll just curl up under the duvet with a mug of soup!

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because it seems that I’m meeting old friends for a good time this month quite a lot. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because mom is off work to prepare for the holiday with me in Singapore. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because every retired person flocks to the bank on the first day of month and makes it so crowded. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Pamela Gurganus

    Something that made me mad today is my husband and I have to be honest, in the 12 years we’ve been married, this is like only the third time it’s happened, but when it does, it’s a whopper! I’m whipped.

  • Pamela Gurganus

    Something that has made me hopeful today is that by the grace of God, I can wake up and start all over again tomorrow.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to have a great brunch with friends at Fresh Fish Company: tender crab legs, yummy mussels, lots of other things and a key lime mousse for dessert.
    Hopeful that I’ll fit in my pants tomorrow.
    No mad today.

  • Angelica

    I’m happy the weather is cooler today and hopeful that it won’t heat up like it’s forecasted to, we’re so over this hot weather!! I’m mad that I’ve had a killer headache all day. :/


    Sorry – the previous post should have said “in August”. Still I’m hopeful that the forecasters get it right & that the weather will improve, just in time for the children to go back to school.


    I’m just a weeny little bit mad becasue I have a damn headcold – in July! It’s this blooming Irish summer (July is always a bit dodgy).

  • James Robert

    It is early in the but I was happy I was able to have my first cup of coffee before the kids woke up. Usually if all 5 of them are up, it isn’t to peaceful here in the mornings

  • Tracy Robertson

    I’m a little mad with my boyfriend and my Mom today. I asked them for a very simple favor (a ride that is about 30 minutes away) later this month. Even with 3 weeks notice, my boyfriend said no, he doesn’t want to go out of his way, and my Mom said “I’ll think about it”. Geez, I’d do just about anything for either of them and I haven’t asked my Mom for a favor in years. I really don’t know what they are thinking of! I am going to take the bus rather than worry about trying to convince them!

  • Tracy Robertson

    I had OT at work today and it made me happy because it was a great, productive day and the OT is really good for my paycheck!

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because some people just change their plan at the last moment and that affects everyone else. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Nataile Brown

    It may sound weird but I was happy today that it’s raining outside. It’s super hot here in Florida and, when it rains, it brings the temps down. Nice!

  • Angelica

    I’m happy today because despite getting six hours of sleep I woke up feeling rested and we had an awesome day with friends. I’m hopeful that my hubby didn’t actually hurt his shoulder today and it will just be sore for a few days. I’m mad that my husband did something incredibly stupid to hurt his shoulder today. :/

  • Tiana

    I am MAD today because due to our less than stellar credit, the landlord added $400 extra to our security deposit and after we signed the lease we found out there was a $200 processing fee that we were never told about! VERY MAD about that!

  • Tiana

    I am HOPEFUL today, because according to my husband, he has a plan so that the move won’t be too stressful! We are going to double rent for a month so we can take our time moving. It’s going to be very expensive paying rent and utilities at 2 places, but it will give us time and convenience to move!

  • Tiana

    I am HAPPY today because after a ridiculously long, painful search we finally found a house to rent! Super excited to be moving in 2 weeks! Hooray! =)


    Today I slept till 2pm! I knew I was tired & feeling low but wow! Hopefully this means that I’ll be feeling a bit more able to face the world!

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because the weather forecast says it won’t rain tomorrow. We should go to the amusement park. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win

  • Sarah L

    Happy to get a box from FeEx with 6 boxes of Scotties and a $25 Amazon GC.
    Hopeful that my shift at the County Fair tomorrow will be fun.
    No mad today

  • Natalie

    I am hopeful today because the weather is shaping up to be very nice when my brother comes to visit me next week!

  • Natalie

    I am mad today mainly because I have to work this weekend after working a full 50 hours this week. I am getting burnt out from work.

  • Natalie

    I am happy today because I have made it through the week and all the patients I saw today were nice! It makes the day much more enjoyable!

  • Angelica

    I’m happy that today is Friday and we’re doing fun stuff with friends tomorrow. I’m hopeful that I won’t pass out from the hot weather today and this weekend! 🙂 I’m mad that I woke up achy and with crazy dry eyes this morning.


    Mad today because my internet connection is hopeless today & because Monday is a public holiday here in Ireland it could be Tuesday by the time someone comes out to check it. I’m having to type as fast as I can while I still have a connection so there may be typos!

  • Pamela Gurganus

    Something that made me mad today is before we lave on our weekend away, the left blinker bulb in our car needed to be replaced. I got made trying to put it back in because it wasn’t so easy!

  • Pamela Gurganus

    Something that made me hopeful today is they finally came and replace the broken window in my guest bedroom. Now when it storms this afternoon, I’m hopeful it won’t rain in!

  • Pamela Gurganus

    Something that made me happy today is my husband has a few days off work and we are going to the beach for the weekend. I can’t wait!

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because I will be bringing some money home for dad. I hope he’s doing alright. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because I don’t have evening work so I could go browse the secondhand stores to buy good stuff. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because too many giveaway hosts ignore terms and conditions part. They do not even mention if the giveaway is international or not. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to have seen a GREAT show last night: Move Live On Tour. 5th row seats. High energy, fun show.
    Hopeful that I’ll have a good class tomorrow.
    No mad today.

  • Angelica

    Knowing tomorrow is Friday made me happy today. Lol. I’m hopeful that this hot streak in the weather won’t last as long as the last one. I’m mad that I woke up at four in the morning and could barely go back to sleep, tiiired today. :/


    I’m going to do the weekly shop in about an hour – I’m just hoping that I don’t wear myself out. It’s the first time I’ve done something like this since the big op. on my leg back in February.


    Today I’m happy just because nothing has gone wrong yet! Strawberries fresh from my garden & my homemade natural yoghurt for breakfast helped – yum!

  • Raine

    The weather report I just looked up has made me hopeful today. We’re supposed to get thunderstorms, we need the rain. Plus, who doesn’t love a good storm, it’s cozy and that great smell after.

  • Raine

    My happiness today began yesterday, my book I’ve been waiting for finally came in at the library. I couldn’t put it down and read it all in one sitting -so I actually finished it today (it’s about 3am) . It was excellent so I’m very happy (except for the cliffhanger and the next one isn’t released until January 2016, the pain of being a book addict ) 🙂

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because I have a slight thought of going back home and live near mom. That could be a nice future. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because I applied for another job and I hope to hear from them soon. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because I cut my finger at work and now it hurts like hell but I still need to put up with it. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Angelica

    I’m happy I had fresh ripe cantaloupe waiting for me downstairs this morning. YUM! I’m hopeful the rest of this week will go by quickly because we have some fun plans for Saturday. I’m mad I slept like poo last night.

  • Christy Caldwell

    I’m A little mad at myself today because I fell and cracked my ankle. Now I am walking around in a splint and on crutches. I’m so clumsy.

  • Christy Caldwell

    I Am happy today, because my fiancé mailed me a sweet card. Checked the mail this morning and there it is. It’s not my birthday or any special occasion. He just wants me to know he loves and misses me. ?


    Not mad at anything today – too tired to even think if I’m honest. Just don’t get me started on the topic of the weather – bleh!


    I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to do our weekly shop tomorrow. My sister & niece have been great helping us out but it’s just not the same thing, is it?


    I drove Mum to the hairdresser today! Yay! I’m back, after months of having to depend on others to drive me around after my op!

  • rachel cartucci

    Well, so far I can’t think of anything that has made me mad today…thank goodness. Oh wait…yeah I am flat broke and running out of food items…that kind of pisses me off.

  • rachel cartucci

    Entering this giveaway made me feel hopeful. The garage said they could replace out car window today…and I am hopeful they will. (the city was cutting grass and a rock popped our car)

  • rachel cartucci

    My husband was in a very good mood as he was leaving for work today so that made me happy too. My son slept all night and so did I…that also really made me happy.

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because it’ll be sunny today so I can run my ass off after work. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because I ate the best Pad Thai shrimp in town. Oh how I love this dish. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because the colleagues are taking too much time at the coffee table instead of doing work. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Tiana

    I am MAD because today has been a completely terrible day in the Land of Potty Training! =p Everytime it seems like we are making strides forward, we seem to take steps backwards. Bleh!

  • Tiana

    I am HOPEFUL because I just purchased a few candles with rings in them. Maybe I will get one with a “real” piece of jewelry! =)

  • Tiana

    We went to my youngest daughter’s Little Gym Super Beast class tonight. Watching her do steps on the big balance beam by herself and a backwards flip on the bars for the first time made me HAPPY! =)

  • Pamela Gurganus

    Something that made me mad today is the landscapers broke the brand new window in my guest bedroom when they were mowing the lawn!

  • Pamela Gurganus

    Something that made me hopeful today is my husband had to go in to work early for overtime. That means production is up!

  • Pamela Gurganus

    Something that made me happy today is I got a package in the mail from my mom with my favorite cookies in it!

  • Bessamy

    What made me Happy Today? Hmmm. My two little bad dogs have a way of making me Happy every day. They are both very cute bad dogs. Today one missed the couch when she went to jump on it. Made me laugh. She looked surprised like the couch moved. She is a klutz. Thanks for the chance!

  • Marnie G (Derrick Todd)

    I received a note from an old friend today about getting together with her in the next week or so – that made me feel hopeful as I haven’t seen her in over a year.

  • Angelica

    Winning a Nest Thermostat made me super happy today! I’m hopeful that today won’t get as hot as they forecasted. I’m mad that I still have a lingering headache after feeling crappy all weekend.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to be done house sitting and can sleep in my own bed tonight.
    Hopeful that the show tomorrow will be great.
    No mad today.


    I’m only mad at the weather (again) today! More heavy showers & even thunder. It’s like monsoon season out there!


    Mum’s feeling much better, thanks goodness. She even has a hair appointment tomorrow. I’m so hopeful that she continues to improve!

  • Pamela Gurganus

    There is not one single thing that has made me particularly mad today. However, it is still very early in the day, so I am hoping it will stay this way.

  • Pamela Gurganus

    There is not one single thing that has made me particularly hopeful today, but it is still very early in the day.

  • Pamela Gurganus

    There is not one single thing that has made me particularly happy today, but it is still very early in the day.

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because I’m back to planning a trip to Singapore with mom despite all the bad articles recently. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because it’s so quiet at work I have a nice peaceful time working. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because I the folders at work suddenly fell off the shelves causing me a heart attack. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Raine

    I was angry today because my trash men accidentally skipped my house. They can’t get back in my area until Thursday and I filled the can and recycling bin to the brim.

  • Raine

    I’m happy today because I sold an item on ebay and thst allowed me to purchase a much needed new air purifier. I found a great deal on a told rated unit! Bye bye dust & dander!

  • Becca

    My dog made me happy by misbehaving. I know this sounds weird, but he had a hurt paw and it let me know he was finally feeling better and more like himself!

  • Angelica

    Finally getting insulation put in our closet made me happy today. I’m hopeful for lower energy bills and a more comfortable living room this winter! I’m mad at feeling crappy again today. :/

  • Devin

    I was at the grocery store today and an older man was walking by. He saw a lady and her two small children. He waved at the small baby and she started giggling and cooing at him. He looked SO happy in that moment. It put a big smile on my face the rest of the day.

  • Tiana

    I am MAD today because my kids are acting like crazy animals! I can’t wait until school starts and I can at least get a break from my 7 year old! =p

  • Tiana

    I am HOPEFUL today because we still only have competition with two other people for the house. One of which has a 50 pound dog and they don’t want big dogs because they just put brand new laminate wood flooring throughout the entire house. So…fingers crossed! =)

  • Tiana

    I am HAPPY today because I went on a walk thru of the house I want and I am so in love with it! The kitchen is amazing and it has double ovens which is my dream thing! lol The hardwood floors are super pretty too! =)


    Mad? Not at all (yet!). But as it’s only lunchtime there’s still plenty of time left in the day for everything to go bottoms-up!


    Mum’s stoma nurse was here first thing this morning & she’s delighted with Mum’s progress (as are we)! Here’s hoping we’ve finally turned the corner & it’s onwards and upwards from now on!


    Today I’m happy because well, actually, because nothing has gone wrong so far today! It’s not much but every little helps, right?

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because it’s finally full working week before I could leave for a sunny vacation. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because I bought mom many useful items as souvenirs before the trip home . Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because I ate a super hot pizza yesterday and now the stomach is punishing me. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Raine

    I’m hopeful today because some of my eBay auctions that are ending have bids on them, so fingers crossed there may be some bidding wars and I can make a little extra money to put back in my savings account to recuperate from the emergency vet visits when my kitties were sick.

  • Raine

    I was mad today, actually tonight (at myself ) for being so clumsy while I was putting groceries away. I stood up and bashed my forehead on the open cabinet door! I’m going to be feeling that one for a couple of days.

  • Raine

    Today I was happy because I got to fit in a shopping trip with my mother, we had a lot of fun. We stopped and ate at Panera Bread and found some good treasures at TJ Maxx! 🙂

  • Angelica

    I’m happy that my hubby’s work schedule changed and we get to sleep in a little tomorrow. I’m hopeful that I just overdid it yesterday and that’s why I feel crappy, not because I’m getting sick. I’m mad that I’ve felt terrible all day.


    The only thing that got me a weeny bit mad was my own fault as usual. We have some beautiful fresh apricots & I had one without peeling it – now I’m all red & itchy around my mouth. Happens every time so why I thought I could get away with it is anyone’s guess!


    I’m hopeful that we get no visitors to see Mum while I’ve got my face mask on! It’s happened before but luckily it was only the postman and he knows I’m a bit eccentric!


    I’m happy because all my chores (yawn) are done and it’s still early-ish so now it’s me time. Going to have a bit of a pamper session with bubbles & face mask!

  • Rosie

    I’m happy today I was able to get where I was going no rain or thunderstorm. It stopped before I had to leave – yippee!

  • Pamela Gurganus

    There is not one thing that has made me mad today. Of course, the day it still early, but I am feeling good that this is going to be a nice day.

  • Pamela Gurganus

    Something that made me hopeful today is all of our bills are paid. We can breath easy for another few weeks.

  • Pamela Gurganus

    On thing that made me happy today is I was able to reserve a movie on DVD that I have been wanting to see for quite a while now.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because we had lunch at a Thai restaurant to celebrate the boyfriend’s graduation. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Raine

    I was briefly angry today at my kitten. She was chasing a moth and jumped, missed, and used my shoulder, hand and leg to break her fall with claws. I know it was an accident but ugh, it hurt. I yelped, she ran, I cleaned the scratches and by the time I was done she was back on moth duty 🙂

  • Raine

    My flowers made me hopeful today. I do not have a green thumb and I’m already on my second attempt at keeping the flowers alive on my porch. Today marked a week and my two newest plants are thriving. (It nay not seem like much nut it’s a huge accomplishment for me lol, so I’m hopeful I may just keep these alive )

  • Raine

    I was happy today because my daughter stopped by to visit. It was supposed to be my Saturday with my mom but we had to cancel so she brought coffee and we sat out and watched the storm clouds roll in.


    Not really mad at anything or anyone YET! Early days though, so anything could happen between now & bedtime.


    Today I’m hopeful that I can catch up on some chores around the house at last. I’m still really tired and everything takes such an effort when you’re stuck in a wheelchair but I just have to get on with it.


    I’m happy today because Mum ate all her lunch! It doesn’t seem like much but she’s had no appetite lately and needs her strength to recover from the surgery.

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because I don’t have to bury my face in the restaurant on this beautiful day. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Kimberly Hilbert

    What made me mad today? I tried to subscribe to your Blog Lovin’ but can’t. I says I have to sign up for your emails, which I already do. Then when I try to subscribe again, it just doesn’t move from the “subscribe here” pop-up. Then I try to sign in with facebook, and it just stays on the pop-up “Subscribe here”. Very annoying. So sorry I can’t follow on Blog Lovin’.

  • Tiana

    I am mad today because when I tried to post my “mad” comment, the site messed up and refused to load and kept erroring out over and over! lol Thus my mad comment now is updated to this!

  • Raine

    I was mad (more like upset) today because my mom had to cancel our regular Saturday shopping /lunch trip because she got roped into going to two parties tomorrow. Their more obligation than fun as they’re thrown by her corporate bosses, she already works hard enough! Ugh

  • Jan Lee

    Hmm, maybe not mad but frustrated, lol Someone told me they left voice mails on my cell phone and it did not show any messages at all! grrrr lol

  • Jan Lee

    I’m hopeful that because I do random acts of kindness and paying it forward when I can, that I was fortunate today to have something good happen to me 🙂

  • Jan Lee

    I was happy because one of my prescriptions got paid for thru a local program. It was $200 for a 3 month supply and I just don’t have that kind of money right up front. I told the dr. I couldn’t take the med and their office did some networking and found a program to help pay for the prescription. 🙂

  • Sarah L

    Happy to have a great hot stone massage this morning and a good swim class.
    Hopeful that tomorrow will be a quiet day at home.
    No mad today.

  • McKim

    My daughter calling me made me happy. She is a new teacher, and is excited to share with me all the preparations she is making in her classroom.

  • Tiana

    I am hopeful today, because the house we are trying to rent only has a few applicants and at least one of them has a large dog – so I am sure we will beat them out in the running at least since we have two house trained, fixed, declared cats! =) lol

  • Angelica

    I’m happy that it’s supposed to rain this weekend, woohoo!! I’m hopeful that it will pour buckets and save all the dead things in my yard. 🙂 I’m not mad about anything today.

  • Deborah W.

    So far today nothing has made me mad. I’m frustrated because I can’t get into the laundry room but that’s about it.

  • Deborah W.

    The fact that today is Friday and the weekend lies ahead makes me very hopeful. I enjoy the relaxed feel of the weekend.

  • Deborah W.

    I am so happy to see the sunshine and beautiful weather outside this morning. It’s so much nicer than the clouds and rain. Thank you, God!


    I’m happy because I got to go out today. Just for an hour & only to the pharmacy but at least it got me out of the house for a little break!


    It’s raining again – so sick of this weather but it’s quite warm so I’ll just sit here & watch the weeds grow!

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because it’s finally Friday and I can relax after a long working week. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because we’re having BBQ party tomorrow and I hope the weather is nice. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because there have been articles about Singapore refuses entrance of Vietnamese citizenship. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to be off to the volunteer appreciation party at DBG. Good food & friends.
    Hopeful that there will be no rain tonight on the party.
    No mad today.

  • Deborah W.

    The one thing that made me mad today was seeing that a dog owner did not clean up after his dog. It makes the rest of us dog owners look bad.

  • Deborah W.

    The one thing that made me happy today was going to the store and getting everything that was on my list. I also got a frappe on the way home.

  • Theresa C.

    What made me mad today is my immature adult brother. He posted a very non-flattering picture of our mother on Facebook and it hurt her feelings. Grr …

  • Angelica

    I’m happy that I woke up feeling pretty decent this morning, like I don’t want to go back to sleep for another four hours. 🙂 I’m hopeful that this feeling pretty decent thing is from the whole30 diet and not just a fluke day, so it will continue happening! I’m mad about the monster, monster, monster pimple growing on my chin. Ugh.


    The laundry mountain continues to grow and the rain continues to fall. Grr! Just a day or two without rain would make all the difference!


    There’s been a bit of tension between my sister & Mum lately & I’m hopeful that they can just get over it (PLEASE).


    Still not particularly happy – just too darned tired, I suppose, and operating on automatic pilot but my niece got her driver’s learning permit so that’s good news (except for the other road users!).

  • Mai T.

    I’m hopeful today because I learnt new knowledge today at work about booking travels. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m happy today because we decided on another road trip (this time by bus) for this weekend. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I’m mad today because some people’s humor is just intolerable and rude. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Raine

    I got mad today or I should say pretty frustrated because my landlord told me I’ll need to stop feeding the squirrels. He said the peanut shells are bothering the neighbors which I find ridiculous and feeding the squirrels is our fun morning routine for the cats to watch them out the window while I sit and drink my coffee.

  • Raine

    What made me hopeful today was that I finally got an appointment to find out what’s causing my migraines/testing, it took a long time for my referral to go through so I’m really hoping that we can figure out what’s going on and treat it.

  • Raine

    I was happy today because it was my mother’s birthday but she doesn’t like to make a big deal out of it so we had a great time hitting the farmers market then heading to Starbucks and wandering around Barnes and Nobles just relaxing it was a great night.

  • Megan Zuchowski

    What made me hopeful is that I got some good news about something I’d been hoping for. What made me mad is when I forgot my keys in the car.

  • Angelica

    Finishing repairing our fence today made me happy. I’m excited and hopeful about my cousin’s upcoming wedding this weekend. I’m mad at the flea’s that got to my pup and now he’s scratching himself to death. 🙁

  • Roxanne H

    I think one of the things that made me happy today was my pets. Just feeding them, spending time with them, taking the dogs for their walks!

  • Sarah L

    Happy to get an email that I won coupons for Popsicles. Hot this month.
    Hopeful that it will be a fun volunteer party tomorrow.
    No mad today.


    All that’s got me mad today is the flipping rain, pain and aches in my bad knee, mountains of laundry … the list goes on but what’s the point of complaining? I think I need to get out more!


    Anywho! Funny how that’s become part of speech, isn’t it? Well, as I was saying, not much happiness around these parts so I’ll just live in hope that I start to feel a bit more like me.


    Today’s little bit of happiness, well, to be honest, it hasn’t happened yet! It’s probably just tiredness but I’ve been feeling down for the last couple of days.

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