Photo Canvas from #inkdoodle

My regular followers are going to roll their eyes at me but…. I CAN’T HELP IT!!! So, what am I talking about? I made it my goal for 2016 to get one photo of all three of my Grandkids smiling at the camera, at THE same time. And I DID it!! I took a photograph of the 3 kids that came out amazing!!! All three kids were smiling. REAL genuine smiles!! All looking at the camera at the same time!! ALL three!! I was giddy. I AM giddy!! Of course I HAD to have this picture on canvas so I could enjoy it every single day. (Yes, every time I see it a song does play in my head…”I did it… I did it… I did it!!”)

My new canvas came from Inkdoodlcanvase and I am thoroughly pleased!! My canvas is perfect. The canvas looks like a photograph, crisp and detailed.  Three smiling faces!! (have I mentioned how giddy I am over this shot??)

The Inkdoodle site is super easy to use. The canvas size selection is amazing! You can decide if you want your canvas on a wood stretcher frame or without. Inkdoodle will even retouch your photograph or even convert to black & white or sephia. You can also decide how you want your edges to be finished.

I chose the photo wrap option. The sides are different than any other canvas I own. Instead of a continuation of the photograph the sides are actually parts of the photograph. It’s very unique and interesting too!!


Not a single one! This is a beautiful canvas and I am completely impressed with the quality and the workmanship! And ya know… I DID it!!

Disclosure: I received a free or greatly discounted product for the purpose of this review. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Questions or concerns please contact me at



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